
Accept the bounty mission

Ye Chuan was pulled by Lin Ruomei to go eat meat.

"Come on, come on, only when you're full can you have the strength to work."

Lin Ruomei dragged Ye Chuan into the tent of her own team.

Inside the tent, two large characters stood tall before them.

"Pick Money!"

That was the name of the team.

In addition, inside the tent, there were delicious grilled meat, grapes, and fine wine...

The members of the team gathered around the campfire, enjoying the grilled meat and wine, feeling very cheerful.

Because they all knew that such days were few and far between.

Before becoming bounty hunters and joining the Bounty Hunter Association, everyone had mentally prepared themselves.

The life of a bounty hunter was not about luxury, but rather a hard and dangerous life.

Because the targets of the bounties were often dangerous individuals.

"Come, let's eat together, we have a mission tomorrow," Captain Han Qianye said with a smile to Ye Chuan.

"It seems hospitality is hard to refuse!" Ye Chuan didn't think much, just sat down directly and joined in the hearty meal.

However, at that moment, Ling Shuang's voice came from outside the tent.

"What's this nonsense! Your tent is too close to ours, move your territory farther away, or I'll set it on fire."

Ling Shuang shouted outside the team's tent.

However, what he didn't know was that Ye Chuan's team had arrived at this spot first to set up their tents.

"When we set up the tents here, there were no other teams around."

"Going too far!"

"Or else, I'll go reason with him!"


All the members of the team knew, and had witnessed firsthand, Ling Shuang's arrogance backed by strength.

However, at this moment, while the team members were still discussing how to deal with the situation, Ye Chuan had just finished eating a piece of meat. He put down his bowl and chopsticks and prepared to go out.

"I'm full, you guys haven't finished eating yet, enjoy your meal in peace, I'll go reason with him."

Ye Chuan said with a smile to all the members of the team, including the captain.

"In that case, you handle this matter, I believe you can handle it well." Seeing Ye Chuan so confident, Han Qianye also believed he could handle the matter well and agreed to let Ye Chuan handle it.

Ye Chuan walked out of the tent expressionlessly.

"Is it you who wants us to leave here?" Ye Chuan pointed at Ling Shuang, saying coldly.

"Do you even deserve to talk to me? Call your captain out, if you don't want to die, get lost." Ling Shuang responded arrogantly, completely disregarding Ye Chuan's words.

Ye Chuan shook his head, a faint smile playing at the corner of his mouth. He knew the opportunity for revenge had come. Once again, he said coldly, "Looks like you don't remember me!"

Hearing Ye Chuan's familiar voice, Ling Shuang stared at him intensely, finally recognizing him. "So, it's you, that damn crow spirit?!"

"Last time, a dozen of us couldn't take you out. Did you step in some dog shit luck?" Ling Shuang waved his hand dismissively and continued, "This time, you won't be so lucky."

"Last time, you couldn't finish me off. This time, I'll take each of you down, starting with you!"

Before Ye Chuan could finish speaking, Ling Shuang attacked.

Facing such aggression, Ye Chuan's lips curled up slightly, showing no movement. He just smiled.

The opponent burst forth with terrifying momentum, his hands slashing like blades, aiming straight for Ye Chuan's forehead.

Ye Chuan remained still, not a breath of air escaping him.

At this moment, Ling Shuang had the thought: 'Is Yu Chuan intimidated by my strength?'


Before Ling Shuang could execute his attack, he couldn't react in time. Yu Chuan's large hand grabbed Ling Shuang's head directly, forcefully controlling it. Ling Shuang felt as if hundreds of shackles had been placed on him, rendering him immobile.

"On what grounds do you, dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

"Give you a chance, tell me why you tried to ambush me on the riverbank?"

Ye Chuan asked coldly.

A chilling killing intent flashed in Ye Chuan's eyes, terrifying Ling Shuang. He knew that Ye Chuan's strength had increased several times in a short period. If he answered incorrectly, he might die on the spot.

"Back then, we also received orders from above. There were rumors of a divine fruit in the river. We went to seize it but couldn't find it. For this fruit, we had killed many before you. As long as you spare me, I'm willing to say anything."

At this moment, Ling Shuang's previous arrogance turned into that of a pitiful dog, begging for his life.

"I see." Ye Chuan finally understood why his strength had become so powerful.

The divine fruit they had been desperately searching for had been eaten by him just before his death.

No wonder his injuries could instantly recover, and not only that, his strength surpassed his previous levels.

"That river is called the River of Oblivion. Every ten thousand years, a strange fruit is born. It's said that the fruit exists only for a day. Whoever eats it will increase their lifespan by hundreds of times and even break through several realms in cultivation. We had been squatting in the River of Oblivion for many days, stationed many people waiting for the birth of the divine fruit, but we couldn't find it. We had no choice but to kill passersby, hoping to find the origin of the fruit from the dead."

"The force behind me is the Divine Sword Sect. You can't afford to provoke them. Once I die, they will send people over, and it will be a big mess. You can't handle it."

In order to survive, Ling Shuang revealed everything, even threatening Ye Chuan to let him go.

"Do you think I dare not?!" Without much thought, Ye Chuan pressed down on Ling Shuang's head with one palm. In an instant, blood and flesh flew everywhere as he casually threw Ling Shuang's whole body away, flying several miles into the wilderness.

There was no sound from inside the tent.

"I've reasoned with him, he's gone back to his team." Ye Chuan opened the tent curtain, smiling at the team members.

"Even someone as arrogant as him can be silenced by you, Ye Chuan, truly admirable." Lin Ruomei was the first to stand up, seemingly amazed by Ye Chuan's ability to handle situations.

"Come, the wine is still warm." Han Qianye prepared a cup of warm wine for Ye Chuan.

Without a doubt, everyone admired Ye Chuan greatly.

Ye Chuan took the warm wine and drank it in one gulp.

At this moment, Captain Han Qianye stood up.

"We have two bounty missions on hand. One is a C-grade mission to go to the Dragon Tiger Abyss, slay an evil tiger, and retrieve its heart. The reward is 50 grams of gold."

As soon as they heard such a high reward, the eyes of everyone in the team lit up, eager to set off immediately for the Dragon Tiger Abyss, especially Lin Ruomei, whose mouth was wide open.

"What about the second mission?" Qi Feng, a member of the team, asked curiously.

At this moment, Han Qianye smiled, seeming to want to build suspense, and said, "The second mission? The reward is remarkable. It's a ton of gold, three Intermediate Realm Pills, and three Century Lifespan Pills, plus a selection of weapons from the Arsenal Pavilion."

"What level of mission is it? I want to do the second one." A team member in need of money couldn't wait to jump up.

"Don't be impatient. This is a legendary S+ rank mission to investigate the legendary Yin-Yang Fish." Han Qianye smiled.

Ye Chuan knew that not only his team was taking on this kind of legendary S+ rank mission, but at least ten other teams were also doing so. While they were doing low-level bounty missions, they were also looking for opportunities to complete the S+ rank missions.

Most importantly, these legendary S+ rank missions were not very reliable.