
How I found love...

I walked through the Royal gardens past the other children on the other side of the gate. my mother made a second garden on the other side of the gate to allow me to make friends. I could could never be friends with these animals. they run around and destroy everything, not even taking in the beautiful landscape in front of them. I looked around, past the crazed children to the apple tree my mother planted for me. She planted it on the other side of the gate so I would have a reason to go outside to the children in the garden. I sighed as I opened the gate and slowly made my way over to the tree. As soon as I got to the tree I heaved a sigh of relief as I leaned on the tree and slid down to the ground.

"Are you hiding from those rampaging animals as well?" I flinched as a boy came and sat down next to me. He crossed his legs and laid an open book across his knee. I became curious since I'd never seen any of the other kids reading. I leaned over to see what he was reading. The page he opened to had a picture of a butterfly and a description of it. The bug seemed so majestic.

"Where did you get this book? Do you think you could show me where?" I couldn't help but show how excited I was. He chuckled and then grabbed my hand and held it in his before saying, "I'll show you...if you give me a kiss." I was so shocked that I paused. What was I supposed to say to that? I pulled my hand away and scooted away from him. He gave me a surprised look before his expression turned to one of curiosity.

"Do you know who I am? How dare you demand an exchange like that from me!?" I stood angrily -well I tried to seem angry- and rested my balled fists on my hips. The boy chuckled and stood as well.

"I know exactly who you are and honestly it doesn't matter to me. C'mon...what's the harm in a little kiss, your highness?" he looked so unfazed by my reputation. I couldn't help but thinking that he was the only person i'd actually want to be friends with. What if I didn't give him what he wanted? Would he walk away?

"Just once right? On kiss?" his expression didn't even change, like he'd expected me to except. He put up one finger.

"Just one kiss is all im asking for. One." I nodded my head and leaned in to kiss him. He waited until I was just close enough and then leaned down and kissed my forehead. I was confused and I guess it showed on my face when I looked up at him.

"I didn't say where I wanted to kiss you, now did I?" his smile was contagious because I could feel one of my own pulling at the corners of my mouth.

It was then that I knew that he was the one.