
Lookism :The True King

Synopsis: A former Thug was able to achieve his dream of entering the teaching profession by becoming a high school teacher. Unfortunately, he later died because of a high school girl who could not tolerate that our protagonist did not accept her feelings . Author's Note: The protagonist has read some webtoons and manhwas because of his friend, so he has some knowledge about manhwas and webtoons, but he is not an expert. And a little bonus information, he is around the same age as the members of Generation 1 and he is the son of Tom Lee. There will be other manhwas like High School Mercenary (yes, I like the guns) and other stuff like Castle.

Soul_Eater_0252 · アニメ·コミックス
20 Chs

Chapter 4: Subjugating the 1103 Gang

POV of Suho Kang

I observe the members of the 1103 gang, I could tell they are confident and I can understand them.

I am merely an unarmed individual and they are a good twenty in front of me and some are armed.

I began walking towards them calmly, without rushing too much. Since forever, a human has never been in a hurry to crush an ant, so I didn't see the point in being rushed to finish them off.

"Don't file a complaint after this fight, okay?" I said once in front of their leader.

The latter always had the same blank expression, but I could see interest in his eyes.

"Correct him," he simply said while keeping his eyes fixed on mine.

After saying that, a guy ran towards me to throw a bat that clearly aimed for my head.

I responded by swinging my leg against it, resulting in the metal bat flying out of his hands.

I followed up with a Brazilian kick that hit him in the neck with the same leg that struck his metal bat.

*Bam* It was the sound of a body that fell to the ground without offering any resistance.

"Next," I simply said while looking around me, I had officially entered combat mode.

The time for verbal discussion was over and only the sounds of our blows would resonate in this place.

After my action, they surely understood that I was not to be taken lightly since they all came towards me at the same time, but their leader remained behind, putting a hand in his black jacket.

He must surely possess a throwing knife and in the worst case, a Gun.

I have to keep an eye on him. I had performed this entire analysis of the situation in a few instants while knocking out the idiot who was coming towards me with a blow to the stomach.

The scumbag vomited before passing out, yet I had adjusted my strength to avoid killing someone or inflicting permanent damage.

They may be delinquents but they are still kids in my eyes and although I am no longer a teacher at a high school currently, I would feel a bit guilty about possibly ruining their future by inflicting a lifelong disability on them.

I continued to let loose, dodging and striking my opponents while relying on my reflexes but also using my "eyes of misfortune" to anticipate attacks from behind.

"Monster," those were the words I heard during the fight, no it was more of a massacre than a fight.

"Stop, I'll contact Hansol," declared the man dressed in a black suit or Mr. PNG while still holding some knives in hand.

During my massacre, the scumbag had thrown knives at me from time to time but none of them were able to hit me and I even had to catch some in mid-air to prevent them from hitting his subordinates.

I prefer to avoid problems or being known to the police for now, so serious knife injuries are out of the question.

It would be unfortunate for my future plans if I had a criminal record.

"It's a bit late to talk about that," I said while holding a thug by the throat.

"Indeed, but I don't think you're the type to cause problems," he calmly responded while looking at the knives I had caught mid-air in my possession.

"Nah, you got it all wrong," I said as I threw the guy I was holding by the throat at him before rushing towards him.

"I'm going to meet Hansol after giving you guys a little lesson," I said as I kicked his face while he was on the ground.

Around me, there was no one conscious except for the girl who should be Lyla whatshername from the manhwa "The Girl from Random Chatting!"

"Damn, I was too hard on them," I said, scratching my head, embarrassed by the situation.

Although I held back, it should be known that at his peak in the PvP of the Hanlim Gym manhwa, Suho Kang showed himself capable of destroying a bridge pillar with his bare hands.

Even though I have not yet fully mastered "the Origin", I currently possess physical strength equivalent to his.

"You over there," I said, pointing my finger at the girl who was supposedly Lyla.

"What about me?" she said, clearly caught off guard.

"It's been bothering me for a while, but what's your name?" I asked as I approached her.

"I'm Rira Seo," she replied, looking me in the eyes.

Indeed, she is the girl I thought she was.

I understand better why she's not afraid of me, despite my recent fight.

"I see," I simply said, nodding my head.

"What? Are you interested in me?" she said, leaning slightly towards me.

"Not really, I would be lying if I said you're not beautiful but I've already seen those kinds of looks in your eyes," I said, frowning my brows before quickly shaking it off.

She's not Isabelle, she's just a teenager who hangs around bad people and has been through a lot.

But she's clearly insane, that's for sure.

"Oh, you said you find me pretty," she said, getting closer.

( picture here )

"Yes, but avoid invading my personal space," I said, trying to ignore her.

I was rummaging through Mr. PNG's pockets, who was supposed to be the gang leader, to find clues about Hansol's location.

"There it is," I said, satisfied after taking my cousin's number before walking away.

"I almost forgot, tell Mr. PNG here that I'm the new boss of the area from now on," I said, giving her my number.

"Have him contact me when he wakes up," I said as I left.

"Received 5/5 Mr. Monster," Rira Seo declared in a familiar tone.

"My name is Suho Kang, not Mr. Monster," I said to her before walking away.

"Suho Kang huh," she muttered with a strange gleam in her eyes.


This girl really is too similar to that crazy Isabelle, I wonder if I did the right thing giving her my number to be the temporary go-between with the other PNG.

But apart from her, there was no one conscious in the alley.

"I need to be more careful in my actions during a fight," I muttered, taking out my phone to make a call.

"Hello, may I ask who you are please?" replied the polite voice of a young girl on the other end.

(picture here)

"I'm your cousin and now your new boss," I simply stated.

"Is this a joke?" she responded, clearly annoyed.

"No, you can ask the leader of the 1103 and he'll be aware of this in a few hours," I said, trying to hold back my laughter imagining her face at that moment.

"I don't know who you are or how you're aware of my connection to the 1103 but know that I will find you and you will regret this call..."

I ended up hanging up before she could continue her long diatribe.

I've always skipped over these kinds of things in my video game playthroughs, but it seems we got off on the wrong foot with each other.

"I'll have a long family meeting with her later, for now I'd better head home," I muttered, looking at the darkening sky.

Author's Note: There you have it, our protagonist has just set foot into the unforgiving worlds of crime.

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