
Lord of Light 3rd son

"Lord of Light 3rd Son" is a medieval fantasy tale of Liam, a prince who cannot control the rare magic of light, unlike his seven siblings and father. Ridiculed by the kingdom and his own family, Liam is sent to marry a poor lord's daughter in the northern part of the kingdom. Upon arriving, he discovers the city is in disarray, and he uses his intelligence and management skills to turn things around. Liam creates a guild of adventurers to fight monsters and bring valuable items to the city, making it one of the wealthiest in the kingdom. However, Liam discovers a forbidden book that contains the powers of darkness, which he keeps hidden from everyone, even his beloved wife.

DubiousTone · ファンタジー
30 Chs

The Magic of Light

Liam's family was one of the most powerful in the kingdom, as they possessed the gift of magic. The magic of light was highly revered in their world, and those who could wield it were respected and held in high esteem. Liam, however, had never been able to use magic. This made him feel like an outsider among his family, who could control the light and create dazzling displays of color with ease.

The family's magical abilities were not just a matter of pride or personal achievement; they were also a means of maintaining their hold on the kingdom. The people believed that only the royal family, with their magical powers, could keep the kingdom safe from dark forces and threats. This was why Liam's inability to use magic was such a source of shame for him and his family.

Despite this, Liam had learned to rely on his other strengths. He was a resourceful young man, intelligent and quick-thinking, with physical abilities that made him an excellent fighter. He had also become an expert in exploring the hidden passages and secret rooms of the family's magnificent castle, where he found solace away from the constant bullying and ridicule from his family and the outside world.

Liam's only true friends were his uncle and elder brother, who were the only ones who showed him any kindness and interest. He had long since given up any hope of ever being accepted by his father, the king, or his other siblings.

The castle where Liam lived was an imposing structure made of white stone, with towering turrets that reached up to the sky. It was a symbol of power and wealth, adorned with intricate tapestries and ornate furniture. From its windows, Liam could see the entire kingdom stretching out before him, with its rolling hills, lush forests, and sparkling rivers. But he never felt truly at home there, always feeling like an outsider.

The kingdom itself was a prosperous land, with a thriving economy and a robust infrastructure. The people were generally happy and content, thanks in large part to the efforts of the royal family. The kingdom was protected by a formidable army, and the magical powers of the family were a constant source of reassurance to the people.

However, there were also dark forces at work in the kingdom. There were rumors of rebels and dissidents, people who opposed the royal family and wanted to overthrow them. There were also whispers of dark magic, of sorcerers and witches who practiced their craft in secret, hiding from the authorities.

Despite all this, Liam had never been involved in the political machinations of the kingdom. He was a simple young man, more interested in exploring the castle's hidden secrets than in the affairs of state. He had resigned himself to a life of obscurity, knowing that he could never be the ruler of the kingdom because of his lack of magical ability. But as he was about to discover, fate had other plans for him.