
Lord's Mercy

He was scarred by the violent war, but then he was transferred to a world where war, unlike to them, is nothing but a child's play. In great anger, he will make changes nothing the people have ever seen, only to make things right, right as they should be.

DaoistfoEIVn · ファンタジー
6 Chs

The one with the heart of steel

Laila's POV

I was told, master will be alright. And I believed.

But after he woke up one day, his personality changed. He became the very person we were afraid of. He became the tyrant that he shouldn't have.

It was only the 2nd day since then, but Helen and I have been constantly running out of breathe due to the piling numbers of order he give around.

Although this wasn't his fault and the blame should be to the people who fled, it still felt a bit unfair for us to be the one who receive punishment instead of them.

But then, if we try to talk about it, he will always threaten us by doing the same thing that he will do to the deserted and traitor of this family.

Death by guillotine.

We can do nothing but shut our mouths upon his mention to such terrifying tools of evilness. Guillotine.

I have heard rumors about it, but I didn't knew master would resort to such underhanded threats just to make us do things.

But... It's not very bad at all. For when the night comes, he will always call us and sleep with us. Just like a child he is.

We have suspected him being possess by some sort of evil spirit but after that night, we begin thinking otherwise and gave him a chance.

Now it's been a week since then, and although problems keep on rising here and there, we were able to do it so long as we stand united and sleep together!


Louis's POV

A week after I got into this mess, I was able to understand a few things.

One is, people in this world are shallow creatures. They tend to follow their emotion rather than logic when verifying things. Maybe that's why that person fled. He may have thought he can't do it just because his feelings think so.

Second thing is, things are much worse that I thought. People are dying, not because of war, but because of lack of political will.

Instead of carving more lands for agriculture, they instead make roads and cities for people to live, leaving the agricultural sector to lose its opportunity to grow.

They heavily rely on food imports while exporting dungeon-based materials instead of productively using it for the territorial growth. Dungeon-based materials can be used in many things such as fertilizer, tools, weapons, machinery. Heck, this one small magic crystal they call can even power an entire town's electricity and yet they instead chose to neglect technological growth and just kill each other.

There's so much potential lost just because of this people's ignorance and idiocy.

Third thing, the eastern alliance, or the eastern kingdom alliance, is preparing a war against the Welia Kingdom, specifically us. The eastern alliance had a long standing conflict against the Mylenia duchy since it was independent around the eastern Mouri Forest that borders them and us. Due its rich natural resources such as rare woods and people, it was the target of interest.

And the fourth thing, it was the situation that highly disgust me. Slavery. I know that in this part of era or age, slave traders run freely since it was legal, in fact, it's even sponsored by many high status individual due to their great potential growth. To the point that they even include it as legal product. Not only that, Mylenia is one of the territory that highly recommends and sponsor slave trading.

This are just the few but major things that I finally understand. The most latter part however is something that I cannot overlook. Slavery is the leading cause of my world's destruction, and possibly as of this moment, millions still die. If I do not act on this matter, I won't be able to face my comrades that had fallen.


Since there is a lack of manpower, I decided to officially make the two personal maid I have as my adjutant. An adjutant is basically someone that take care of general things, such as hiring, commanding, and organizing a few documents that is not crucial on the territorial matter.

I also made the highest ranking officer currently here the new commander and general of the Mylenia army. A soldier that consist of 10,000 soldiers.

I ordered the man to spread his army to which, in his surprise, blurt a few insensitive words that could lead him to execution, but upon degrading myself and explaining in to their level of reasoning, I convinced him in doing so without his head flying around.

Speaking of heads flying around, I also executed a few officials in the government sector. A few bureaucrats have been 'obviously' caught embezzling money from the taxes and keeping it to their own.

That also became the reason why I currently lack manpower.

Maybe due to my advance training program back in my world, I easily adapted into this new environment. A few skills I had when I was at college and training at the barracks did me a high favor in this regard.

Maybe I was not actually ignorant, but rather just an unfortunate being? Still, regret seems to linger in my hear for not doing better.

I was again given a second chance, maybe this time, I could prove myself I can do better.

Heh... What a foolish of thought. It seems that I would not be able to accept the fact that I can no longer save my dying world.

Tears soon flow in my eyes, such bothersome feelings made me stop my work and instead cry myself out in this lonesome, eery place. Regrets truly still lingers in me, and despite everything I would do, nothing would change the outcome of my world.

Can i even do better here? Can I even live and lead these foolish people with the help of not by my comrades but by strangers? Could I even trust them?

I grown attached to them, yet a single strike led me to this lonely journey.

I just wish I could see them one more time.

Spoiler: he will not.

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