
Lord of The Mysteries: The Arrival of the New Black Emperor

A fanfiction of "Lord of the Mysteries," following the Black Emperor pathway. The Old Ones roar in the starry sky, heralding the impending apocalypse. The authority of "Order," which can minimize the risk of losing control, becomes the target of the Old Ones' contention. However, the Old Ones are unaware that the essence symbolizing order and distortion, the "Land of Disorder," has been mastered by a newly transmigrated young man with a complex background named Hobert. He joins the Tarot Club and begins to structure the order of the human world, gradually gaining control over the authority of order.

Jer0086 · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 3: New Member

Chapter 3: New Member

Early in the morning, Hobert left his room and went to the dining room on the first floor, where his younger sister and brother were already having breakfast.

His adoptive father, Brigadier General Christine Jeffrey, seemed to be underutilized despite his rank. 

Even so, a brigadier general is still a high-ranking officer and a member of the upper class in Backlund. They owned a spacious two-story villa with a sizable garden in the Queen's District.

Additionally, Hobert, his one-year-younger sister Donna, and his three-year-younger brother Tyron all attended top public elementary and secondary schools in Backlund and could easily get into Backlund University, known as the "first academy of Ruen."

However, their living conditions and treatment were far from those enjoyed by the nobility.

Hobert judged that his adoptive father Christine was not highly valued because the family's financial situation was not very affluent. He remembered that another general, Emilius, seemed to be quite wealthy.

Recently, Hobert had only managed to save 15 pounds, which was probably less than Miss Justice's pocket money.

Compared to Mr. Klein, Hobert's starting point was much better. He remembered that Mr. Klein's initial funds were only about 1 pound, which included the food expenses for the three siblings.

Donna, with her slightly curly golden hair, guarded her milk and sweet bread roll and said, "Hobert, you don't look well."

Hobert sat at the dining table and replied casually, "I had insomnia last night."

The maid served Hobert's breakfast, which included salad and fried eggs, a very sumptuous meal.

Hobert glanced at the tea and said, "I'd rather have a cup of milk."

Having been here for so long, he still wasn't used to drinking tea or coffee in the morning. However, he quickly got used to being served breakfast.

Just as the three were about to finish breakfast, Hobert's adoptive mother, Melissa, appeared on the second floor. "Hobert, come home early this afternoon. Your father is coming back today, and he said he has something important to discuss with you."

Hobert stood up and said, "Okay, Mother."

Donna said happily, "Father is coming back today? I wonder what gift he will bring me."

"Oh, dear, you still have hope for your father's gifts?" Melissa sighed, "Believe me, I've been married to your father for so many years and have never received a satisfactory gift."

Donna laughed, "That's because Father doesn't have a good personal valet."

The three siblings finished their breakfast while chatting, then went back to change clothes, gathered their school supplies, and took the family carriage to their respective schools.

Hobert was studying law at Backlund University. In the afternoon, he skipped class and found a secluded equipment room to prepare for the upcoming Tarot Club meeting.

At three o'clock, Hobert seemed to suddenly enter a dense, gray-white fog, and then a grand hall and a long bronze table appeared before him.

Miss Justice, Audrey, bowed and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Fool. It's a pity there's no fine wine here... otherwise, we could toast to your successful attempt."

She and The Hanged Man had just tried using The Fool's three-part honorific title to pray to Mr. Fool last week, and they both received responses from The Fool.

This made them realize once again how powerful The Fool was. However, what they didn't know was that a new member had repeatedly used the three-part honorific title, disturbing The Fool's sleep.

Miss Justice paused because she noticed the new member. As she spoke, she habitually began to observe.

The new member was a young man, looking energetic and likely fond of sports. He appeared calm, without the nervousness or surprise of someone attending the Tarot Club for the first time. His attire was somewhat blurry, but it seemed to be of high quality and fashionable, with a distinct Ruen Kingdom style.

Miss Justice concluded: He was likely born into the upper class of Ruen and probably lived in Backlund. Although young, he seemed very composed and calm.

Miss Justice's living conditions were a whole level above Hobert's. She and her two brothers had private tutors at home and didn't need to attend grammar school or university.

It was because of this that she didn't immediately guess that Hobert was a university student.

On the other side of the long table, The Hanged Man, Alger, also praised Mr. Fool, "Your power far exceeds our imagination."

He also noticed the new member, which made him frown. Although Mr. Fool was very powerful, he should have informed him and Miss Justice before adding a new member.

If he hadn't just witnessed Mr. Fool's power, he would have protested.

Mr. Fool said, "Very well, this shows that we are on a productive path. In the future, if you have something to do on Monday afternoons and can't attend, perform the ritual in advance to inform me."

He continued, "As you can see, the Tarot Club has a new member."

Then Mr. Fool introduced, "This is Miss Justice, and this is Mr. Hanged Man. The new member is Mr. Emperor."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Emperor," Miss Justice greeted with a smile.

This Mr. Emperor was likely a member of Ruen's upper class, which made Miss Justice feel somewhat close to him.

"Good afternoon," Hobert replied, "It's an honor to join your gathering."

The Hanged Man did not greet him but observed Hobert for a while.

The meeting officially began. Miss Justice first gave Mr. Fool a page from Emperor Roselle's diary. She kindly reminded Hobert, "The notes written in special symbols left by Emperor Roselle are actually his diary. Mr. Fool is very interested in these diaries. You can collect them and trade with Mr. Fool."

Hobert politely said, "Thank you for the reminder."

He thought to himself: I already know that, it's in simplified Chinese! But then again, Miss Justice is really kind-hearted.

Just as he thought this, he noticed that the atmosphere in the hall was a bit off. Miss Justice, The Hanged Man, and even Mr. Fool were staring at him as if he were a monster.


Hobert belatedly realized: When I heard about Emperor Roselle's diary, I didn't show enough surprise. Even a little surprise would have been good.

What should I do now? Should I explain quickly or pretend to have a strong background?

He quickly realized that whether he explained or not, the result would be the same: his identity would seem very mysterious.

So, he decided not to explain and let them imagine for themselves.

(End of Chapter)