
Lord of the Mysteries - Fate Emperor

Alexander transmigrated into the Lord of the Mysteries, a month before Klein descends from the Origin Castle. With his knowledge of the future and a 'cheat' of unknown origin, he tries to navigate through a world full of mystery and madness.

Outer · 書籍·文学
48 Chs

MI9 Team

Two days later, Alexander finally received the letter that he was expecting from MI9.

The content of the letter was worthless, but what it signified was important.

It meant that he should visit the address that Ralph gave him and receive his task.

After contemplating for some time, he decided to go by himself rather than send a clone.

This was not only to avoid the possibility of someone noticing that the clone had no extraordinary power, but he also had nothing else to do.

He didn't dare visit the Nemesis Order any longer, as he didn't know the members' current attitude.

Even if the organization was technically his, the organization should have many other powerful Beyonders as its members.

He wouldn't be dumb enough to believe that they wouldn't notice his current state and especially not dumb enough to trust them.

Maybe in their eyes he was a free walking Sequence 2 characteristic.

In fact, he was already thinking about leaving Backlund and going to the sea or the Southern Continent, but that would mean that he would have to abandon this identity.

For now, although he had certain responsibilities and was "confined" in Backlund, his status as a wealthy bank owner came with many advantages.

Admittedly, if it weren't for this status and his father's connections, he wouldn't be able to join MI9 as smoothly.

As Alexander was thinking, he had finally reached an inconspicuous apartment block.

Entering the building and knocking the door of the apartment numbered #17, Alexander felt various powerful auras inside the apartment.

Suddenly, the door opened and a brunette lady in her 20's showed herself.

She had brown eyes and a mark on her face, wearing a long golden dress with a white swan brooch pinned on it, as she gave a strange aura of serenity.

Although this aura, coupled with her appearance would make her appear harmless, Alexander could clearly see that a gun was strapped on her waist.

Seeing Alexander behind the door, she proceeded to observe his face for a split second before speaking up.

"You must be Alexander, the Team Leader has already informed us about you, come in.", she said and motioned him to enter the apartment.

Stepping inside, Alexander's eyes were met with a mostly empty apartment.

There was no fancy furniture, with only a single wooden table in the middle of the room, and some scattered chairs sitting around it.

Apart from him and the lady, two other men were present, playing cards and remaining undisturbed by his arrival.

Natalie led him to the table and motioned him to sit on an empty chair.

"My name is Natalie and they are Kayne and Samuel.", Natalie said and pointed to a middle aged with blonde hair, followed by pointing to an elderly man with a white beard that was holding a cane on his right hand.

Right after the introductions, Natalie gave him a brief overview of how the Beyonder teams of MI9 operate.

While in the official churches members of each team would almost always accompany each other, the MI9 Beyonders mostly operated on their own.

This was caused by the nature of their work, as their main tasks either concerned hidden intelligence or were better not known by the churches.

"The Team Leader rarely visits this apartment, but most of their time a member will stay behind to make sure that no one finds this place out."

"If there is a problem with the task, you can always ask them for help and advice."

"I'm a Sequence 7 Interrogator, while Kayne and Samuel are a Sequence 8 Barbarian and a Sequence 8 Sherrif respectively.", Natalie explained the team's strength.

A Sequence 6, a Sequence 7 and two Sequence 8's.

Although this strength would be cannon fodder by the end of the original book, this didn't mean that they were weak.

If they were armed with extraordinary items, they could for sure deal with Sequence 5 Beyonders.

Beyonders of this level could already be considered powerful and you would be (un)lucky to meet one.

While Alexander was analyzing the information, he felt a pat on his shoulder and looking up, he found Natalie looking at him.

"Sorry I was distracted for a little bit.", he apologized to the lady.

"It's okay.", Natalie replied and shook her hand.

"I've already been informed that you are a Sequence 9 Lawyer."

"With your current strength there is a limited amount of tasks you can currently receive.", Natalie appeared to thinking and grabbed a stack of papers that were sitting on the table.

Flipping through them, she picked one of them and passed it to Alexander.

"This is a task that is usually given to most newcomers.", she said.

Alexander looked at the task's information and realized that this is a very familiar task.

[Collect information about secret Beyonder gatherings in Backlund and report them to your Team Leader. Points: 10 per gathering/useful piece of information]

"In fact, it should be the Team Leader that should have given you your first task but he is currently preoccupied by something.", Natalie explained.

"No worries, you've already been very helpful.", Alexander smiled and said.

Five minutes later, Alexander, who had received the task, left the apartment.

Although it was said to be a task, Alexander guessed that this should be a secret hint from Natalie.

Even though you could technically trade points for extraordinary materials, Alexander knew that MI9 shouldn't have enough materials to support every single member like the churches did.

This meant that in most situations, the agents themselves would have to find other channels to purchase the materials they needed.

With such a mission, the MI9 was basically saying "we allow you to buy materials in Beyonder gatherings, but you have to provide us with information about them".

Of course, Alexander was happy to see such a situation.

This would allow him to slowly justify his promotion, as he didn't want to stay as an average MI9 member, but climb up the ranks.

He wasn't stressed about completing the task.

He already knew the location and information of two such gatherings and he could just pretend to work for some days before reporting.

Instead he was pondering about his current two issues.

He had killed a Faceless previously and although he couldn't be 100% sure, it was pretty obvious that he should have some background.

A Sequence 6 Beyonder with a strong extraordinary item like Traveler's Ark can't be a nobody no matter what.

Alexander was always disgusted by such situations, where you killed someone only to have their elder visit you.

Rather than wait for someone to come to him, he would rather take the initiative and attack first, even if it increased the risk of his exposure.

Take a risk to solve a potential risk.

Such thinking was flawed, but Alexander never claimed to be the perfect human.

At the same time, he had to start looking for the Sequence 6 Baron of Corruption potion formula.

With the full unsealing of his digestion, Alexander knew that he would completely digest the Briber potion in about a month, unless something unexpected happens.

Honestly, he didn't have many options.

First of all, Alexander could try to get the Black Emperor Card of Blasphemy, as he already knew its location.

With the memories he received, he was certain that he had a relationship with Roselle and his daughter, Bernadette.

This however, didn't mean that he was willing to trust her.

Unless he could fully ensure that he could fight against her or at least escape, Alexander wouldn't even think about touching that Card of Blasphemy.

With this in mind, this option was quickly crossed out.

After some thought, Alexander was surprised to find that there were no clues regarding the Baron of Corruption formula in the original book.

The Beyonders that he could remember were either too strong, making it impossible for him to hunt them, or were not in Backlund at all.

"Does that mean that I can only get the formula through the simulation?", Alexander wondered.