
Lord Of All

In a universe filled with mysteries. A universe filled with creatures thought not to have existed and beings and places of unimaginable power, danger lurks at every step of the way. At the end of his previous life, James Brayford, a 21st century Earth man, is transmigrated into the body of a young boy from this universe. In order to even have a chance of survival in this universe of madness, James must use his wits and work hard. But will that be enough, to truly have complete control over his life and death, he must rise to the top of the food chain. He is not alone, he has a helper, a system. Let's follow him on journey in this universe of fortune an misfortune. This is the legend of the Lord Of All - a being of ultimate power.

drpassionofnovel · ファンタジー
9 Chs

What A Drag

It had been 32 days since Zach woke up and came to his house. During those days, nothing eventful happened. He had thought some of his arrogant siblings would come and trouble him. But no such thing happened. To say he was not surprised was a lie. But during that time, he had interacted with his new servants and learnt their names.

The female resembling a human with pink skin colour was called Jeanie. She was apparently their leader.

The two elf's were actually sisters. Their names were Karen and Jane. Karen was the older sister.

The male who resembled a human was called Hade.

The other male resembling a crocodile was called Frank.

During his 32 days of solitary life in his house, he had read all the books he could find and learnt some information.

The Eastern Outer Universe had 8 galaxies. Each galaxy contained millions of planets, stars, realms and other celestial bodies and places. The other parts of the outer universe also contained their own galaxies just like the Eastern part.

Between the galaxies was a wide area of darkness spanning several thousands of light years. This area also had several hundreds of thousands of planets, stars and other celestial bodies, though not enough to be called a galaxy. This area was mostly referred to as the The Chaotic Pass. It was given such a name since it connected the galaxies and was a lawless area. Space there was mostly unstable.

The Rose Galaxy housed several kingdoms, empires, schools, sects, clans and other organizations.

Kingdoms were below empires in the power structure of this universe. In the same way, schools were below sects. Kingdoms, empires, schools and sects were ranked from low grade to supreme grade. Between the two extreme grades were mid grade, advance grade and high grade.

The Undying Kingdom was a mid grade kingdom consisting of 268 planets ( both large and dwarf), 37 realms and 466 moons. The prime planet were the capital city was and the royal family resided was Xanex . The name of the royal family was Hall. Hall was the surname of all royal family members.

The Voile Family ruled over 54 planets and their moons; 20 large and 34 dwarf. and their moons. They also ruled over 11 realms. The positions of the planets and realms were arranged in the form of a cross and hence the name, Crossfield. The duke of Crossfield ruled over these planets and realms.

The only authority above the Voile Family in the Kingdom was the royal family.

The patriarch of the Voile Family was Han Voile Jake. The current duke of Crossfield, Damian, was his son. He was higher than the duke in terms of authority in the family, Crossfield and kingdom.

As Zach went over the information, he sighed. He also thought about the cultivation system of this universe.

A special energy, ki, filled this universe. Ki was in all things. Creatures were able to harness ki and use it to perform many great deeds such as destroying entire planets, healing and raising people from the dead. Creatures who harnessed ki in order to be powerful and ultimately become supreme were called cultivators. The few cultivation ranks Zach knew of, from lowest to highest, were foundation realm, refinement realm, enhancement realm, awakened realm, origin realm, core formation realm, mortal realm, earth realm and spirit realm. Each realm was divided into ten stages, from stage 1 to 10. Stage 1 being the lowest.

Zach was a cultivator at the enhancement stage 4 whiles his peers from other great families in the Kingdom were around the origin realm 7,8,9 or 10. Some of the exceptional geniuses were even in the core formation realm and above.

They were also many monsters and beasts.

As Zach thought about all these things, he sighed and said to himself, " The journey will not be easy. Just hope the system will bind and be of some assistance."

When Zach was about to continue going over the information he had, Karen ran into his bedroom and said to him, " Young Master Zach, a family decree has been sent, you are to receive it."

Zach instantly had a bad feeling. He got up from his bed and went to the hall.

Upon entering he saw and old man with a long white beard. He was dark in colour.

Before Zach could greet or say anything, the man said in a loud voice, " Zach, the patriarch has decided to elevate your status and given you a great position.

The patriarch has decreed that, you are to go to The Cage . You are to be the new third ruler of The Cage. Do you accept the decree?"

Zach instantly replied, " I accept."

The old man instantly turned into a red scroll which floated in mid air. The old man was actually the decree, to be exact a living decree. Zach stretched out his hand and the scroll landed in it. He stored it in his storage ring. The decree may seem to have elevated him from a good for nothing son of the family to the position of a third ruler of the palace called The Cage. But he knew what The Cage was.

The Cage was the most rebellious and lawless of all the realms under the rule of the Voile Family. The Cage was actually a small realm. How was he a trash cultivator suppose to rule a pace filled with lawless and mighty cultivators and powers with his measly power?

Each of the powers of The Cage could take his life without even trying. He knew he had been sent there to die.

He sighed and said to himself, " What a drag." The only solace he found was that he was supposed to leave in 5 days time. And hopefully, by that time, the system would have awakened and he would have some means to protect himself.

Zach returned to his room. Upon entering his room, Zach said in his mind, " Status."

Instantly, a grey holographic screen appeared infront of him displaying the content;

[ Supreme System Binding To Host

Completion Rate: 94.5%

Time left: 3 days 2 hours.]

This had been something he had been able to do after trying it. Apparently, this was all he could do with the system now even after trying several experiments.

He had followed what he had read in the novels in his previous life, and it worked.

He looked at the screen for a while and removed his gaze. Since it had been decreed he had to go The Cage, he had no choice but to go.

He sat down on a chair and took a book from a table infront of the chair. He decided to list all the information he knew about The Cage.

The Cage was an infamous place in all of the Undying Kingdom. It was the third most lawless region in the Kingdom. In terms of danger, it was ranked fifth. Beastmen were the primary race of The Cage. They were a race of human with animal like characteristics. For example, a human with cat ears and tail was a beast person. They made up about 85% of the population of The Cage. Other races in The Cage included humans, orcs and goblins and other very small races.

The head of The Cage was Lord Gad. He was the realm Lord. From the information Zach had, he was a conceited and arrogant person. Ironically, he was an orc, a red orc to be exact. Simply, an orc with red skin colour as most orcs had green skin colours.

The Vice Lord was Sebastian. He was a beastman. He was a cold and always walked with an unsmiling face like someone owed him money. He was very cunning and calculating.

Finally, there were three rulers under the realm Lord and his vice. They were the first ruler Napari, he was a beast man. The second ruler Madjunk, h was a goblin, and now the third ruler, Zach.

The previous third ruler was an orc, Gerulf.

Zach finished writing down all the information and went over it to see how he should approach the matter. He looked at the time on the clock and saw it was almost noon. He decide to go downstairs for lunch though he could order for the food to be brought to him.

The cook of the house was Frank. Zach was surprised at first but had to admit the guy was a great cook after eating his dishes. At first, Zach did not want to eat because he feared someone might poison the food. But after 26 days, he was so hungry that he had no choice but to eat. After the first meal and he didn't die, he thought that who ever did not like him had decided he wasn't worth their time, maybe he was being protected by his father or maybe, slow poisoned, but he couldn't really tell which was true. He even though he would be assassinated. But after receiving the decree, he knew he was wrong. It was none. They thought of letting him have a peaceful life for some days before killing him off in The Cage. But they were in for a surprise if they thought he was that easy to kill.

Zach smiled as he ate whiles formulating his future plans.