
Lookism : Inevitable

Follow Kai as he leaves the darkness of his home and joins the world again, ready to make friends and push through trials of blood, sweat, and tears in his path to grow stronger for himself and those he cares for. *P.S. I am terrible at writing summaries, so please just give it a shot and read the story before you judge based on the description. *P.S. Artwork is not mine. If the creator wants it taken down, I will.

BlazingImmortal · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

God Dog's End

As the sun began to set and dark clouds rolled over the sky as if to set the declining mood of the ongoing confrontation the somber atmosphere cut through by Vasco.

"Daniel... That was impressive" Vasco said as he walked up behind Daniel and placed his hand on his shoulder as a show of support "You don't need power first. I will protect them with you, And if it takes more than you and I..." Vasco continued pausing as he waited till he heard footsteps behind him.

"We can protect them... With everyone else" Vasco finished as the entirety of Burn Knuckles appeared from over the hill behind Vasco who had a confident smile on his face.

'T-The Burn Knuckles' 'why are there so many of them?' 'The are more than twice as many as we were told!' Were all thoughts that went through the members of God Dog's that were present as they looked shocked at the number of Burn Knuckle's assortment of member wearing either grey or blue there numbers nearly matching their own.

Vin Jin, Logan and Kai all visible relaxed a little at the numbers evening out as they prepared for a long fight to come as both sides were letting of deafening shouts and jeering at each other as they ready to rush at each other at their leaders orders.

"Johan, let's stop this. Both sides have gotten hurt and you have my answer, Go back" Daniel attempted to reason with Johan not wanting to see any blood shed if he could help it not noticing the slowly darkening look on Johan's face.

"So you prefer... Playing pretend too?" Johan said mostly to himself as he reaffirmed his beliefs to himself as he continued at a lower volume to make sure he was heard "I look unstable you say?! ME?" He said with a sarcastic smile.

Before any of them could react Johan burst forth and hit Daniel with a devastating body blow to Daniel's solar plexus completely pushing the air out of his lungs, pain clear on his face as he gasped.

Johan wasn't done though as he continued on his path of devastating, attacking Vasco with a right high kick that Vasco just barely guarded with his left forearm despite the sting of pain that burst from his arm.

His onslaught continued as he sent a straight right at Logan's face smashing his head back with blood spraying into the air, not stopping he quickly sent a spinning back fist at Vin Jin that broke his guard sending him stumbling back from the force of the hit.

He was done though as he threw a front kick at Kai's stomach who managed to block the kick with both of his forearms crossed to mitigate the damage as he was forced back by the force of the kick.

"Give me a Break. Without power you can't protect shit, I'll teach you that lesson now" Johan said as he smiled genuinely at Daniel which given the context sounded sadistic.

"Wipe them out!" Johan ordered as he held Daniel by the collar of his shirt not noticing Jin Jang approaching from behind with a metal pole as he swung at the back of his head with the weapon.

Jin Jang was astonished though when just before it made contact the back of Johan's head it was stopped as a hand appeared clasping the pole in a vice like grip that Jin Jang could not move much to his shock as Jin Jang followed the hand up to the face of it's owner he saw the face of a passed off Kai.

"What is with Seoul and the attempted cheap shots, Back in Suwon we fought face to face honourable fights" Kai said as he snarled with an angry look he three a punch with all his force behind it, The punch landing square in Jin Jang's face sending him flying back into the God Dog thugs behind him with blood spraying into the air.

'Shit this isn't going to plan' Jin Jang thought as he forced himself to stand despite the pain and his legs wanting to give out from the damage done to him "Oh Well guess the gig is up, I told you we came prepared. To get you though Johan" Jin Jang said with a smirk on his face despite the blood dripping down his head as he turned to gesture at the God Dog's members gathered there.

"Take them off!" Jin Jang shouted with his arms spread open as all the members of God Dog's took off there jumpers that signified them as part of the crew and threw them all on the ground now littering the floor like matts as it started to rain from the dark clouds overhead.

Johan watched in shock at the sudden betrayel of his crew not able to process that they came here with the thought of taking him down or that Jin Jang had attempted a sneak attack on him that could have caused him significant damage had Kai his enemy not blocked the attack meant for him.

Johan's thoughts became muddled from the rush of emotions until he turned slightly hysterical as he shouted at Jin Jang letting his emotions get the better of him.

"Why, We only had a little more to go... a little more and we would have reached the top!" Johan said as he demanded an explanation for the betrayal only to receive a condescending smirk from Jin Jang.

"Come on, don't tell me you didn't see this coming? Or is this about the fake bank accounts?" Jin Jang said cockily no longer seeing a need to hide his actions from their ex leader turned enemy.

"Or just that we stabbed you in the back?" He continued however the change in expression from Johan told him he had hit the mark as Johan looked shocked at the admission.

"Let's save our breaths, you brought this on yourself Johan. Can't you hear them, We were better off without you" Jin Jang as the ex God Dog's began to shout their grievances with Johan and agree with Jin Jan as they insulted their former leader and looked at him with nothing but contempt.

"We couldn't find any weakness on you at first, But it started to show. You only care about yourself" Jin Jang stated as he levelled a serious look at Johan who was confused at his words not understanding what he meant.

"A little more and we would have reached the top you say?, Yeah Maybe... but it would have just been you" Jin Jang said as he walked forward a little bit closer as to distract Johan from anything around him.

"I didn't think things will get fucked up this badly, I was trying to use to get even with the Burn Knuckles. Who would have thought the Burn Knuckles would bring the rest of the J High bastards with them?, with the Old Boys gone we have to surrender there's no reason to fight those monsters" Jin Jang finished his speech ad he suddenly smirked when a Thug attempted to Hit Johan in the head from behind with a bat.

"Joh-Johan!" Daniel attempted to warn Johan when he noticed the thugs attempting to attack the man from behind.

'BANG' Without even turning to look at who had attacked him, Johan punched the thug sending him flying blood spraying into the air as Johan levelled a furious look at Jin Jang who looked shocked at the unexpected counter attack.

'Was he always this strong' Jin Jang thought as his mouth hung wide open from the shock as he watched Johan who seemed to have turned manic and looked at the ground ignoring everyone as he started speaking to himself however due to the silence everyone heard his slightly chilling words.

"So Jin, You just had to use those fake bank accounts, Didn't you?" His words causing Jin Jang and all the former God Dog members to flinch at the tangible threat that was Johan.

"Since I'm here... I'll just... Destroy the God Dog's... Abd the Burn Knuckles... and I'll make a new crew" Johan stated as he raised a fist to either side of him pointing them each at the two crews as Burn knuckles members also seemed to tense in preparation with the rain only seeming to grow more intense as if to emphasise the words.

Only for Burn Knuckles to watch in pity and shock as Johan descended on the ex God Dog's with a fury, mowing his way through them with easy as every punch or kick he threw resulted in devastating effects as he sent thug after thug flying unconscious the blood flying of them staing Johan's white jumper with blood.

As Daniel attempted to go forward to help Johan after realising he hadn't known about the fake bank accounts he was stopped as Vasco and Kai stood either side of him with a hand each gripping Daniel's shoulders.

"He's only getting what he deserves... Daniel he's reaping the seeds... he sowed himself" Vasco said with a somber look on his face as Daniel looked back at Vasco in shock as he took in his words being so unlike the Vasco he was used to communicating with.

"He's right Daniel, It may suck but he spent too much time looking forward that he forgot to look behind him now he's fixing it the only way he knows how" Kai added as he had a serious look adorned upon his face as Daniel took in their words he turned back to witness Johan standing alone among crowd of beaten and bloody enemies.

Daniel could not understand how someone could look so lonely in a park flooded with people all around them and could feel nothing but pity for there would be enemy.

"Jin, I still remember it" Johan said his expression darkened as he menacingly walked towards a panicking Jin Jang who was freaking out.

"Y-You freak, Y-You just single-handedly..." Jin Jang said as tears came to his eyes from fear while he looked around at the sea of downed thugs that Johan had decimated.

"Back when you were the leader of a crew nobody remembers now. It was raining just like this" Johan Said as he stalked menacingly closer ignoring Jin Jangs cries to stay away as he approached.

Suddenly a voice broke through the noise of the park as despite the low volume they were spoken at they seemed to carry a weight to it force everyone to go quiet "Yeah, It rained that day too" the voice said as what little remained of the standing ex God Dog's parted to show a man in a burgundy suit with a black Jacket, Black slicked back hair wearing glasses with what appeared to be a scar showing above the Dark frames.

The man's very presence caused shock to flash through the crowd of people assembled in the park as murmurs set off all around them about the new arrival, shock clear on all the J High fighters and Johan, all for their own reasons all though Kai the second he saw the man quickly grasped his shirt over his chest suddenly feeling phantom pain as his shock gave way to anger.

"The day I sent of Jake Kim... It was raining too" the man said as he he calmly sat on a bench in the middle of the park calmly pulled out a cigarette and lit it completely unfazed by the vast number of thugs and delinquents watching his every move.

"Johan. You're... Disqualified" the man stated simply as he looked up at Johan from where he sat and watched as Johan seemed to completely break down and start to beg which Kai never heard as he was too absorbed in his own thoughts.

'Gun this bastard was in Seoul? Is that blondie here too?' Kai thought with a sudden fury passed through him at the sight of the dangerous man as he seemed to recall a past memory with the faces of the two lunatics haunted him.

"...That's... None of my business. It's all about the end results in this world, You couldn't even control a tiny crew... and not only that, but you let yourself be betrayed by your own crew" Gun said as he lit another cigarette the rain apparently not hinder the flame in the slightest as Gun stared at Johan with a sneer.

"Do you really think... Someone so pathetic would be worthy of my successor?" Gun asked completely disregarding Johan's pleas for a second chance on accounts of his mother and her Eye problems as Johan broke down in tears at the lost opportunity.

"I'm sure you know what happened to Jake in his end. Learn to accept it" Gun said simply as he sated down at a broken Johan who was on his knees and staring at the ground completely silent until he suddenly spoke.

"What happened to Jake again?" He said still with his head bowed towards the ground his voice barely carrying to Gun's ears.

"He said he'd take my spot by force... So I took a few of his teeth instead" Gun said seeming to understand where Johan was going with this line of questioning.

"...Ah, Did he now...? But Jake lost his fight right?" Johan asked as he stood now in a stance reminiscent of a Boxer with tears pouring down his face as he seemed to have finally snapped "I should've done this From the beginning" Johan said with a crazy smile on his face as he prepared to attack Gun.

"You'd bite your own master? But then again... That is the quickest way" Gun said as a small smile made its way onto his lips when he pulled off his sunglasses revealing his black as night Sclera and blindingly white Pupils his eyes seemingly radiating danger.