
Self-destruct to perish together.

Just through a few dozen minutes of observation, he was able to analyze the two people in the death cage so thoroughly. Not only that, when Ye Chuan saw the Wuzong disciple falling into a disadvantage, he was not disappointed but instead watched calmly, silently sipping tea from his cup.

This calmness was terrifyingly strange.

Having met countless people, Sophie couldn't help but want to know Ye Chuan's background.

"I am just a passerby, that's all," Ye Chuan said very calmly.

Such a response made Sophie unable to believe it, giving rise to the thought in her heart, 'Is he really just a passerby? That's impossible.'

At this moment, in the death cage, the senior hunter Green Eagle had his throat locked by the Wuzong disciple, his expression painful.

Green Eagle had carried out countless bounty missions, assassinating others, assassinating fierce beasts, and venturing into indescribable places and coming out unscathed. Now, when his enemies came seeking revenge, he had no intention of hiding but instead accepted the challenge calmly.

Even though he had the right to refuse the challenge from his enemies in this bounty sect, he did not do so.

This is the resolve of a bounty hunter.

Now, the senior hunter Green Eagle, like prey, had his throat tightly locked by the predator.

However, even though Green Eagle's expression was painful, he forced a laugh: "In this life, I have killed countless people, so it wasn't all for nothing. But you need to be careful now."


"Not good, he's going to self-destruct!"

Green Eagle's body began to glow; he was about to self-destruct and take the Wuzong disciple with him.

The Wuzong disciple showed a terrified expression, his pupils dilating infinitely.

This was a self-destructive move, condensing all his lifelong cultivation into a deadly explosion.

If he was to die, he would take his enemy with him.


With a terrifying explosion, the death cage flashed with a dreadful white light, and then the entire death fighting arena began to shake.

The impact was felt not only in the death cage but also in the audience seats, causing them to tremble.

However, the noble and supreme audience sections were unaffected; they were better protected.

Green Eagle's self-destruction was not just to kill the Wuzong disciple but also to kill more people.

"This is too terrifying!" Lin Ruomei also shook her head.

If it hadn't been for Han Qianye and Yuchuan supporting a protective barrier, their dining table would have collapsed.

In the moment of calm that followed, most of the tables in the arena had collapsed.

Only about twenty tables in the ordinary audience section remained standing; they had been prepared in advance.

"Big brother, look." Mad Dog pointed at the death stage, looking at the Wuzong disciple who was barely alive.

The Wuzong disciple lying on the stage was burnt all over but not completely dead.

"Wuzong disciple Gao Lingyuan, wins!"

With a loud announcement from the casino manager, the recent self-destruction shock seemed not to have affected the audience's desire for a winner.


"Wow, another big win."

"Yeah, luckily we followed that kid's analysis. With this bet, we won't need to take on bounty missions for at least half a year."

Some hunters, watching Ye Chuan's table from afar, shouted happily.

They eagerly left the death arena with their winnings, heading towards livelier places to celebrate.

Some gamblers left their seats jubilantly, while others who had lost money sighed and cursed their bad luck, and even cursed the deceased Green Eagle.

However, in this noisy environment, Ye Chuan sat quietly, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him. His gaze remained fixed on the Wuzong disciple, seemingly deep in thought. At this moment, Ye Chuan's face was expressionless, making it difficult to discern his thoughts. While others were cheering for their winnings, he seemed out of place.

"This young man could determine the outcome with just a few minutes of analysis. Truly, heroes emerge from the young."

Unnoticed, someone had joined Ye Chuan's table — the woman in a white robe who had followed his analysis and placed her bet accordingly.

Before Mad Dog, Zhang Chen, Lin Ruomei, and the others could react, the woman in the white robe picked up a clean teacup and started drinking.

"I only trust my own judgment, that's all. The outcome of life and death, victory and defeat, cannot be predicted," Ye Chuan was not surprised by the sudden presence of the woman in white at his table; instead, he felt it was all quite natural.

To him, it didn't matter who sat down.

"Young man, how should I address you? I am Jian Moran, a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect. Would you be interested in visiting the Divine Sword Sect? I would be honored to personally host you."

Jian Moran, who claimed to be from the Divine Sword Sect, was very interested in Ye Chuan.

Hearing Jian Moran's offer, Zhang Chen's eyes lit up. He desperately wanted to become a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect.

However, considering the incident at Longhu Abyss, where Ye Chuan had broken the arm of the Divine Sword Sect elder's son while competing for the Tiger Heart, he dismissed the idea.

"Ye Chuan."

"Jian Moran, your name has 'ink' in it, yet you wear a white robe. That's interesting." Ye Chuan scrutinized the spirited Jian Moran and, after a moment of contemplation, said, "Even if I don't go to the Divine Sword Sect, you will come looking for me."

Ye Chuan referred to the incident where he broke Jian Wuhen's arm. Sooner or later, someone from the Divine Sword Sect would come seeking revenge.

"Since it's as Young Master Ye says, it will surely happen. How about this? The Divine Sword Sect's Ten Sword Styles are renowned throughout Central State, undefeated in the world. In two days, other sects will come to spar with us. You could come to the Divine Sword Sect to learn more."

Jian Moran brought up the Ten Sword Styles, hoping to persuade Ye Chuan to visit the Divine Sword Sect.

"Alright," Ye Chuan agreed.

Jian Moran took out a token and placed it on the table, saying, "This is the token to enter our Divine Sword Sect. Farewell for now, see you in two days."

As she finished speaking, Jian Moran stood up and drained her tea.

She disappeared in an instant, and the teacup fell to the table.

Mad Dog tried to catch the cup but failed; it landed on the table faster and more steadily than he could reach.


"That woman, who called herself Jian Moran, is a Sword Disciple of the Divine Sword Sect. Her swordsmanship talent is unparalleled, and she is very famous throughout Central State," Sophie knew Jian Moran's background.

"The death arena truly hides many talents. To see such a person here is astonishing," Lin Ruomei, who had heard of Jian Moran, was deeply impressed by her today.

Suddenly, a man as fat as a pig staggered out from the VIP audience section. He was drunk, walking unsteadily, flanked by several guards protecting him.

"This little girl is quite the looker. Spend the night with me, and let me appreciate your beauty," the man said as he approached Ye Chuan's table, immediately putting his arm around Sophie's shoulder and getting handsy.

"Brother Long, please don't. I am currently serving this table," Sophie refused the fat man outright.

"You're just a slave, a mere commodity, and you dare to refuse me? In the death arena, no one dares to refuse me."



Two consecutive slaps landed on Sophie, knocking her to the ground. She remained silent, not daring to resist.

"This tea has turned bitter!"

Ye Chuan's expression changed, and Mad Dog knew exactly what to do.

"How dare you cause trouble here!" Mad Dog didn't care about the man's background and kicked the self-proclaimed Brother Long flying.

Brother Long's guards, seeing this, were furious, emanating a terrifying aura.

"Do you know who you've provoked?" One of the guards moved incredibly fast, kicking Mad Dog thirty meters away.