
Clones & Registration

The next day, I woke up as usual and decided to learn mixed martial art (or MMA) for the week as the college will be after breakfast anyway and I will not have the day free so I can only slow down.

Before beginning breakfast, I made a clone who was the singer responsible for 1 song a month plus the rest of the time he will write movie and children show scripts starting with mickey mouse.

{A.N. : Singer clone pic}

Mangaka clone will be making naruto manga rest of the parts as soon as possible and after finishing move onto the next decided one.

Novelist clone will continue and finish harry potter as soon as possible and move onto the next one decided.

Gamer clone will start with Bounce and finish the games lined up and after finishing all, continue with the next decided ones.

Tech clone will make reports and patents on all my improved circuits, designs, car and bike modifications and other level of living increasing ideas. Then submit it to original who will give it to Alfred to be used and sold in the Jones Group.

The reports should not be too ahead of the current tech, just improvements on efficiency without using anything new.

After arranging that, tech clone should continue to research what else can be made more efficient and better with little to no leap in the technology and continue the reports in increasing order of complexity.

There is also no problem with clones gaining a personality and protesting as they are just empty bodies and the only way to use them is by parallel processing or transferring your consciousness to the clone temporarily so it is basically me doing it just in the background.

With this decided, having a hearty breakfast, I left for college in a Aston Martin One 77, which was also modified by me, wearing a Patek Phillipe watch and a luxurious but low key blazer over plain t-shirt and pants with gold rim black ray-ban.

Driving on the road from the community gate of out villa area, which was one of the best areas in Star City, I got on the road to the MIT college campus.

On the way, many cars and bikes steered away from my lane on the road as they were afraid of any accidents, which was a very nice feeling.

I turned on the radio for the morning hour radio with top hits, on which both Faded and Memories was played back to back.

Listening to them on the radio and also seeing people listening to it when I was waiting at the traffic signal, it was a huge confidence boost for me and made my day!

After a few more minutes, I reached the campus door, and entered as the security was saluting me due to the car. Nodding to him, I went to the parking and parked the car.

Exiting the car, I closed the door and locked the door and while pocketing the key with a hand, I used the other to remove my shades and put it in my blazer inner pocket while walking towards the booth set up for freshers from the electrical branch.

While I was walking towards the booth, I noticed that all students and teachers present had their attention on me.

I expected this as I was already handsome before my power ups, but after Race enhancement, getting Longevity, and practicing so many martial arts, I have a perfectly chiseled body not too bulky but with compact muscles which my dress doesn't hide completely as I have rolled the blazer sleeves up my forearm.

If anyone didn't stare, then I would be surprised.

As everyone continued to look at me, I reached the booth.

Alex : "Hi! I am Alex Jones reporting for the electrical course. Where do I register?"

Rose : "Hello! I am Rosaline Johnson. You can call me Rose. I am your senior by 1 year. This is where you report. Let me just check your name on the list and then I will lead you to meet the head of our department where you get your instructions.

Okay ... Yes ... Alex Jones ... top scorer?!"

With that exclamation, the stare's got even more intense, which I was not very comfortable about.

Alex : "Yes I am the one and only but can you show me to the teacher's office now?"

Rose : "Ah .. yes, sorry about that. I didn't mean to! Let's go to the head teacher!"

Realising what happened and that I wasn't very comfortable with it, Rose quickly marked my name on the list and then we quickly walked off to the teacher's lounge before anyone swarmed us.

While on the way, we chatted a bit where she told me some of the happenings in the college like the tech-fest, cultural program, freshers welcome party and many other celebrations along with guest lectures of many industry experts and alumni.

The recreational clubs in the college are very good for the students to find and develop their hobbies, which was good for me as I only came to the college to have fun.

Reaching the lounge, I talked to the teacher incharge and completed the registration procedures quickly and asked about the starting of classes and attendance of students.

Head Tr. : "Now there is nothing, as there are some students who live farther away and will take time to reach, the registration lasts a week long to facilitate that.

Your first attendance should be at the orientation for all the freshers a week from now where you will be briefed about your course, introduced to the teachers and then the fun activities planned by your seniors will start with your individual introduction.

After the orientation activities and games planned by them are done, you will have the freshers party where you can further interact with your peers of not only your batch but others as well.

On the way out, you may meet the only other girl of your batch who reported just before you came in. Okay you can go now."

Said the teacher who was a average looking middle aged woman as apparently I was the second to arrive. The first being a girl named Christine Brown.

Following her instructions I went out to be met by Rose and who I suppose to be Christine Brown chatting very friendly as it seemed that they knew each other.

Deciding to join in as they seemed to be taking a pause in their conversation, I intruded asking Rose while introducing myself.

Alex : "Hello ladies. I am Alex Jones and you are ...

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