
Lame Prologue...

(A/N: Sadly, the first few chapters are sorta unrealistic, I'd admit. But…. Meh.)

Garou sat silently, the plane's loud engine reverberating in his ears. He sat in one of the airplane's stuffy economy class seats, dim lights eerily illuminating the interior. A few people watched movies, whispering quietly and such, but Garou was alone, looking out the plane window into the dark night sky. Below, was an immeasurable sea of clouds while above, was the bright glowing moon. He smirked, reminiscing a little of the past.

"Daniel…. Heh. Wonder how that wimp is doing." He lazily watched, remembering times long past….

Seven Years Ago…..

"Please….D-do ont…." Daniel tripped on a rock, stumbling to the ground, watching in terror, as on the middle of the street, two bigger kids walked over, both smiling evilly.

It was one hour after school, and Daniel was going to the grocery store nearby when two meatbags, or the school's resident bullies, Yop Kwang and Si Young-Chul pushed him onto the sidewalk.

Yop Kwang was a burly kid, with baggy cheeks and a weird buzz cut. He wore a red t-shirt and some ratty neon green jeans. Si Young-Chul, a lean and also pretty burly kid, wore a white sweatshirt and some beach shorts, complete with sandals. Seriously, what kind of fashion sense did these kids have?

Daniel was a fat kid. He wore a plain white shirt and some random khaki pants. His mushroom head-like hairstyle was sort of messy, after being pushed down.

One of them grabbed him by the collar, smiling.

"Daniel, Daniel… You just had to tell the teacher on us, huh!?" Young-Chul pressed his face right up to him, who was sweating in fear. Gripping the sidewalk, Daniel looked down at his scraped knee, almost in tears. Classic crybaby wimp. "Huh? Huh!?" Young-Chul repeated this, shaking and slapping the poor Daniel.

"Hey! Wanna fight?" Garou charged forwards, his wild silver hair and bright gold eyes flashing, he directly punched Young-Chul in the face, sending him flying.

Yop Kwang got into what seemed to be a boxing stance, trembling. He looked at Garou, trying to glare.

Garou glared back, smirking a little. This loser…..

"G-ggget! Back! I know kung fu!" Yop Kwang yelled, his cheeks jiggling as he spoke. Young-Chul got up, also infuriated, but instead of confronting Garou again, he ran away, crying, snot dripping to the floor.




Yop Kwang was even more terrified now, trying to act tough.

"Umm…." Garou scratched his head, this guy was completely terrified. Walking over, Garou directly pushed Yop Kwang over, who quickly got up, running away screaming.


"Kids these days…" Garou sighed, looking away and walking over to the fallen Daniel, offering him a hand. "Yo, Daniel! Get up, you wimp!"

Daniel looked up in awe. "But won't this cause you more trouble? I'm….useless… Even getting my friend into tro-"

"Shut up wimp! If they come after me I'll just beat them up!" Garou yanked Daniel up, who flailed around a bit before genuinely breaking down in heartfelt tears, hugging Garou.

"Dank you! Th-ank You!" Daniel hugged Garou with his pudgy arms.

"Get away from me! Or I'll beat you up!" Garou menacingly shook his face in Daniel's face, who flinched. "Anyway…. Groceries? Hmm…. I'll have Hot Pot today!" Garou murmured as he dragged Daniel across the road.

Present Day…..

Incheon International Airport, 5:32 AM

"Wonder how that idiot Daniel's doing…." Stepping out of the airport, Garou breathed in the fresh morning air, looking around. Leaves blew past him as he made his way down the sidewalk, calling for a taxi. "Wait…. Where did he live again? Daniel is literally the only guy I know in all of Korea…..." Garou scratched his head.

Two Hours Later….

Small House In Seoul

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

Garou knocked on the door, waiting patiently. It was a more ramshackle part of town.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Garou yelled, banging once again on the old rotting door. The house was in even worse of a state than he had last seen. Half of the tiles on the roof had been scraped off, the window was completely cracked and their doormat was covered in dirt. Daniel's House.

A few years back, Garou had come to South Korea from abroad. He had settled on a small, more "quiet" part of town. This was where he met Daniel, a complete wimp. The rest is a story for another day, but as of now, Garou wasn't really sure if this was his house…. It had taken him about thirty minutes to get here, and another 1 hour thirty to find this place, which he remembered was near an elementary school.

"Huh? Who is it?" An old tired voice sounded from behind him. Walking slowly, an old woman walked over to him. She had frizzy black hair and wrinkles all over her face. Pulling a cart full of cardboard, she hunched over, smiling.

"Is that you Mrs. Park…?" Garou asked uncertainty.

"Who are you, young man?" Mrs. Park answered, sort of surprised.

"Remember? Garou? I mean, I have gotten a little taller, you might not be able to tell…." He scratched his silver hair, brushing it to the side.

"Really!? You have grown so much! Come inside, please." She beckoned for him to enter the ramshackle old house.

1 Hour Later….

"WHAT! He goes to J High School now….?" Garou sighed. "That's on the other side of town…." He dropped his phone on the table, sort of annoyed. "Seoul, Jin Region, Sujeong Street 62-9. A mountain area…."

Garou got up, looking at Mrs. Park who smiled. As he walked out the door, Daniel's mother spoke. "Please… Can you take care of Daniel?"

"You bet." Garou laughed a little, displaying a confident grin, and waving. "He's my best bud after all!"


Seoul, Jin Region, Sujeong Street 62-9

Daniel looked down at the body in shock. "What the-"

"Knock! Knock!" The sound of someone banging on the door sounded. Daniel gulped, flailing his pudgy arms around before running over to the door, his mind still in shambles. Who was that? What? Did he just turn into him? What the? A lot of repetitive things flew through Daniel's mind as he put on some tight shorts, grunting.

Quickly running over to the door, he hurriedly spoke. "I'm coming! Wait a moment!" Opening the rusty door handle, he looked up in shock as someone looked down on him. He was a big guy, about six feet tall, wearing a long black shirt that showed off his toned muscles, and some loose yoga pants. He had wild silver hair with an equally wild grin. His eerie golden eyes looked at Daniel, who was sort of scared now. Who was this guy….? Why did he look sort of familiar…?

"Sup wimp. Long time." Garou smirked, slapping Daniel on the back, who jolted and spoke uncertainly.

"Garou?" Daniel muttered, eyes widening. He was almost certain it was his childhood friend. Same silver hair, confident smirk, golden eyes, he was practically the same. Besides the age at least, and height….. Looking at his old friend, Daniel was completely paralyzed by shock.

"Yup," Garou replied, as Daniel hurriedly beckoned for him to enter. "Haven't seen you in seven years!" Scratching his silver hair, Garou talked animatedly with him, who was still in shock.

First, the other body thing, and now his childhood friend suddenly showing up after suddenly leaving all those years ago….

Wait…. Oh, crap the bod-

It was too late, they had already entered the house, and on the dirty old mattress, was the naked sleeping form of a handsome young man.



"Daniel, did you kill someone….?" Garou asked, shifting his feet awkwardly. Then he froze for a second, looking at Daniel suspiciously, who was sweating. "Are you into me-"

"NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Daniel once again flailed his arms into the air, looking to Garou, extremely guilty.

"Well, if you are, I wholely support you, but just saying, I am not so-"

"This is not what it seem-" Daniel yelled, probably shaking the whole entire neighborhood with his voice cracking.

"I got it, some people don't like exposing themselves. I got you, man!"

"NO NO NO!" Daniel waved his arms in Garou's face.

"When we were little, you would keep on hugging me…. No wonder…" Garou shook his head, sighing. "I'm straight man…." Walking over, Garou looked down at the sleeping body, which let out faint breaths.

"NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Daniel grabbed Garou, attempting to drag him over to an old dining table. "Hear me out! I'm also straight, okay?!"

"Fine, fine… I'll hear what you have to say…." Garou sighed once again, sitting across from Daniel, who was gasping for breath.

"You see…." Daniel explained his whole situation, from the bullying to waking up as the other dude on the floor…..

"Hmmm… You're getting bullied eh? Logan…. Lemme beat that guy up! Can't let my one and only lackey suffer." Garou grinned murderously, cracking his knuckles.

"Please don't…." Daniel sighed, sipping on some chocolate milk. "But isn't the fact that I currently have a random body who I can somewhat control sleeping a few feet away?"

Garou snickered a little, munching on a rice ball. "Believe me, wimp, I've seen weirder…." He stretched his legs. "Later, I'll go find your friend Logan and have a little cha-"

(A/N: Don't ask how he can speak and simultaneously drink chocolate milk. I dunno.)

Daniel sighed. Even in childhood, whenever he hung out with Garou, sighing became quite a common occurrence.

Garou once again chattered on about beating up his "friend" Logan.

"So, anyway, I have school tomorrow, I dunno what to do?" Daniel trusted Garou with all his heart. Though his friend was a battle-crazed moron at times, and pretty irresponsible, Garou had a good heart and could be trusted with this secret.

"Can I stay at your place for tonight?" Garou asked, throwing the plastic kimbap wrapper into the trash.

"Sure!" Daniel vigorously nodded his head, he had quite a lot of catching up to do with his friend.

"But don't try anything. I'm as straight as a line!" Garou looked at Daniel, who flinched a little. His friend was as scary as usual…...