
Capture the Bandit Leader

The blood of the bandits flowed, and not a drop was left, all sucked dry by the blue (outstanding) Blood-Drinking Blade.

Instantly, Long Chen felt that the blade in his hand had become even more powerful, and the crimson agate gem on the blade seemed even more mysterious.

At that moment, a whistling sound came from above.


Not good, this was the sonic boom of a battle blade slicing through the air.

Long Chen immediately rolled to the side just in time to avoid this deadly attack.

At the same time, he thrust the Blood-Drinking Blade back towards the enemy.


A gush of blood poured out of the dead bandit's abdomen, including various-colored intestines...

For the first time, Long Chen truly experienced the horror and nausea of the battlefield.

Suppressing the discomfort in his stomach, he focused his attention on the enemy in front of him.

In fact, Long Chen's stomach had already turned upside down, and his face had turned pale.

"Congratulations on killing an elite bandit, experience +80...."

"Congratulations on leveling up to level 5, you have 5 attribute points to freely distribute..."

"Put them all into Strength!"

Long Chen didn't hesitate for a moment. At this moment, on the battlefield, increasing his Strength would be of the greatest benefit in killing enemies.

Moreover, his profession was already a warrior, so he naturally had to increase his Strength first.

He saw his attribute panel appear again, but it was ethereal, and it did not affect Long Chen's continued battle.

Due to his discomfort from the first kill, Long Chen was transferred to the rear under the protection of several soldiers.

Only then did he have a chance to open his attribute panel.

[ID]: Sword Wind

[Name]: Long Chen, style Jue Ming

[Title]: Commoner

[Official Rank]: None

[Level]: 5

[Strength]: 25 (Max 80)

[Strategy]: 10 (Max 70)

[Endurance]: 10 (Max 70)

[Domestic Affairs]: 10 (Max 70)

[Charm]: 100 (Benefit from Gold-tier Legend Talent - Dragon and Phoenix Among Men, exceeds maximum limit)

[Skills]: None

[Martial Arts]: None

[Equipment]: Blood-Drinking Blade (Outstanding, Blue-grade)

[Awakening]: Not Awakened (After awakening, all attributes will be increased)

[Talent]: Dragon and Phoenix Among Men (Gold-tier Legend, Charm value increased to 100 points, all attributes of trained troops are enhanced by 30%)

In an instant, a surge of heat swept through his limbs and bones. Long Chen felt that his strength had increased significantly. During this moment, he also suppressed the feeling of nausea.

Frantically repeating to himself: "This is just a game, this is just a game..."

Repeating this over and over, he finally calmed his inner fear and anxiety.

Pushing aside the soldiers in front of him, Long Chen, with the sinister Blood-Drinking Blade in hand, fiercely charged back into the battlefield.

"Damn! This guy's a lunatic! Is he suicidal or what?"

Zhang Hua, his face pale, watched Long Chen rush back into the battlefield. His legs were trembling like sieves, and his lips had turned purple.

The other two men with him were not much better, all showing fear as they looked at the bloody battlefield.

Accustomed to the peace of the modern world, they had suddenly entered the battlefield for the first time. They hadn't turned and run, so their performance was already good. However, Long Chen's reaction left them embarrassed, and they could only mutter to themselves, "This guy is a freak!"

At the same time, they grumbled, "This damn game designer! He had to make the game world so realistic that it scares the hell out of people!"

The game's official forums and discussion boards were filled with chaos.

"Damn you, game designer! You better post your address so I can send you some local products (trolling face emoji)."

"Damn, you guys have no idea. I landed in Liangzhou, encountered the Xiongnu, and got chopped with a sword. It felt like I was really cut, it hurt like hell..."

"Yeah, right! Originally, I thought the promotion about the game's realistic nature was just bragging, but as soon as I entered, I was scared out of my wits..."

Seeing the complaints from game players on the forums, Li Wu and the others finally felt a bit better. But when they saw Long Chen rampaging through the enemy camp, they felt it was worth sharing with everyone.

Since the game had a video recording function, Li Wu and the others stayed in the rear of the formation and recorded the video of Long Chen charging through the enemy camp. They casually posted it on the game's forums.

Before they could gauge the reaction to the video, they were pulled by their team leader and sent back into the battlefield to fight the bandits with all their might.


Long Chen saw that the surrounding bandits were increasing in number and his heart gradually sank.

This couldn't go on. He hadn't expected the sudden night attack to not break the bandits' spirits.

Looking into the distance, Long Chen finally spotted the key problem.

A seven-foot-tall giant stood in the center of the bandit group, wielding a large wooden knife. When he encountered the soldiers, he swung the knife, causing them to fall like dominoes. Moreover, during the process of killing, he calmly organized the bandits to counterattack.

The bandits had gone from being initially disorganized to gradually restoring their formation.

Long Chen made a decision and shouted loudly at his team leader, who was fighting bravely, "Brother Shi, capture the leader first, deal with the bandit leader in the center first!"


Shi Qiang replied.

He then organized all the team leaders to form a death charge team and charged straight into the enemy, like a sharp knife piercing the hearts of the enemy.

Long Chen followed closely behind.

Seeing the situation turn against him, the bandit leader quickly organized his men to defend and led a fierce charge forward. The two sides clashed immediately.

Having killed many bandits, Long Chen finally reached level 8. He could now see the attributes of the team leader, Shi Qiang.

[Name]: Shi Qiang (no given name)

[Title]: Commoner

[Official Rank]: Team Leader

[Level]: 23

[Age]: 28

[Strength]: 41 (Maximum 60)

[Strategy]: 10 (Maximum 60)

[Endurance]: 25 (Maximum 60)

[Domestic Affairs]: 7 (Maximum 60)

(Maximum values depend on individual talents)

[Charm]: 5

[Skills]: Heavy Strike (D-level) (Deals 150% damage to the enemy and has a 20% chance to cause a bleeding effect)

[Martial Arts]: None

[Equipment]: Ring-Headed Blade (Green-grade fine)

[Awakening]: Not awakened (After awakening, all attributes will increase)

[Talent]: Fearless (Increases self-strength attribute by 20% in combat for fifteen minutes, followed by three days of weakness) (White-grade common)

Impressive! Long Chen praised and knew that if the opportunity was seized, Shi Qiang could definitely use his talent "Fearless" to combine with his D-level skill "Heavy Strike" to defeat the bandit leader.

Seeing that their forces had broken through to a point less than a hundred steps from the bandit leader, Long Chen shouted, "Now is the time!!!"

Shi Qiang nodded and immediately created a pale yellow mist swirling around his body, creating a mystical aura.