
Lord of the Mysteries: Path of the Abyss

*** Being rewritten *** Vilkar woke up in the world of the Lord of the Mysteries and decided to walk the path of corruption, but his view of the world is different from other devils. He doesn't want to harm the innocent only guilty. And he is their judge, prosecutor and executioner.

Ilusar · 書籍·文学
67 Chs

Night of the Butcher

Before leaving the basement, Hector took off the skin suit and went to his room to prepare the necessary items for the night.

After entering his room Hector put his skin suit in his suitcase, then he prepared his usual items like two hammers one ordinarily another light hammer, he did not forget his dagger and revolver, but he also added a meat cleaver for easier cutting.

When he prepared all the items he thought he will need Hector went to his dogs for last minute session of training. Especially Gorm as Simar thanks to the potion of Apprentice was a much faster learner.

"You just need to train and grow, when you will be bigger I may even take you with me," Hector said while he patted Simar and Gorm on their heads.

"I should take you out on a walk so you can get familiar with the city." He said as he looked outside, "It looks like it will be foggy night." Fogs in Backlund were much more intense and thick than in other cities and so it will be of great help in his visit to East Borough.

Hector thought of taking a chef's cloaths and leather apron so it would fit a butcher's style but then he disregard such thoughts as it alarm his victims beforehand and they could scream which in turn could inform commotion.

He understood that he needed to be careful as to not tip off anyone that he is beyonder, only the killings are just ordinary murders done by twisted individuals.

While he waited for the night he took out the map of East Borough, he wanted to visit a place in which he wasn't before as the Street Rats would be looking for any traces of him. So he would strike on the other side of their territory.

After waiting for the sun to set he left his home and went to East Borough to find sinners. But now he no longer needs to make sure that they are gangsters, he can just sense their corruption and depravity, and he will know if their hearts had became tainted with darkness.

Soon Hector walked through the streets of East borough looking for someplace to hide his suitcase. When he did he changed his clothes and put on his skin suit.

Because of the fog visibility was not very good and to see people's faces one would need to stand relatively close, which also meant that there were fewer people outside. But Hector was still able to find them as there were many homeless on the streets. Unfortunately for him, they weren't the type of people he was looking for.

While some of them had corruption in their hearts it was not to the extent of committing crimes greater than petty theft of food which Hector did not consider sin. Of course, there were those that committed even greater crimes against others but he had no luck finding them.

Then he went through the alleys looking for his victim. He saw a few younger individuals which started their journey to the damnation, "Not yet, but soon..." Hector said quietly and walked in a different direction.

His next encounter was with a woman standing on the corner of a street, 'Prostitute by looks of her cloaths and her deprived heart, but should not be an evil person as corruption is minimal and... how should I say it... yes, it is not sharp enough, it was blunt as if it was receiving misery from the world.' Hector thought as he walked past her into another alley.

But soon his luck turned in his favor as he saw a man smoking behind the dumpster. Hector could smell the stench of his wickedness of him, his corruption was sharp and jagged from inflicting misery on others, "Fresh meat!" Hector said as he hurriedly walked towards the man.

The man soon saw him and became alarmed at the sudden appearance of an unknown man walking up to him.

Hector smiled as he continued to walk in hope of alleviating man's worries.

"What do you want?" The man said in a guarded tone.

"Hehe hehe..." Hector chuckled as he continued to walk in his direction. In turn, the man put his right hand in his pocket and took out a knife, "If I were you I would leave while you have a chance." The man spoke threateningly.

"Haha haha..." Hector started to laugh maniacally as he took out a meat cleaver and in one quick sequence he slashed at the man's wrist cutting it from the rest of his arm.

Man let's call him Peter had no time to react, and as he looked at where his hand should be Hector punched him in the neck. Peter was thrown back and he hit the wall that was behind him. When he fell on his bottom he started to violently cough.

He could not scream from the pain of having his hand cut off as he had problems breathing after being hit in the neck.

Hector chuckled as he hurriedly took the man's leg and slammed his meat cleaver at the foot. Right after that, he slammed his fist into Peter's face breaking his cheek and shattering the teeth on the right side of his face.

"There is no need for screams, haha haha..." Hector spoke as he took out his hammer and showed it into Peter's mouth until he heard the cracking of bone. He used the handle of his hammer to block his vocal cords from making any loud noises.

"You don't have much time before you suffocate or bleed to death so let's get started," Hector said as he started to cut at Peter's arms cutting them into pieces.

Then he went to his legs and used a meat cleaver on the joints between the bones. Unfortunately, when he was done with Peter's legs he was no longer moving or whimpering, "Are you dead?" Hector asked as he gently slapped Peter on his cheeks.

"That's unfortunate. If you would be beyonder you could take more damage before dying. Oh well." After which Hector continued to cut him into pieces. He did not forget to cut Peter's chest from his abdomen. Then he took a hammer to break a few of thicket bones and pulled his ribs apart.

He thought of deboning Peter but then he decided against the idea as it would be too much of meaningless work as he is already dead. But he still cut him into individual pieces of similar sizes.

Then he started to stack them into a pyramid shape and on top, he put Peter's head. When he took a few steps back and looked it over he did not like it and so he just threw individual pieces around with his head in the middle.

When he was done he concentrated on the body and cut one last cut into Peter's flesh, Hector put his spirituality into his meat cleaver and cut at Peter's remaining spirit. With that, no one would be able to channel it for any information.

Hector packed a few of Peter's organs, not for him as that would come later but for his dogs as they can enjoy it even now and it is also healthy for them to eat proper food.

He wasn't sure how good the dog food tasted so he wanted to treat them to something fresher, "Hehe hehe..."