
Lord of Conspiration

After surviving the destruction of the world, I woke up again from a long slumber with a young body in the early era of the steam engine. Out of loneliness, I made clones of myself, a boy and a girl. At first everything was fine until I noticed the strangeness of the two Clones. The male clone thinks that he is a secret agent from the kingdom, while the female clone thinks that he is a member of a secret organization that is on the path of evil. While I didn't realize what was really going on, somehow, what the two Clones imagined turned out to be true.

GreedFoxNV · ファンタジー
6 Chs

My secret

I now have a brother and sister. They look charming in the small lab uniforms that I have made from the remnants of my colleagues' old clothes.

Shirts and sweaters, I can cut them all so I can adjust them to their body size.

I didn't think that all this time everything could run smoothly, my days with my brothers were the best days I had in my life. Their innocent attitude and the behavior of children like them have made the compound in the head secrete addictive substances that can cool the head.

My life feels perfect right now.

At first I was worried that they would feel sad, I should be able to make them comfortable with what I have but there are no children's belongings in a place like this. For example, picture books or children's songs and even cartoon films, there is nothing like that that can fulfill the imagination needs of children their age.

Am I not a bad brother?

But instead, in this place there are a lot of things that my colleagues left behind such as the novels or science books they read.

It all started when I told them fairy tales from adult novels, they became interested because that was the only entertainment in this place. No, it's not like the novels you think, most of them are actually quite heavy stories but somehow they seem to enjoy it.

Ah—this is probably because they are actually clones. So the way we think seems to have almost the same pattern even though in the end it's different, there are many factors that make our thinking tendencies different. I can't explain it in detail because it's bound to be complex.

And for other needs such as food. That's all I can do.

"Cooking fresh vegetables with artificial meat, it will help you grow into a beautiful princess. "

"No need, Yulia will always be beautiful no matter what. "

This little girl named Yulia always acts cute. I love when she tries to get my attention, she always smiles sweetly when I always give her a little attention.

While Yulia was a jolly little girl, Julian seemed to be acting otherwise. I'm not saying he doesn't need my attention, he's a pretty independent kid except for a few little things.

For example for some things Julian will usually ask me to stroke his head to try to calm down when he feels bored reading a book.

"For Julian, I can make some sweet pudding you like."

"Fumu.. As expected, brother Rey can always guess what I'm thinking. "

This is what I mean by acting the other way around. I can tell when he's leaning his shoulders against the wall with his arms folded, Julian must be trying to act like a confident grown man. You know, these two are at an age where imagination is what makes them smile.

When I turned to the other side, I could see Yulia hugging the pillow on the dining table while playing with her feet, one of Yulia's small hands opened the large books I had given her. She looks like a little girl from elementary school reading picture books, smiling happily and occasionally chuckling.

Huf— I'm starting to wonder, is it appropriate for a little girl to read a dark fantasy novel about a queen who was betrayed by her country and then took revenge? Of course it's not made for children, the plot is quite complicated even for adults then how can a girl like Yulia enjoy a story like that?

As soon as Yulia started reading, she always asked me to give her a book.

Cooking and continuing to cook, the frying pan in front of me let out a small smoke and I put in some spices, now I've finished preparing dinner.

"Julian, Yulia. The cooking is ready, let's eat together, I want you to close the books and immediately sit in the dining chair. "

When I tried to call them both, they ignored me, their eyes were still focused on the books in hand.

Julian who leaned on the wall while reading Yulia's books and faces sinking on the pillow when her hand stopped touching the book.

Then, I did not know whether it was pretending or not, suddenly Yulia's face looked at us with a confused expression.

His face looked right and left like a little girl who did not recognize this place.

"What are you doing? "Julian asked.

"Huh? Who are you, where am I? How can I be in a place like this? "

Julian's eyes began to pay attention, he seemed to think of something.

"There's no way, is that finally happening of you? Quickly say who you really are? Does someone enter the body of my sister? "

"I don't know, as I recall, I'm just an ordinary school girl from Japan. "

Julian's eyes widened due to surprised, the book in his hand fell and he then approached to try to shake Yulia's body.

With an expression like a child who loses everything, Julian's eyes look like a dead fish, there is no hope of any hope, despair all have fallen on Julian.

"You, how dare you ... return Yulia, I don't want to know how you can transmigrate, but you have to return the soul of my sister ... stop you devil, get out of Yulia's body, if you die, you should go to the hereafter not to the body others. Damn, I'll kill you. "

While he began to look bad, his face turned to me, Julian seemed to want me to do something.

"Brother Rey, how about this? Yulia has left, someone has taken his place. Do something, help me. "

Yes, that is so. Children do not understand which ones are fantasy and which are reality, everyone really thinks like that when they are still small, right right? My Brothers are still normal children.

That way, whether I should make them aware or entertain them. Sometimes an imagination is needed for someone to live, those who do not have imagination may never understand what dreams are.

After I thought carefully, didn't my former colleagues worry about life so they could not overcome stress? I don't want my brother to experience the same thing, become depressed because of reality and instead choose a bad choice.

How heavy this world, if you still have a spirit of life or at least have the imagination to survive, then somehow your chance to survive is much higher than you should.

Life is a choice, that is a reality.

Therefore, stress management techniques are expertise that I cannot ignore.

Next, I began to smile a little for a while then said.

"Ah - so dear, even though I want to show Yulia the magic technique that I have hidden for a long time. I want to tell Yulia, that Brother Rey is actually a magician, but, maybe for now Brother Rey must forget the plan. "

"Wait, what? Brother Rey turned out to be a witch? " Instantly Yulia stopped pretending, she seemed to be interested in my words.

"Oohh.. looks like I haven't told you," I said with a silhouette around my eyes.

Playing some magic tricks, seems like a good idea to pass the time.

Reading too many books for young children is not good, so for some time I looked for a magic tool played by my ex-partner to cheer up Julian and Yulia.

In the past, magic games like that could lower people's stress levels, I hope it will work for Julian and Yulia.