
Meet With Enma

Now takashi and old man aids walk through The gate and arrived alone dark place where No one is there some viscus trees having No bloosm and dark trees are there and The black crow of big size crowing there ...

one big crow come to mr aids and say The master lie looks very weak if lord Enma looks what happen ..he give our souls and feed to his scary dogs ..

lie said don't be scared nothing will be happened

lie(takashi's name in The hell )

lets meet with Dad lie ask mr aids flash his stick and The door unhide front of them when they walk through It they are stand in front of lord Enma

lord Enma looks lie and say now You looks prepare to use your powers tell me about earth what the plant is how powerfull creatures stay there

lie - noting much but not so week

and i decide to spend more time on earth

Enma- then get your powers and go on earth again and collect More info and there source

and Enma takes The locket to lie

then lie put It in his neck and then come back on earth with mr aids on earth mr aids said small lord Enma take care of yourself and if you need me then ask mr donor

takashi - yes mr aids now You go back