
Lookism: The Peak

A life and a half spent delving in the martial arts. A life of gang violence, a life of crime? Nahhhh, you're probably overthinking it. Anyway, waking up in Korea looking younger than normal was something Lev Adler didn't quite expect, especially after he got fed to the fish. As before though, a journey to the absolute top was in order. ======== It's a Lookism fic with Viral Hit/How to Fight mixed in a way that the timelines end up mingling with each other.

Dreizehnn · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

A King? No, That's Incorrect

Seoul, Korea,

Club Vivi,

Lev POV,

Lev hummed a tune looking at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression on his face, his dark blue eyes appeared rather dim, as if he was bored, a sharp contrast with the small smile etched across his face. Five minutes, five minutes, five minutes....

Lev kicked away the table before folding his legs again, five minutes were a bit too much no? Was the kid trying to make sure no connection could be made? "No.." Eugene wasn't that stupid, the chinks would 100% know just who was behind it. He stroked Lily's back, "What do you think?"

"Meow? (I think?)" The cat tilted her head in confusion.

"You know, sometimes I feel like you can understand my words." Lev slightly chuckled, placing her to his side with care before leaning forward, "Well this should be exciting."

"Meow Meow. (Imagining things again. Animals don't think silly.)" The cat purred before closing her eyes, not interested in seeing him fight.

It was the pride of the retards to have fighting styles associated with peace and stuff. To Lev, it was somewhat idiotic because he believed them to be exchanges of savagery and thrill rather than elegance and calm.

Still though, he digressed.

Lev's smile widened in slight joy as he took off his jacket, neatly folding it before placing it to the side, clothes cost money, being wasteful wasn't something he was keen on doing. He did the same with his watch before finally, rolling up his sleeves, the smile on his face widening as numerous scars came into view and yet, at the same time, his muscles developed to the point where veins were bulging also came into view.

The young man, finally done with his preparations, stood to his feet, stretching his arms and legs before cracking his neck, "Well, let's get to it."


Seoul, Korea,

Undisclosed Location,

??? POV,

A black car drove down the road at a regular pace, not standing out due to speed but still surprising those that recognised just how expensive the vehicle was.

In the back of this vehicle sat Eugene and Mandeok, "If I may ask, what gives you the confidence that he can finish the assigned task?" Mandeok voiced his curiosity, not understanding why the young man was left to deal with an entire affiliate on his own.

"Vice-Chairman, do you know what Kings are?" Eugene replied with a question, a small excited smile forming on his face, he had after all been reminded of the monster that he managed to find.

"Are you referring to the 1st Generation Kings?" Mandeok presented another question, they were fighters of immense power whom the current generation couldn't even compete with. They would get thrashed, savages that loved fighting, were excited by it and had enough power to rule entire areas with strength alone. Of course, they had mostly retired by now but still, the power and influence they held was no joke.

"Indeed, people who have abandoned other things in search of power. Each of them having given certain things up as they got stronger and stronger." Eugene explained, of course he was not comparing Lev to those people, that would be wrong and unfair to both parties after all.

"I do not see how that correlates." Mandeok admitted, was Eugene trying to imply that Lev could be called a King. "Are you perhaps saying that he's among those?" If so, he deserved praise, to be able to make one of them join their side like this. Still though, an entire affiliate alone was a bit of a stretch.

Eugene leaned forward, placing a hand on his mouth to cover the eerily wide smile that was making it's way across it, "What about someone that has given up his very life for power? Monstrous talent and tenacity. Lev has, abandoned nearly everything in his life, simply seeking power and more, power." He explained rather excitedly, it was a stroke of immense luck that he had chanced upon someone like that!

Mandeok's eyes widened in surprise, wasn't that akin to a savage then? He couldn't understand what level of power such a person would hold. "Oh and, he just looks young. The age on his documents is fake, he's actually around 23." Eugene said off-handedly, not deeming it necessary information. The man did look like he was 18 or 19 after all... Genetics were a good thing.

"...." Mandeok was rather silent, did that imply that he had spent his whole life training and building up his body?

"I don't think my confidence is misplaced. He's fought and won against the Logan Gracie after all."

"How many has he fought?"

"He says he lost count."

"Is he fine....mentally?"

"He's insane."

"I see."

Eugene nodded with a warm smile, there was no problem here.


Back to Lev,

Lev walked up to the door and opened it with a smile before calmly walking down to the dance floor at a relaxed place.

"Now then people!" He called out clapping his hands together with enough force to drown out the loud music playing in the club. Of course he had no problems with just fighting with them here too but, it was more trouble than it was worth so it was a no from Lev.

Lev slightly smiled, slightly tilting his head to the side as the numerous people for but a moment had their gazes lingering on his person, to some he appeared even more attractive with his arms revealed, "If you don't wanna die, get the fuck out."

The words were spoken calmly, yet even the DJ halted her music for a bit, clearly taken aback by them.

But then, everyone started laughing in surprise and amusement, it was probably a 'prank by management' for the guests... however, the management themselves were rather displeased by what had just happened. It would mess with the club goers and their ease after all.

A number of bouncers, not loyal to the Workers but rather to the Third Affiliate itself, made their way towards him. "This much for me? I'm moved." Lev held a hand over his heart, a big smile on his face, he was going to fuck them all up.

"Wait, stop! I'll deal with this dumbass." A man, taller than Lev by a small bit, walked up to him with a grin on his face, it was his chance to look good and possibly move up the rankings.

"Woah, you sure man? I don't like hitting old people." Lev smiled kindly, looking up to meet his gaze. "I ain't old, just I look old."

"My complete opposite. I see, I see." Lev nodded sagely, if he wasn't elderly then there were no problems.

"Old Face! You bet-"

"Boo, not interested."

"Now listen here ki-...?!" Old Face reached out for Lev's head... only, the next thing he knew his face was touching the ground. "Bye~" Lev, who had earlier used the man's own momentum to throw him to the ground, smiled widely, waving him goodbye as he raised his own foot before stomping on his head.

The concrete floor cracked, "No idea why kids these days are so unruly." Lev raised his hands helplessly stomping on his head again,

"Can't even respect their elderly."

Another stomp followed.

"Besides, be less annoying, you drunkard."

And another stomp

The ground was cracked, and Old Face's head was embedded cleanly in it, blood seeping out to the sides, even Lev's own shoe had blood on it.

"And lastly, be less boring."

One final stomp.

"Oh is he dead?"

He was not dead however, he was unconscious with the first stomp.

"Now then, come along!" Lev threw out his hands, staring at the man overhead with a big grin on his face.

"Hey.. what's going on?"

"Did he just kill him?"

"That can't be... right?"

Panic ensued among the normal people.


Share thoughts please.

I hope this conveys that he isn't exactly weak.

He's genetically stronger and more talented. At the same time, his skill in Capoeira is something built over two lives. The first one being rather long.

The scars are both from fighting and from harsh exercising.

You can see he has a rather strange personality too, hope you don't find it annoying.

Well there's a bit more to his personality though but it's only a few chapters in, I can't convey a complete personality in these few chapters unfortunately.