
Lord Of All

In a universe filled with mysteries. A universe filled with creatures thought not to have existed and beings and places of unimaginable power, danger lurks at every step of the way. At the end of his previous life, James Brayford, a 21st century Earth man, is transmigrated into the body of a young boy from this universe. In order to even have a chance of survival in this universe of madness, James must use his wits and work hard. But will that be enough, to truly have complete control over his life and death, he must rise to the top of the food chain. He is not alone, he has a helper, a system. Let's follow him on journey in this universe of fortune an misfortune. This is the legend of the Lord Of All - a being of ultimate power.

drpassionofnovel · ファンタジー
9 Chs


It's been three days since Zach received the family decree. Right now, he was sitting on his bed in his room. He was very nervous and excited. Today was the day the system would fully bind to him and hopefully awakened. He looked at the Status screen.

[ Supreme System Binding To Host

Completion Rate: 99.8%

Time Left: 11 minutes 34 seconds.]

He took in a deep breathe to calm himself. He waited patiently as the the completion rate increased and time decreased.

It was finally left with 5 seconds for the system to fully bind. He counted in a low voice like a whisper, " 5,4,3,2,1,0."

As soon he he reached 0, Zach expected to feel something but nothing. He was about to call out the system when he heard the same voice he had heard initially after transmigrating.

The voice said in an emotionless tone, " I am the Supreme System. Now, the answer to the question you would eventually ask, why I chose you? is simply, because you were lucky, so you had the chance to transmigrated and have me. Don't think is because you are unique or special."

" As you know already, I am the Supreme System, my purpose is to help you, the host, become the most ultimate existence in this universe and Lord Of All. But whether you are able to achieve that depends on you. I am only to assist. But there may be instances where I may be unable to assist.", continued the voice.

Zach: < I understand all that you have told me and I am not going to ask any further questions about your origins since I have no choice but to accept this second chance unless I want to die which I don't. Most importantly, as I am right now, I need you.>

System : < Now about my functions, as the Supreme System, I have three primary functions. The shop function, quest function and lottery function. Currently the shop and lottery function are locked because of my low rank. I am currently Rank 1. Improve my rank to unlock them. Now there is another function of mine, the scan function, by using scan on creatures, I can display their information for you. The scan function can also be used on materials such as herbs, artifacts and so on to gain information on them. The quantity of information I am able to give out depends on my rank. But don't worry, all information I display are perfectly accurate. If information cannot be displayed because of low rank, ----- is used. Currently, the scan has a ranged of 100m. Also, there is a system space for storing your items. Currently, the space is 50 cubic meters. Items stored in the space are completely safe. As you improve my rank, the scan function evolves and the system space becomes bigger. To improve my rank, complete more quests.>

System: < Since you haven't unlocked the shop and lottery functions, I cannot talk about them. The quest function simply gives you tasks to do. Whether to perform these tasks or not are entirely optional. Through quests, you gain system experience points, SEP to level up my rank. Also, through quests you gain credits and lottery points, LP. Quests also grant various other rewards upon completion. Quests have time limit. Try to complete quest before time runs out or else, no reward is given even if you tried to complete it. ]

System: < You can talk to me by projecting your thoughts to your mind, no need to open your mouth as I said earlier when you transmigrated successfully. I am always available. You have a gift pack, you can check it out by saying status.>

Zach: < Status>

[ Host Name: Cloud Voile Zach

System Rank: 1(0/100SEP)

Race: Human

Bloodline: Human ( Grade 1)( 1.7%)

Physique: Unawakened

Constitution: Unawakened

Personality: Cautious, Calculating, Friendly.

Cultivation Realm: Enhancement Stage 4

Cultivation Scripture: OneBodyOneMindOneSpirit Sutra

Fighting Styles and Techniques: Iron Style(lv 8), Moon steps(lv 7), Swordsmanship(lv 6), Spearmanship(lv 5), Bowmanship(lv 7), ...

Faction: None

Subordinates: None

System Space: Gift Pack.]

Zach: < I have a few questions for you regarding my status. First, my bloodline is human, but what does 1.7% represent?>

System: < The 1.7% represents your bloodline purity. As it is now, the whole blood in your body is human, but, the purity is only 1.7%. Understood?>

Zach: <Yes, understood. I presume the lv besides each fighting style or technique represent my level of mastery, right?>

System: < Yes.>

Zach: < Why is the faction part empty, do I not belong to the Voile family in the Undying Kingdom? Even, I am now the third ruler of the Nest, right?>

System: < You do belong to the Voile Family in the Undying Kingdom but you do own it or you are not it's head. As for The Nest, you and I know that you are just a puppet ruler. The faction section on the status refers to powers you own or is an absolute head of, not a puppet ruler or member.>

Zach understood and knew the system was right, but, it still hurt when the system said it so bluntly.

Zach: < I guess is the same reason for why the subordinates part is also empty because the servants in my place of residence are not mine but the family's, right?>

System: < Yes. Congratulations the host has become more brilliant.>

As for the physique and constitution that were indicated unawakened, from the information Zach knew, when a cultivator stepped into the awakened stage, he or she could awaken a physique or constitution or both as he/she progressed in the awakened stage. Upon awakening their physique and/or constitution, they had to improve upon them by using pills, elixirs, herbs, spiritual fruits or artifacts. There were also arts and scriptures that could be practiced to improve physiques and/or constitutions though at a slower rate than the former method. The levels of development of physiques and constitution were divided into 12 stages, from 1 to 12, with 1 being the lowest stage of development.

Other cultivators could also not awaken a physique and constitution. But that didn't mean they were weaker than cultivators with physique and/or constitution of the same realm. Some cultivators without physique and constitution were actually very powerful. In fact , physiques and constitutions just served as a booster to cultivators and granted them mysterious powers. Also,one or more people could have the same physique but not constitution but there were exceptions to that.

When Zach heard the system, he almost fell from his bed.

Zach: < Before I forget, do you have a name? If you do, can you tell me?>

System: < My name is Nex.>

Zach: < So you are sentient?>

Nex: < Yes.>

Zach stopped thinking about these things and focused on another matter at hand.

Zach: < I hope opening gift pack will not cause any disturbance?>

Nex: < Yes.You can open gift pack by commanding it to open.>

Zach: < Ok, if you say so. Open Gift Pack.>

The status screen infront of Zach changed displaying a new content.

[ Gift Pack Opened

Choose two options

1. Ying-Yang Trinity Scriptures Part 1: The first part of an ultimate cultivation Scripture. Allows one to have unparalleled foundation and potential in cultivation. Can be practiced up to the profound realm.

2. Full Bloodline Purification Elixir: An Elixir that makes one's bloodline purity one hundred percent.No side effects.

3. Ancestral Dragon Bloodline( Grade 11): Replace your current bloodline with one of the most powerful bloodlines in this universe. You gain 5% purity upon use.

4. I Am The Weapon: Allows you to gain unparalleled and perfect fighting experience and instinct. You would also have the aura of an unparalleled warrior.

5. Cultivation Enhancement Pill: Push your cultivation Realm by 5 major ranks.No side effects.

6.1 billion credits.

7. 10 million LP.

8. System Rank Increase, +3.

9. White Token Of The Yu Clan: With this token, you can order the one of the most powerful Clans in the outer verse, the Yu Clans to carry out any order of yours as long as it was not excessive.]

Zach looked at the options and knew he had to choose carefully. Each options contained great benefits.

Zach: < Can you help me choose.>

Nex: < No, I can't help you on this one.>

Zach suspected as much when he heard Nex's response. Zach thought about it the options, their benefits and what he needed most.

The first option gave him unparalleled cultivation scripture, even though it was just the first part, he wanted it even though he had a cultivation scripture already.

The second option fully purified his human bloodline.

Bloodlines and their purity were very important factors in cultivation and also in awakening certain physiques. Certain powerful bloodlines granted powerful physiques and boosted cultivation greatly. Bloodlines could be purified by taking herbs, elixirs, pills, using artifacts and other various treasures. Also there were arts and scriptures that helped one improve their bloodline. Though he did not know the benefits of a fully purified human bloodline, Zach loved his humanity. But he was hesitant since humans were one of the lower races in this universe.

The third option gave him the very powerful bloodline of the Ancestral Dragon with 5% purity. He was tempted to choose it but was unsure.

The fourth option gave him unparalleled fighting experience and instinct which he needed urgently as he didn't know how to properly fight. Even though he had his predecessor's memories, his predecessor was basically a poor fighter as shown by how much he was bullied. Also, he was still a man from 21st century Earth who had no proper fighting experience.

As for the fifth option, he was tempted to choose it but he resisted the urge. He would rather have long term benefits than short term benefits. And also, he did not know whether by choosing that option and rising in 5 major cultivation realms, he would cause a phenomenon? Also, how was supposed to explain his drastic increase in cultivation base? Could he fool his questioners by saying is because he rose from the dead? No, no one would believe that bullshit, after all they were not brain dead. He would be captured and tortured for the treasure that supposedly increased his cultivation base, killed or experimented on. He didn't want such a life.

He could also choose the eighth option along with the sixth and seventh option and hoped once the Nex rose in 3 more ranks, the shop and/or lottery function would be activated. He could then use choose the credits and/or LP. But all of this was plausible if and only if the shop and/or lottery function were activated upon raising the Nex's ranks by 3. Also there was a possibility that, even the credits and LP would be insufficient. Since the positive effect of these options was based on chance, he decided not to choose none of them.

As for the ninth option, he saw it as a complete scam. He had heard rumors of the Yu Clan. But he did not know their bottom line. How was he supposed to give them an order without crossing their bottom line? Besides, even if he had the token and ordered the Yu Clan to make him emperor and they did. How was he supposed to maintain that position? The Yu Clan wasn't supposed to protect him, they were to make him Emperor, which they did. Becoming an Emperor and staying an Emperor were two different things.

Now that he had looked all the options carefully, Zach decided to choose option 1 and 4.