
Lord of Mysteries: The Outer God is Myself

THIS BOOK IS A TRANSLATION I DO NOT OWN IT. https://www.mtlnovel.com/mystery-the-outer-god-is-myself/ ……………………………….……………………………………….………. Traveling through the world of "The Lord of Mysteries" and becoming the supporting spirit of Klein the Fool, Lin Ruo, the seasoned traveler, inwardly rejected this notion. However, he was fortunate enough to retain his supernatural abilities, namely [Truth and Fallacy], which he had acquired in a previous world. These rule-based powers bestowed upon Lin Ruo the ability to guide destiny through [Truth] and distort reality through [Fallacy]. With the aid of [Truth and Fallacy], Lin Ruo initially tore apart the script of 008 and fearlessly plunged into the tumultuous currents of time, preparing to combat the impending apocalypse. He diligently relied on his superior supernatural powers and foresight to govern, gradually bolstering the strength of his allies to a point where he could rest easy. Soon after, Lin Ruo's original sealed memories were restored. It was then that he discovered his true identity—a recently promoted foreign god, a pure restraining force. Lin Ruo:... Is it too late for him to flee?

Bhai_Hai_7632 · 書籍·文学
39 Chs

Sequence Zero: The Fool

While Lin Ruo pondered how to utilize his supernatural abilities, Klein emerged from the gray mist.

As depicted in the original story, Klein encountered Audrey and Alger above the misty haze. In a matter of seconds, he decided to assume the guise of a prominent figure within the mysterious realm to gain the upper hand.

He successfully deceived Audrey and Alger, adopting the moniker "The Fool." He bore witness to their exchange regarding the audience's potion formula and, at their suggestion, established the Tarot Club.

Audrey and Alger respectively claimed the codes of Justice and The Hanged Man.

Subsequently, they delved into discussions regarding tarot cards and blasphemous cards. However, due to Klein's significant mental exhaustion, the conversation was cut short when Klein announced the conclusion of the gathering.

After their departure, Klein sensed an immediate shift, finding himself once again beneath the radiant golden sunlight.

He remained standing in his apartment, at its very center.

Reflected in a nearby full-length mirror, a young man with black hair and eyes stood close by, silently observing him.

"It seems you were unsuccessful," remarked the youth, prompting a wry smile from Klein. Contemplating the dreamlike gray mist from earlier, Klein was filled with doubt. Though he felt an innate urge to share his thoughts, he hesitated and ultimately remained silent.

Dragging his legs, as if weighed down by lead, Klein approached the chair near the table and sat down. It appeared as though he was gathering his thoughts before speaking, as he uttered a few seconds later, "Following the ceremony, I entered a mysterious realm. There, I encountered an enigmatic being who claimed to be a fool."

While uttering these words, Klein's eyes instinctively averted the figure reflected in Lin Ruo's mirror.

He had no intention of revealing the fact that he had disguised himself as a fool upon entering the gray mist.

It was too enigmatic, and given that Klein and Lin Ruo had only just met, he decided, after a few seconds of consideration, to withhold this information as his own secret.

After all, prudence was key, and it would be unwise for any rational adult to divulge their secrets to someone they had just met.

"It's not a big deal if he eventually finds out, I can apologize then," Klein murmured to himself.

Lin Ruo showed no surprise upon hearing Klein's words. After all, he had yet to fully understand Klein. The latter wasn't the kind of naïve person who would recklessly reveal everything about himself upon initial acquaintance.

Understanding his cautious nature, Lin Ruo simply feigned bewilderment and responded, "The Fool?"

"Yes, that's how he identifies himself," Klein nodded. Perhaps because he had already told one lie, he now provided more details, stating, "He also hosts regular gatherings that involve the extraordinary realm, and I joined in."

Klein had no intention of concealing the regular gatherings. Since he and Lin Ruo were bound together for an unknown period, and the Tarot Club would undoubtedly continue during this time, he opted to assume the role of an ordinary participant, akin to Audrey, the Justice, and Alger, the Hanged Man.

Then, Klein noticed a slightly concerned expression on Lin Ruo's face.

"Have you joined?" Lin Ruo inquired, with a worried expression that cleverly masked his true intentions. "It's seems very dangerous. The Extraordinary realm in this world isn't as safe as it may seem. And the individual who called himself a fool..."

Klein suddenly felt a twinge of guilt but couldn't help his curiosity. "Is there something wrong with the title 'Fool'?" he asked.

He reached for the tarot cards he had drawn.

"I'm not sure how to explain it to you. Do you know about potions and the sequence of gods?" Lin Ruo's expression was slightly conflicted, as she contemplated which information should be revealed to Klein.

It couldn't be related to contamination... However, sharing knowledge about Sequence 0 should be acceptable.

"I've heard a bit about it, but I'm not very familiar. It seems that humans can only become Extraordinary through potions, right?" Klein replied, recalling Alger's words.

"Do you understand this?" Lin Ruo purposely feigned surprise before explaining, "That's correct. After all, you've just Transmigrated."

"Listen closely, Klein," Lin Ruo, who had already prepared a draft in her mind, began to elucidate."In this world's current potion system, there are a total of 22 pathways, and each pathway progresses from Sequence 9 to Sequence 0, from low to high, weak to strong. Sequence 9 marks the beginning of each pathway, while Sequence 0 represents its culmination."

Pausing briefly, Lin Ruo's expression grew complex. "However, few people are aware of the existence of Sequence 0. According to the common understanding of most Beyonders, the potion sequence begins at Sequence 9 and concludes at Sequence 1."

"Huh? Why is that?" Despite feeling a headache coming on, Klein forced himself to remain attentive as he absorbed Lin Ruo's explanation about potions.

"That's because reaching Sequence 0 means becoming a god!" Lin Ruo deliberately slowed down her speech, her expression grave and earnest.

Klein was astonished, instantly comprehending the reason.

If reaching the end of the potion meant becoming a god, it was only natural that the current seven major churches would prohibit widespread dissemination of this knowledge.

If all Beyonders knew that Sequence 0 could also be achieved through potion consumption, it would inevitably weaken the devotion to the gods, and some individuals might even entertain the idea of replacing them.

Of course, considering the overwhelming power of the gods and the major churches, this might not lead to significant upheaval, but it would undoubtedly have undesirable consequences.

—At this point, Klein's thinking had taken for granted some of his modern beliefs. As someone who grew up under the influence of communism, Klein could be considered a non-believer. When faced with the notion that potions could make people into gods, his immediate thought was to replace them.

In reality, even if this news were to spread, it wouldn't cause severe repercussions for the long-standing reverence and belief in the gods within this world.

After all, mortals and low-ranking Beyonders were far removed from the realm of gods, and high-ranking Beyonders were already privy to the secret of Sequence 0.

While trying to understand why so few people were aware of the existence of Sequence 0, Klein wasn't particularly surprised by its existence itself.

After all, as someone who grew up immersed in internet literature, Klein was no stranger to the concept of mortals ascending to godhood through certain means.

However, what intrigued him more was the fact that Lin Ruo seemed to possess knowledge of secrets that most Beyonders were unaware of. It indicated that Lin Ruo was familiar with the Beyonder realms and might hold many hidden truths.

Lost in his thoughts, Klein couldn't resist asking, "So, what's the issue with the title 'Fool'?"

In response, he noticed Lin Ruo glance at him, and the next moment, Lin Ruo's voice filled the air:

"The name of Sequence 0 in one of the 22 paths is—"

"The Fool!"