
Lord Of All

In a universe filled with mysteries. A universe filled with creatures thought not to have existed and beings and places of unimaginable power, danger lurks at every step of the way. At the end of his previous life, James Brayford, a 21st century Earth man, is transmigrated into the body of a young boy from this universe. In order to even have a chance of survival in this universe of madness, James must use his wits and work hard. But will that be enough, to truly have complete control over his life and death, he must rise to the top of the food chain. He is not alone, he has a helper, a system. Let's follow him on journey in this universe of fortune an misfortune. This is the legend of the Lord Of All - a being of ultimate power.

drpassionofnovel · ファンタジー
9 Chs


In a huge mansion resembling a castle, a man of about 96 years lay on a bed in a well furnished room. Surrounding the bed was many doctors and other people: the man's relatives and so called friends. The man was called James Brayford. He was from the planet Earth. He had held many positions of power and was extremely wealthy. He had been a minister, chairman of political party, vice president and president. He was also a lover of historical books and artifacts. He also liked reading novels, manga and watching anime. Basically, he was a very knowledgeable man in most fields. He was also a businessman worth billions of dollars. He had many children and grandchildren.

But even with all his accomplishments, he could not escape the clutches of death. As he lay on the bed, he thought about how all his accomplishments couldn't save him. He just wished for another chance at life. He sighed and accepted his fate. After unknown amount of time, the man passed away peacefully. The doctors beside his bed checked on him and confirmed his death. They relayed the news to his so called friends and relatives. And this is how the story of an illustrious 21st century man came to an end.


In a dimly lit room lay a boy of about 17 years on a bed. The boy seemed to be asleep but actually, to the people who knew him, he had been dead for 5 hours due to poisoning. The boy had oval shaped face with black hair and his skin was pale. He was skinny.

Then it happened, a gray light shone in the room from the boy but it never crossed the boundaries of the room. After some time, the light slowly disappeared. The boy started shaking slightly and slowly opened his eyes. He had grey eyes. He slowly but weakly got up from the bed. He stood up but soon feel back on the bed due to him being weak.

The boy was Cloud Voile Zach. He was the third son of the duke of Crossfield: one of the five dukes of the Undying Kingdom, a mid grade kingdom. So then how did such a person of importance die from poisoning.

In a universe filled with a special energy called Ki. Creatures cultivated using this energy in order to gain great power and authority. But Zach was trash, his talent for cultivation was low. Therefore, in order not to disgrace his family name any further, he poisoned himself and that's how he died.

But now that he had come back alive, was he really the original Zach of this universe? No, right now, a different entity from another planet, from another universe had taken over Zach's body, spirit and mind. The old Zach was more. a new Zach had been born.


After his death, James accepted his fate and thought it was all over. But then he fell extreme weakness all over his body. He also fell that his body had somehow changed. He thought it was all illusion since he had just died though he couldn't explain how he knew he had just died. Call it a feeling.

He tried opening his eyes. It worked. He was surprised, because on his sick bed he couldn't open his eyes. The first thing he saw was a dim light. He tried to get up, he stood up carefully from the bed he was lying on. But due to extreme weakness, he fell back on the bed.

It was then that he heard a voice say , " Transmigration successful. Host body in weakened state. Beginning Healing".

Before he could gather his thoughts, he fell an extremely warm and cool feeling in his body. He felt like he was regaining his strength.

After some time, the feeling slowly disappeared. After the feeling disappeared, he felt like he had some extra information in his mind. He tried to think about that information and he instantly understood what had happened.

After his death in his previous life, by some mysterious means unknown to him, he had been transmigrated into the body of the boy he currently was. He obtained all information about the boy he had transmigrated into and what he knew. The boys name was Zach, Cloud Voile Zach.


Zach was the third son of the duke of Crossfield, Voile Damian. Zach was from the Voile family. The planet he currently was was called Cora. His father was one of the five dukes of the Undying Kingdom: a mid grade kingdom in the Rose Galaxy, Eastern Outer Universe. Lord Damian had married three wives, though one was dead. He had four sons and five daughters.

Zach's mother was Cloud Louisa, daughter of prime minister, a lady from the Cloud Family. Zach's mother had passed away when he was 10 years old from a strange disease.

In the Undying Kingdom, the current king Luslac III and prime minister, Cloud Hank were the only two people above the five dukes in authority. Even the Queen and Crown Prince had no authority over the dukes. The dukes, each personally, had their own army.


Zach went over the information in his head over and over again.Some of the things he learnt was that, the outer universe was divided into east, west, north and south. The Easter Outer Universe had 8 galaxies, Western Outer Universe had 7 galaxies, Northern Outer Universe had 5 galaxies and the Southern Outer Universe had 9 galaxies. There was also an inner universe which was separated from the outer universe by the Turbulent River.

After reviewing the information he had, he sighed. The body he had transmigrated into was trash by this universe standards. The original Zach had low cultivation talent.

But Zach made a vow, he said, " I will rise above all", because he never liked being mediocre. He always liked being on top as shown by the life he led previously. And in this universe also, he planned on doing the same no matter what.

Zach then again slowly got up to his feet from the bed. But this time, he didn't fall back on the bed but stood up straight. It then occured to him that, he had heard a voice initially.

" How could I forget", he said to himself.

"Hey, are you still there, voice in my head", said Zach in a low voice.

[ Yes Zach, I'm with you, more like I'm part of you. You can talk to me by projecting your thoughts into your mind after I have fully binded to you. By the way the I'm the Supreme System.]

As soon as the voice finished speaking, a grey holographic screen was projected infront of Zach. It read;

[ The Supreme System Binding To Host

Completion Rate: 1.5%

Time left: 35 days 23 hours]

Zach looked at the screen and had an understanding of what was happening. He had been transmigrated and granted a system. It was just like the novels he had read in his past life.

Zach:[ Supreme System, you still there.]

No answer.

" I guessed I would have to wait for it to completely bind to me, the host. What a drag", he said to himself.

Zach dusted himself, took a deep breath and walked towards the door at the opposite side of the room. Sooner or later, he had to go out and announce to the world that he, Cloud Voile Zach had risen from the dead and was alive.


As soon as Zach stepped out, the first thing that he saw was a bright light. His eyes quickly adjusted to the brightness, he looked up into the sky and saw a beautiful blue and white sky with three bright shinning suns. Even though he knew about this thanks to memories he had received, he was still amazed. He removed his gaze from the sky and looked at his surroundings.

It was then that he noticed that there were two people standing besides the door looking at him with astonished expression. They were right to be astonished since he was dead and now he was standing in front of them. By their attire, they looked like guards.

He turned to them and said, " Sorry for all the trouble, I guess the poison couldn't kill me. But now no need to worry, I have decided to live".

" Now if you would inform my father that I am awake. I would be very grateful", he continued.

They both immediately reacted and one of them took out a square shaped object with lines on it and pressed a button on top of it. It was a communication device called Texa.Texa came in many shapes. The other guard became very attentive, put his guard up and stared at Zach for any sign of suspicious movement.

A few moments later, a holographic screen was projected from the device. The screen showed a middle aged man with brown hair with deep blue eyes. He ha short well trimmed beard and mustache. He wore a plain white shirt, fully buttoned. He looked coldly at the guard and said, " This better be important or else your head will roll".

The guard shivered and said, " Lord Damian, young master Zach is alive".

The man said, " Fool, how could he be alive? He eat a very deadly high Earth grade poison. How could he be alive?".

The guard, " But sir, he is standing here at this moment, alive".

The guard then turned the holographic screen to Zach. The man's expression changed but quickly regained his composure.

He then sternly said, " Bring him to me, now". The screen then disappeared.

' I guessed the call has ended', thought Zach.

The guard then turned to Zach and said, " Please young master Zach, if you would follow us".