
The Origins

Amanises was baffled.

She was taken aback beyond belief by the info Klein had dropped on her. Mythical races originated from Humans? Originated from Humans?! She took a deep breath to calm herself down and began sorting her thoughts. After a bout of cogitation, she looked back at Klein, who had been waiting for her to restabilize herself.

"How?" Amanises uttered. Her questioning embedded her confusion and her shock. Klein lightly chuckled and thought to himself, Her reactions are quite similar to mine. The Amanises I met and the Amanises I am getting to know are far removed… I wonder how this version of her will eventually turn out. He leaned back on his chair, and began to explain.

"While I am not aware as to 'How' Humans developed or mutated into the various Mythical Races we know of today. It is definite that most if not every Mythical race has originated from humans, and that humans are the old ancestor of every being, Sanguine, Giants, Elves, Mutants." Amanises keenly listened and nodded.

"How I got to know about this is through Giant's King Aurmir's parents." Amanises was immediately intrigued and adequately displayed it. Klein smiled and continued in a soft tone, "Well, let me ask you something. What do you think the parents of a Giant should look like?" Amanises almost immediately answered. "Giant-like." Klein shook his head and explained, "While this is the case for a normal giant, that does not hold true for the Giant king. The skeleton of "His" parents are that of humans, rather than Giant." Amanises eyes slightly widened but then retracted again as she thought,

Interesting. She witnessed as Klein continued "This led me to find more similarities in Humanoid Mythical Races, such as Elves, they are very much identical to Humans except their point ears. Mutants such as Wraiths, zombies, and werewolves also bear human resemblance, same goes for devils. While Dragons, Phoenixes, and Demonic Wolves may seem contradictory to it, there is also the fact that, at Sequence 0, one is capable of changing the Mythical Creature form of their pathway."

"Wait what?" Amanises blurted out, knowingly. "Hmm, let's look at it this way." Klein said, leaning forward. "The difference between you and me is that you are a born Mythical Creature, while I am a human that became a Mythical Creature through potions. This led me to have two forms: the one I'm currently displaying and…"

Klein paused, as his figure slowly began to distort. Amanises immediately noticed as the Sefirah Castle itself began to shake violently, while Klein's figure became more and more distorted before turning into a cluster of maggots. This cluster spun around on the Fool's seat, before converging itself on to a point, on to a bluish black door that had emerged with Klein's body. From the bluish black door more translucent maggots emerged forming a spiral in all directions. As more and more spirals emerged, the cluster of maggots slowly took the form of a vortex of maggots, from which countless translucent tentacles emerged swaying in all directions, while the vortex of maggots settled itself on to the Fool's high back chair.

This was the Mythical Creature Form of Fool Pathway!

Amanises witnessed this spectacle with interest. I see... A vortex of maggots with tentacles emerging from it, not too far from those two. She was less intrigued by the Mythical Creature form but more so on the bluish black door at its centre. Amanises could tell, from a feeling she received, that the bluish black door was not a part of this creature. Instead, it held a much more imposing aura than the rest of the Mythical Creature form. Even merely gazing at the bluish black door made Amanises feel like her thoughts were turning sluggish, while her ears ringed, as an illusory, distant raving sounded.

She turned her head away from the Mythical Creature, and looked at one of the many imposing pillars that held the ancient dome above them. She used her own abilities to restabilize her condition, while clearing her thoughts. "The Mythical Creature form." An illusory voice rang in all directions, seemingly having no source to itself. Amanises immediately recognized the voice to be that of Klein, and nodded indicating acknowledgment. 

The vortex of maggots separated itself, before quickly taking the form of Klein Moretti once more. With the appearance of his human figure, the bluish black door also disappeared, seemingly drilling itself back in Klein's body. Amanises took a breath and turned her head back towards Klein. Her gaze locked with his dark eyes. "The Mythical Creature is the truest form of an Angel and above; one that directly corresponds with the very Godhood of this being. This form can be changed by a Sequence 0 of the corresponding pathway, presumably through the Uniqueness.

"Now here is the thing. You shouldn't be unaware of the concept of depleting characteristics through giving birth. That's how most creatures remove excess characteristics within them. The result of such copulation is, of course, another Mythical Creature. Since Sequence 0's can change the entire Mythical Creature form, the human origins of non-humanoid races doesn't seem far-fetched."

Amanises nodded and began to analyse. Indeed... There is also visible mutation brought about by characteristics, such as gradient white fur formed of translucent maggots on Antigonus and Kotar's body. If these born Mythical Creatures can be affected, then humans developing into today's Mythical races truly isn't far fetched. In fact, with the giant king's parents' skeleton being that of a Human, this theory seems very likely.

Amanises shook her head and then thought, That means I do have something of a Human in me... I don't know how I feel about this. She sighed and looked down at her paws. She let out another sigh and then looked back up at Klein, saying "I understand." She paused for a moment and then asked. "Is that why corruption from anchors can change once form because Mythical Creatures themselves do not possess a definite one?"

"Yes. A Mythical Creature is different and cannot be measured in terms of Mass, Length, Breadth or any of other conventional methods. They are essentially pure godhood and pure knowledge given a 'physical' form in a sense. You can think of them as an eldritch creature. This is also one of the reasons corruption stemming from the views of anchors can affect one's form." Klein paused for a moment, and then softly uttered,

"Every Being has Divinity."

"When enough anchors form a collective view of an entity, their faith and devotion takes the form of corruption. This can be used to fight against the godhood that stems from the characteristics, the very will of the Original Creator, the mental imprint of the Greatest Oldest One. This is also the most reliable way to sustain humanity."

Amanises took note of this, greatly paying attention to every word Klein spoke. Every Being has Divinity… Yes, if all is a creation of the Original Creator then every being must possess some level of godhood within them, including humans. By consuming potions, and rising in sequence, they are essentially increasing the amount of divinity within them, eventually completely surpassing the boundaries of Humans.

Red Light Aiur Moria was right. The pathways are much more than what they seem… 'The nature of the oldest ones'. She turned her head to the long copper mottled table, and began to sort her thoughts. Klein also decided to give his throat a rest as he summoned two cups of sweet latte tea. He poured one cup of tea on the dish and then handed the dish full of tea to Amanises, while he sipped from the remaining cup.

As the two enjoyed their tea in silence, Amanises suddenly said in a nonchalant tone. "I may be leaving the demonic wolf's settlement under the guise of 'investigating' any Miracle Invoker related activities." Klein tipped his hat hearing this, and took another sip. "That's good! Then shall we meet?" 

"Of course. I also wish to see the town you made and populated with the people you 'stole' back then." This was another one of the things that caused an uproar in Demonic wolf's settlement, as any and all human slaves they had vanished, causing a short shortage of food. Amanises never cared about this, as a Mythical Creature, she never had any need to eat. This wasn't the case with other subsidiary gods, they eat so as to fill the void that was their stomach.

Klein chuckled, and asked "So, when are you planning to leave?" Amanises picked the dish from her mouth and gulped the rest of the tea down her throat. She rested the dish back on the table, and smiled, feeling the sweet taste of the tea.

"A little more than a week." She said, while Klein thought…

She… She is like a dog! Klein lampooned, and thought about the mistress of horror, the Evernight Goddess and then compared that goddess to this demonic wolf sitting in front of him. Incomparable! How did Amanises even develop into that Genocidal Deity?! Actually…. Time and godhood should've done the trick. Klein lampooned again and used his clown and swindler prowess to hide the peculiar expression he would have made otherwise.

He finished his tea and rested the cup on the table. "This reminds me. Have you thought of an Honorific name? Your believers have a way to more efficiently pray to you." Amanises nodded. "In fact, I have." She closed her eyes and then reopened them again as she slowly uttered in a beautiful, calm and serene voice. 

"An Existence from a Bygone time;

"The Lady of Concealment; 

"Herald of Misfortune;

"Mistress of Repose and Silence."

Klein's breath immediately became heavy. An Existence from a Bygone time… It was almost like Klein could hear his own heartbeats, as the first line of his very honorific name, "The Fool that doesn't belong to this Era", rang in his ears. It was like an ominous raving prompting him to swallow his own saliva.

You have no idea just how spot on you are. Klein nodded at Amanises, while maintaining his composure, though the latter did take notice of the slight change that occurred in his temperament for a singular moment. This is weird. Did he take notice of the fact that I took inspiration from his Honorific name?

Suddenly the memory of her creating her honorific name flashed through her mind:

It was just yesterday, when she had some luxury of time to rest up a bit. That's when the thought about having an honorific name crossed her mind. Honorific name… She began to rack her brain with a number of ideas, remembering her third grade poetry lessons she had back in her home world, eventually making her think of her mom, who used to be a poet, making her sigh. She then remembered Klein's Honorific name, and decided to take some inspiration from it, to structure hers. 

I am sure he won't mind. She slightly grinned and began thinking. I can't state that I am a demonic wolf, that would scare people, so maybe a creature… No—An Existence would work wonders! She nodded and continued onwards. An Existence from another world? Too blatant and might attract some unwanted gazes. An existence from a forgotten time? Bygone time? Yeah, that would work. After all, how many people are even aware of the existence of other worlds? Amanises nodded once again and settled on the first line of her Honorific name.

"An Existence from a Bygone time."

She softly uttered, and plunged herself back into her thoughts. First line settled. Then maybe, specifying some authorities? I don't have any mysterious space like Klein, so I can't mention that. Then… Yes, Concealment. It's one of the main authorities of a Servant of Concealment such as myself, so I should mention it in my Honorific name. Then… Amanises pondered for a moment longer before uttering in a soft tone,

"The Lady of Concealment." 

Amanises quickly settled with the second line of her honorific name. Now, about the third line. Maybe Goddess of Misfortune? Yeah, but a slight problem is that I am referred to as such here too. That might create some problems Mystical wise… Amanises closed her eyes, as her ears twitched. Opening them again, she grinned and uttered.

"Herald of Misfortune."

Nodding once more. Amanises settled the third line. Now should I have a fourth line too? Klein only has three lines to his Honorific name. She pondered for a moment before deciding on adding another line. Then… Maybe the nature of the pathway? Klein's honorific name, in a way, also diplayes the nature of Fool pathway. It's enigmatic and 'ancient' in some way, signifying Mysteries and History. The Darkness pathway's symbolism is… 'Serenity'! And... 'Dreams'! So maybe Repose and Silence? She racked her brain a bit more before softly and slowly uttering.

"Mistress of Repose and Silence." Amanises grin became wider. Perhaps those literature and poetry classes weren't for nothing. Now, should I add my name at the end too? Maybe "The Great Amanises". She immediately shook her head, while her expression became slightly twisted. Yeah, No. That's Cringe! 

A four line Honorific name should be enough. There is no need for people to know who I am, just that, I am a benevolent deity that has helped them from their inevitable fate of being eaten. The more enigmatic I remain, the better. Amanises nodded. She took a deep breath and softly said, her voice calm and serene.

"An Existence from a Bygone Time;

"The Lady of Concealment;

"Herald of Misfortune;

"Mistress of Repose and Silence."


Back to the present day. Amanises thought of asking Klein about it, but then decided against it, as she considered that it might be a bit too much. Maybe he was just taken aback… But again, he is a Clown. For him to display any emotion would mean he was truly and utterly taken aback. Last time, I managed to take note of any high emotional radiance when he referred to the Lord of Mysteries, who is the great old one of his pathway, and a true pillar. Amanises was going through an internal strife, which was quickly broken by the voice of Klein.

"Very Good. I'll make the people in the town aware of it." Amanises quickly nodded. Since he has moved on from the topic, let's save this question for another time. She nodded again. "By the way, have you given a name to the town?" She quickly noticed Klein's lips twitch, as they curled upwards, forming a warm smile that seemed to contain many emotions, sadness, happiness, nostalgia, and a distant feeling of pain and loneliness. Klein himself looked down at the greyish white fog


Klein uttered in a soft tone. His voice was a clear reflection of all the varying emotions that seemed to erupt from his figure. It was uncontrollable, neither did Klein wish to control them. Amanises became motionless as she looked at the smiling Klein. At that moment, Amanises felt something: Sorrow. She could feel Klein's sorrow. You… Haha, Just what are you? What have you suffered from in your life? Just what secrets do you hold… Mysteries? You have told me so much about this world; its secrets, its mysteries. But where do you fit in all this?

At that moment Amanises felt like laughing out loud. They had only known each other for merely a little more than four or five days at best. Yet, not only have they managed to become friends, albeit with some mistrust, Klein managed to make her feel something she thought she had lost by now. Humanity.

Unknowingly, a smile formed on her face. Her pretty, demonic wolf's face. Perhaps she wanted to know Klein a bit better, even if it was to simply have the knowledge of one very mysterious figure in this world, or just a friend wanting to know the other.

They both enjoyed their own little moments in Silence. After an unknown amount of time, both gazed at each other as Klein softly mused, "Considering we are going to be meeting in a week and potentially travel for a while, let's not hold any other meeting for the week except the one with Grisha." Amanises agreed.

"Then shall we end this meeting today?" Amanises maintained her smile and replied, "Sure." She extended her paw, which confused Klein for a moment, before he understood her implication and extended his left hand, shaking hands (paws?) with her.

With that, Klein cut off the mystical connection between them, allowing Amanises astral body to descend back into her real body. While Klein, watching her figure disappear into crimson, slowly sighed and leaned back against his chair. He lifted his left hand and looked at his palm.

A tiresome smile formed on his face.