
Lord of The Mysteries: Godfather of Epilogue

Died with an unknown cause, presumedly a heart disease like a typical protagonist in an isekai novel. Liu Fangshi wore a blank face as she realized she's now in Lord of the mysteries: It's ok if I were to be a normal person, I'll just be a lazy salted fish and live my life leisurely before my end comes but... why the hell am I Megose? The truth and final answer. What will be your last decision, you the lonely wanderer without a place called home to go back to? Is humanity important, or merely another speck in your eyes? Will you heed those calls? "Fangshi" ------ Hello, this is a message from Zayn 1.) First of all English isn't my native language, so please bear with it, I'm deeply sorry for that. 2.) You read it right, this is a book with Male lead/Male protag (started at Backlund arc) 3.) Haven't finish reading lotm yet but I want to write something for personal entertainment. 4.) It's my first time writing, 1st pov at that, enjoy.

Zayncerely · 書籍·文学
13 Chs

Pitiful Ademisaul, Monikers

After shaking my mind off my fascinating business idea that I unfortunately wouldn't be able to kick-start it I began to look around curiously. But that's it, my short-lived excitement extinguished away precisely 1 second after I finished taking in the scene. Ah, I wonder if that even managed to make my heartbeat fasten by even a bit more than usual?

There were not many things that could catch my eyes, to be more precise, none of them were actually that useful or a must-have item in one's inventory. I tightened my robe and nodded at Hans to keep going. I wasn't that looking forward to it anymore... 

"Let's move on"

"Yes my lady"

Although confused as to what was my purpose for coming here for, Hans was still the most reliable butler of Megose. I felt quite ashamed to have someone as useful as Hans looking after a primary school chicken like me, would be better if he stay at home and helped out the other two servants at home.

Now that I talked about it, the house currently hosted three servants including head butler like Hans. The other two are a pair of siblings, older sister and younger brother. While her brother worked as a footman and valet for Megose's father, the sister was in charge of managing the kitchen and housekeeping. The family hired the minimum required amount of servants that should be served in a middle-class household, by the way this wasn't my personal knowledge but Megose's. Not like I'm a walking victoria era encyclopedia.

There might not be that many servants but the family tended toward a closeness between each member more, they tactically treated one another as a family of their own. Truly a disaster for me, an otherworldly transmigrator who newly occupied this body. I could only pray for the best that I wouldn't be locked behind a Chanis Gate the next day I woke up.

I casually browsed through various goods on the stalls, while thinking to myself how should I deal with that damn bishop. There was no way a normal human-being me could take on a sequence 5 beyonder alone, that was like putting a rat to fight against a tiger. Ask Nighthawk for help? The problem didn't lie on how to but how WOULD they will be able to help me, in which way? I'm trying not to say it but yeah, there was that quill. A truly cheat item.

Maybe it would be better to find a way to land myself a civilian staff position in Nighthawk. At least that will make that guy think twice before planting the bomb in me right? That was no doubt going to make me be under the Evernight church's observant not to mention that I would have to say goodbye to my lovely nest and involved myself even deeper into the realm of mysticism, whether I'm willing or not, in an exchange of a protection.

Either I have to hug Goddess's thigh or Klein's thigh using an identity of a transmigrator to gain their goodwills so that if anything were to happen to me they could and possibly would try to help my ass out- though I'm sure Klein would do so without any a second thought, he was a sentimental guy after all, plus this Klein was going to be a clean one who still have the mentality of the modern world with no blood and war going on, surely there was no way a modern era guy could be as scheming and sly compared to a god who have been exposed to this world absolute madness.

F*cking shit.

I'm so pissed off. Why did I have to be Megose but not someone else?? What kind of horrendous crime did I commit in my past life to face such a laughable situation of wanting to be left out of a circle but forced to turn back around at a gunpoint... However, even if I was being threatening with death ahead, I would no way in bloody hell be crazy enough to become a beyonder. It's a no no for me, absolutely not. Unless I had a screw loose somewhere, I'd rather go one step faster and rip myself off first before anyone else could. 

I didn't want to be a hero, I just want to stay out of all that.

Call me cowardly, what could an additional one more person do? As for what would I do when the end comes, I don't know and I don't really care. All life will came to its end anyway, it was only a matter of time.

Maybe it was because I don't have any sense of belonging here, that's why.

"By the way Mr. Hans, do you know someone by the name Swain?"

Hans stared at me with widened eyes as if he was looking at an incredible fortuneteller who accurately scam- divined his future.

"As you have knew, he's the boss of Evil Dragon Bar and former captain of a Mandated Punisher squad. We have worked together before once."

At this point I started to wonder how many acquaintances he knows. Mr. Hans is such a social butterfly.

Hans's eyes flashed a light, and he seems to have something to ask of me but he held it back. This caused me to suspect what kind of homebrew evil filter I was being inflicted on again. Oh, I hoped I won't be evaluated from a normal evil spirit to an evil god's corruption or something else. There were sufficient exciting situations for me so far. Furthermore, I hadn't familiarize myself to the world yet, anymore than that I'm afraid I would die from a heart attack once again. Pretty comedic. A transmigrator speedrunned to dying twice and in the same way.


I felt something on my left which caused me to unconsciously turned my head to take a look. There a shadow in the dept of an alley.

"no no no it's coming, he's coming, no no no-"

I squinted my eyes slightly and that thing slowly outlined itself to be a trembling back of a young man who curled up like a shrimp in the corner of a trash can. The skin was leaking out of a corner of his dirty worn out linen shirt and bluish grey trousers of worker-class, it was pale and dry, he must be quite malnourished judging from his thin build. 

To be fair, every worker-class citizens were all malnourished, it just depended to what certain extent.

It looked like that man must have detected me staring a hole at his back like he owned me a pound, he slowly turned his head to me and made our first eye contact. I saw awe and fear in his eyes.



I didn't expect that the moment he saw me his eyes would sprayed out blood uncontrollably as if it was a water fountain. His body wobbled weakly before falling to the ground with a loud thud. Than man was left howling out painful screams until his voice cracked while I was standing there with Hans, watching a one-man showdown unfolded in such a bizarre manner.

... I felt a weird stare from Hans that made me too buffed to give a shit about this shrieking man whose voice reached soprano key at the moment.

No, don't look at me like that. I really don't know what was happening here. 

I wanted to say it has nothing to do with me however the fact that man somehow ended up rolling on the ground right after seeing me without a doubt certainly had to do with me.

Please. As if one layer of the current negative viewpoint from Hans wasn't enough... do you really want me to make a Chanis Gate my own home that much? I couldn't help but have a reasonable suspicious that I was being targeted by a certain dog with a quill.

Felt like shredding tears, but nothing comes out.

'Hold on, don't tell that person was...'

An abrupt 'light bulb goes ping-pong' moment flashed through me. The characteristic of seeing and hearing things he wasn't supposed to see, there was only one person I could think of in the entire Tingen. Ademisaul.

And that said person was, right now, having fun bathing in dirt and gravels.

Hey... I remember when you saw Klein you weren't this enthusiasm. Your eyes only shredded a few blood before briefly recovering but when it was me you simply turned into a human version of blood fountain? Those cries were even louder than a steam locomotive.

"... Let's, move on"

"Cough- Ahem- yes. Yes my lady"

Hans's shaking voice made me even more depressed.

I tried to escape this heavy mood. I knew that no vendors or passer-by around here would give any attention but just in case, I'd rather be safe than taking risk so, let's quickly leave here!


A hoarse, broken voice called out to me. I looked back and surprisingly, it was Ademisaul.

Holy shit dude, what do you want from me?

Ademisaul whose whole body covered up in dust and his eyes were shut tight in pain at the same time blood was constantly tickled down his sunken cheeks, he desperately crawled toward me while his stomach scraped against the rough pavement. His wretched appearance was really fitting to be in a horror film.

At the moment of my unfocused thinking, Ademisaul grabbed onto the hem of my dress and clinging on tightly like it was the rope that could save him from falling off the cliff.

"O' Great light! Great salvation! Please, save me, I beg you!"

Sobs and cries of stinging pain choked up his throat, made him coughing out midway.

"I- I don't want to die, I don't want to die please- please save me I'll do anything!"

" Please save this world "

My head buzzed. My own body moved before I could think of anything else and pushed him away immediately. Perhaps because I was using too much force, Ademisaul easily flew away like a kite and slammed against the wall heavily. He dropped dead to the ground again, panting breathlessly.

I should be shocked by how frail he was but my mind was currently in a mess right now. 

'Save the world? Are you kidding me?'

The more I looked at Ademisaul, while that sentence echoed in my head, the more I found him unpleasant to my eyes.

Go away. Leave.

Get out of my sight.

Irritating, how irritating.

I want to strangle him to death.


I forced myself to take a deep breath and calm the f*ck down. 

Kneading my throbbing temple, I was really overreacting just now. As for what did he saw in me for him to come to that conclusion I was someone capable of such task, I had no clues. 

I walked up to Ademisaul and squatted down. Seeing how this guy got himself suffering twice in a row all because of me truly made me think how much of a bad guy I was. I patted him on his patheti- pitiful back. I ran over my thought and said to him.


Ademisaul blankly turned his head up at me with his closed bloody eyes, I hoped his eyes wouldn't go blind over this. Anyway, I continued my heartfelt speech.

"I don't... I can't save this world"

I sighed.

"Or can I save you"

Ademisaul's pale face turned even a few shades paler. His head hung down in silent, his fists clenched white from force. Yeah dude, do I look like someone who could save you? I myself​ alone​ was already struggling​ to survive.

"But I'll give you a second chance"

The moment Ademisaul heard that his back shot up straight like a bamboo, he even forgot the pain in his eyes and asked me in a trembling voice.

"R, really? Second chance, for me?"


I didn't want to get myself entangle in the story and setting it off rail but I really had no choice. If I were to leave it at that there would be no way for me to explain to Hans face-to-face on how that wasn't my doing and convinced him not to report me out.

I wasn't​ a saint, I'm​ using him.

By showing sympathy here for Ademisaul and willingly helping him this way I could have a higher chance, even if slightly, for me to redeem myself here. There was very little I can do for him due to my circumstance but still, Megose's parents probably wouldn't mind an additional servant with low wages.

After doing such a good deed I must find a time to have a pleasant chat with Hans tonight. The earlier I strike the better, it could be much worse if I were to leave his doubts growing into a shadow that would've led me to my demise before I knew it.

"Well, you'll have a better life than you currently are"

"Thank you! Thank you so much O' Great light! I'll cherish your benevolence greatly, sob- thank you-"

To hell with that weird moniker...

"I'll come back again later to pick you up"

'I need to go inform them first, abruptly bringing an unknown man back will only cause me trouble'

I stood up and was determined to leave without turning back this time. Hans who was being as quiet as a quail in this entire exchange hurriedly caught up to me.

Alas, that nasty voice sounded again, I resisted the urge to swing an uppercut into someone's chin.

"G- great savior"


Another weird moniker I didn't consent to, nice.

"Please, please don't let it wake up"

"... Okay?"

I walked off the alley in a complicated mood. It? Who? 

Two possible candidates spun about in my mind but that only made me even more confused than I've ever been.

In any case, Ademisaul really loved to say 'please' didn't he? I forgot to count but they were sure plenty of them just in one conversation we had alone.


Sigh, my first time touring the underground market came to an end with me gaining no useful stuffs or informations as I've expected it aside from Ademisaul.

Will he be worthwhile afterwards? That depends, but for me I currently didn't have anything that required his presence.

'I will pick him back tomorrow when I'm free'

I thought so as I let myself submerged into a soft bed.

Hm, I felt like I forget something.



As Fangshi completely forgot to have a pleasant chat and fell asleep, meanwhile Hans was sitting alone in the middle of the night, crimson moonlight fall onto his hand holding something. A glittering cold light flashed, it was a razor-sharp knife with silver handle engraved with runes. Whirlpool churned inside his deep eyes as his thumb stroking the blade, his thought unknown.

Busy with cms and waiting for my client's reply.

So yh, late updating, it's about to midnight rn but hey! I've finish it!!

Zayncerelycreators' thoughts