
Lookism: The Peak

A life and a half spent delving in the martial arts. A life of gang violence, a life of crime? Nahhhh, you're probably overthinking it. Anyway, waking up in Korea looking younger than normal was something Lev Adler didn't quite expect, especially after he got fed to the fish. As before though, a journey to the absolute top was in order. ======== It's a Lookism fic with Viral Hit/How to Fight mixed in a way that the timelines end up mingling with each other.

Dreizehnn · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


Seoul, Korea,

Lev POV,

On the highway connecting Seoul to Ansan, a black sedan could be seen going down one of the roads at relatively high speeds, avoiding other vehicles in the way. The driver seemed to be a fairly skilled one though, the behaviour did result in them getting sworn at by the more unruly people... the person in question though, didn't really care about that.

On the driver's seat sat a timid man with a fairly broad build though he seemed to be sweating slightly as he drove. On the seat beside him, sat a teenager that looked to be 18 or 19 years of age, he seemed to be looking out the window while stroking a white cat sitting in his lap. "So then, what made him want me back after such a long time?" Lev asked, looking at the driver from the corner of his eye, the skin around the eyes seemed to show signs of stress even if Lev himself had no such thing.

"Need I remind that you were the one who sought an indefinite leave?" The one who responded wasn't the driver but rather the voice came from a phone. On it's display was a smiling teen, he wore a neat school uniform, a white undershirt with a striped tie, and orange plaid pants laid out under his royal blue coat. He also wore round spectacles and had a small charming smile on his fac though his stature was smaller than usual giving a 'nerdy' feel.

"Yeah but,..... man, how the hell did we end up crossing paths?" Lev sighed looking up, he did remember how they had met and he had accepted to be under the kid, judging him to have more than enough potential. As for himself being a leader? Nah, Lev didn't have enough patience or intelligence to make a crew of his own. Joining another, working for a leader that took care of the non violence involved aspects, and earning money as he worked was a much more enticing prospect.

"If I remember right, it was t-"

"It was a rhetorical question Eugene." Lev quickly cut him off, he didn't need an hour long explanation about what they had agreed upon. "Well, the time's finally come for me to gather my forces so I naturally called you here. The rest we can discuss face to face." 'Eugene' said with a smile, straightening his tie before cutting the call.

"Sir, if I may know. How do you know the chairman?" Shi asked, still looking at the road, he was somewhat overreaching here but curiosity can't really be helped. "Met a few years back, he wanted me to be his sword or something, a Jake got mentioned if that helps." Lev shrugged stroking Lily as the cat purred in comfort and delight, "Meeeow~ (How do you....)"

Shi's eyes widened in surprise, sword? Jake.... Jake Kim? The Head of Big Deal, one of the 4 Major Crews operating in Seoul, Big Deal's second in command was called the Sword of their head..... Was their chairman trying to imitate the strong points of the rest?

"You're better off not thinking too much into it." Lev smiled at him, making the man nod slowly before removing the thought from his mind completely, "The kid seemed to have a good sense for business so... why not eh?" He continued as he looked outside, he had a few people scout him in Brazil but he wasn't quite moved by their offers as he was by Eugene's.

The rest of the drive was silent, the Sun had started setting by the time they actually entered the city making for a certainly beautiful view... at least, that's what it was to Lev though, that could be the case because he hadn't really seen it before.

Soon they arrived in front of what seemed to be a nightclub? Lev looked out the window in slight surprise, "You wanna party before we meet the big man?" He asked with a small grin, well he was up for it but.... was it really alright to be messing around? "Welcome to the 3rd Affiliate of the Workers. Club Vivi." 'Shi' proclaimed looking at the lines in front of the night club, people waiting for entry.

'The Workers' were also one of the 4 Major Crews, operating in the Gangdong area of Seoul. Unlike the other crews which made their gang like reputations apparent with their actions, the workers were strictly legal on the front. They had 4 Affiliates, 4 separate bodies, each of which had a legal business and a well hidden 'not so legal' business, each of these bodies possessed both firepower and manpower and a President, a 'head' so to say with the 4 heads then loyal to the Head Chairman, Eugene.

The Organisation had a number of ranks and the lower rung members as well those that worked as employees for the 'legal' businesses had no information about the higher ups or even if they were actually affiliated with Workers despite working for and being paid by the organisation.

The night club they had stopped in front of was the 3rd Affiliate of Workers, the legal business was a nightclub. "The Chairman will meet you inside... Sir Executive.." 'Shi' placed a golden badge on the dashboard of the car, it had a symbol and some writing on it. Lev picked it up and pinned it near his neck before looking at his driver, "This seems to hold importance, what is it?" he asked looking at the golden badge on the man, his had no symbol on it though.

"A badge to show your status. It's imperative that you keep it on your person at all times, additionally, it can be used on a credit card scanner for payment of what you might buy." Shi-woo spoke seriously, lest he risk losing his head for misinforming an executive of the organisation.

"Thanks a bunch." Lev smiled at him stepping out of the car and stretching his arms, it was somewhat trifling to be sitting for hours. Now though, it was time to make good on a promise. The car drove away making Lev sigh and scratch the back of his head, somewhat dejected, "Could've at least stayed for a drink....."

Lev shook his head, ran a hand through his hair, straightening himself up a bit before he started walking towards the club entrance. As he neared, he drew some...no, quite a bit of attention towards himself though this attention was mostly ignored by Lev who, ignoring the line, walked straight up to the two club bouncers.

"Kids aren't allowed in here." One of them said, holding out his hand to block Lev's passage. "Hey idiot!" He was shoved away by the other one who had noticed the badge on Lev's neck. Even if the lower rung and affiliate legal employees didn't know of the higher ups, they knew the importance of the badges and had been taught to respect them adequately.

"Welcome sir, I apologise for my colleague's disrespectful actions." The man did a 180 bow, not daring to lift his head without permission.

A strange smile formed on Lev's face for a few moments before he patted the shoulder of the man, the smile now changed into a warm one, "It's alright, teach him though. Others might not be as forgiving."

"Understood." The man raised his head before bowing again as Lev walked past him, into the club itself.


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