
Family team (part 2).

25 May 2033.

Being able to be at home and interact with his family, Viktor noticed that he could now also "feel" the intentions of others and their feelings when he looked at them. Although not exactly, he only had a general idea.

He also felt that he could see progressively better and even had a slight notion of what was going on behind his head, where his eyes could not see, even without turning around. This also applied to having his eyes closed, he still had a notion of things.

Especially things with mana, such as living things. Knowing the importance of this new skill of his, Viktor tried to focus on improving it.

Even when hunting he felt it was useful, he could see different monsters as something dark and strange, that was hostile. Sometimes this ability helped him a lot to avoid attacks and potential dangers.

Thanks to this he was not afraid to go out hunting, as he could "see" when they needed to run away.

He also told them about what happened to this [Eye of the Great Lord] with his family and his new passive ability [Chaotic Vision]. He did not want to keep it as a secret from his family.

His family was obviously shocked by this, but they could only accept it, with fear and hope.

It could be a salvation that makes Viktor unique, or a curse that could corrupt him.


Since Emma and Lucia didn't have much strength and were afraid of being infected, so only Viktor and Akiba decided to hunt at first. Luckily the party function was suitable for them to gain experience like that.

Viktor and his family had previously agreed to transfer all Scoins they could to Emma momentarily. This was not so that she would be much stronger, but so that she could buy 2 things.

Unfortunately, at the moment they could only give her 60 % of the Scoins earnings. This is limited by the level of the system.

First level 2 of the system, after that by unlocking the basic skills in the store(only possible with level 2), she would learn the basic magic [Slight Heal].

Although both her mother and sister were going to choose the initial mage class. They actually wanted her mother to focus on healing magic and defensive magic, while her sister focused on fire magic.

After brief discussions, they had all decided that was best.


27 May 2033.

They hunted a lot. Also, when they were at home, they did physical training, preparing themselves more.

As the world level went up, it was easier to level up, the monsters gave more experience.

But there was a problem... The war between the gods continued for several days, it had already been 7 days. Although Techno and System tried to avoid the damage on earth, it undoubtedly still suffered.

Luckily for Viktor, this fight happened close to the atmosphere on the African side, leaving the UK quiet enough.

Although the gods were flying and even soaring into space, even taking their fight to planets like Mars, they caused a great impact on the entire solar system.

The planet earth also suffered despite all the attempts of a certain god to keep this planet unaffected.

That's why Viktor and his family were careful, but still gradually managed to level up.

Since Viktor was already very close to level three before reaching his family's apartment, he leveled up before his family. He went up 3 points to strength and 2 to stamina.

As he now saw that he had enough stamina, he wanted to be stronger to be able to kill faster and feel safer, so he changed the ratio from 3:2 focused on stamina to the same but focused on strength.

In addition, monsters of other types began to appear and although they tried to avoid them, they knew that they might have to fight against stronger monsters.


As Viktor leveled up, he was quite strong and could take on several zombies at once. Also, his ax technique increased more and more.

His mother and sister have to be very close in order to gain experience and Scoins with the group.

Something he didn't expect was that his father was unexpectedly very helpful. In fact, something that always seemed annoying and useless turned out to be something very useful.

His father as a good Naruto fan and otaku with half of his Japanese blood (from his mother's side), made a lot of paper shurikens. In fact he always teased his son by throwing them at him.

Now his marksmanship and countless paper shuriken were of some use. Both he and the women of the family had these, in different bags, and threw them at the zombies, aiming for the eyes.

His father hit quite a few of them, and the zombies, which were already clumsy and had bad senses, made their movements worse, making hunting them much easier.

After a while the whole family managed to reach level 2.

The mother of the family, Emma, changed for 50 Scoins to buy the [Slight Heal] skill, which also sharpened the hunt, since she also realized that using it slightly recovered from fatigue. Shortly afterwards Lucia bought the [Fireball] skill, for 60 Scoins.

Both spells depended on the mana the user had, so both only increased this stat to be able to use this magic better.

The spells have a feature; these have a minimum capacity, with a minimum requirement, and a maximum capacity, with its maximum requirement.

In this way, depending on the mana used, they could control how to use these spells.

Keep in mind that if you later learn a class that is incompatible with your spells you may lose them or become less proficient in them.

The magic in the system can be bought and you could automatically begin to understand how it works.

Akiba improved his agility and stamina, with 4 points to stamina and 1 to agility. This was because he needed more stamina to keep up with Viktor. But later he wanted to improve agility, stamina and a bit of strength. Viktor didn't think it was a bad idea.

The strategy of this "family team" was to have Viktor in the front line, while his father followed close behind, taking advantage of enemy gaps to hit or striking to create gaps for Viktor's ax.

Lucia followed a little further behind and finally Emma, ​​who was coming over at irregular intervals to use her slight healing on Viktor and her husband Akiba. But for now most of the time she stayed behind with her daughter.

Now that they were together and the military was absent(due to the war of the gods), the family hunted in a short time much more than Viktor would hunt alone.

One day, when the family was about to leave to hunt, the earthquakes (frequent due to a certain fight) became stronger.

So when they came down from their apartment on the third floor they tried to take cover in a clear area, where there is no excess of things that could hit them in case something fell…



Meanwhile, in the earth's atmosphere:

Techno and the Witcher were in a heated battle. At first, System helped Techno to keep the situation under control, but the problem came when the sorcerer's son appeared

He was the dark elemental king, and he was furious with the earth because his children appeared there. So Sistema had a hard time facing him.

As the Witcher was slowly winning the battle, since Techno had to control both his attacks and those of the Witcher so that they would not damage the land, he had to make a decision that would change the entire land.

Since this was their main planet, it was also the one that had developed the most technology, because they were influenced by the divine power of technology.

By returning this power to his body he could have a drastic increase in his power. The consequences were obvious to the Earthlings.

[ -System: The god Techno has decided to absorb the power of earthly technology to boost his power… The technology that has been developed in this world, until now, will stop working. ]

Techno, powered by the technology he absorbed, was able to attack with more force than ever, accumulating his energy in an incredible attack.

The Witcher was badly wounded and retreated along with his son. But killing a god was no easy task for a god of the same level, so he was still alive. He could only be left with after-effects of this confrontation.

Techno also paid a heavy price for this battle...But the earthlings were still blessed with ignorance.