
Lookism After all im the Strongest

My name is John Black, and I'm 25 years old. A pretty good name, right? Well, I had a pretty bad day. After all, I got fired from work because I didn't participate much. The reason is I was sick, but my manager is a bastard who likes to bully his subordinates. As I was transitioning into town at the crosswalk, I heard someone honking on my left. When I looked to the side, I saw a very scared face outside the truck windows. Then, I realized I was going to die, so I stopped, even though I tried to run. But it was already three meters away from me, so I accepted it. -------------------------------------------------- and if you are looking for mc who fall in love with single flirt or because he sees beautiful girl this is not for you NO HAREM/NO ROMANCE Lookism,Jujutsu Kaisen,Images are not mine

mantaege · アニメ·コミックス
19 Chs

Chapter 7# The Underground


Gojo Satoru decided to quit his job as a cashier to focus on practicing his Renewal Taekwondo and earn more money through underground fighting. He found information about a Pyongyang underground fight on the dark web, and after a few hours, he arrived and signed up.

After spending a few days in the beautiful city of Pyongyang, North Korea, someone knocked on his door. Upon opening it, he found a golden ticket. Although he hadn't provided his home address, they seemed to know it. It wasn't surprising since all underground fighting is illegal.

At the underground fights, Gojo presented his golden ticket, gaining entry. Inside, he discovered a large room with wealthy attendees wearing masks. A classic ring was set up in the middle, and Gojo noticed a 180cm tall opponent, possibly American, waiting for him.

Entering the ring, Gojo observed the opponent adopting a boxing stance. "Boxing, huh," Gojo remarked. "Well, this is my first time fighting a real boxer." The opponent misinterpreted it as an advantage, not realizing that Gojo's skills surpassed expectations.

The referee announced the rules: "There are no rules. You can kill or knock out your opponent. Do you understand?" Both fighters confirmed their understanding.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a handsome new fighter on the left side of the ring!!" The referee continued, "And on the right side of the ring, we have a BOXING FIGHTER, SMOKIN!!"

The referee yelled, "FIGHT!" Gojo assumed his Renewal Taekwondo stance while Smokin held his boxing stance. Smokin believed Gojo's stance was similar to taekwondo, but Gojo, underestimating his opponent, aimed to be entertained.

Smokin approached, and Gojo watched closely. Smokin attempted various punches, but Gojo effortlessly dodged each one, utilizing his superhuman vision. After 15 minutes, Smokin was gasping for breath, realizing that Gojo was dodging his moves despite claiming it was his first time fighting a professional boxer.

Thinking it was getting boring, Gojo decided to end it with his Renewal Taekwondo move, the Scissors. Jumping and kicking diagonally, he closed the scissor move, knocking Smokin out. The crowd fell silent, but after a moment, cheers erupted. Gojo left the ring, collecting his prize of 266,646.00 won, thinking, "So easy to make money. I should go underground sooner."

Returning to his apartment in SOUL, Gojo became famous overnight. The defeated boxer, Smokin, turned out to be a level 6.7 Boxer. Gojo, initially sent as a scapegoat, unexpectedly became a golden treasure, and they named him "White Snow Death."