
Loner In A Fantasy World

[Heads up: 1.There will be brutal scenes, you have been warned. 2. Everything in this book is based on my imagination. There will be things that will be different from what you expect. This is the usual typical Isekai novel starting with the MC encountering an accident right from the very beginning of the story. But I will not follow the 'Truck-Kun route' like most isekai story. Though getting run over by a truck seems like an easy way to start an isekai book, I will stick to the good old 'stabbing'. Now sit back and follow the story of Karl Perton's journey in his new world thanks to Mr. Robber. ] Karl is your typical loner. His favorite company is himself. He spends his time alone playing games after coming back to school. This is how he relax himself from the pressure of the world. One day after witnessing a robbery, Karl tries to get out of his comfort zone and helped the victim. But it ultimately sends him to his death. Now living comfortably in his new world devoid of the common problems on Earth, Karl does everything that did not get to do in his previous life. But a sudden turn of event changed his dream of a peaceful life.

Hyuuse · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Magic Training

Still baffled by Zed's quick recover from his injuries, the physician asked Zed if he can study his body for a few days. But still, he ends up with no definitive answers.

"Is it possibly done by magic? No, that is impossible. Mages are extremely rare in the first place. Healing someone is as expensive, akin to paying carpenters to build one a home." He thought to himself as he looks at Zed in confusion.

"Is he perhaps the one that had done it?-" he quickly dismissed the thought since Zed is still a kid and mages are only aware of their abilities to once they reach a certain age. A common knowledge of people in the world.

"This is getting really troublesome. Screw it, there are things that one should know at a certain time. Whether he is healed by magic or a miracle, I guess I'll just have to find out soon."

The physician finally got a breather after dismissing all those unnecessary thoughts in his mind, Zed also come up to him and asked if the test was over and the physician nods his head. The physician sighed and started to leave, the two of them walked out of the room. As the door close behind them, he let out a sigh.

He looked at Zed, who has already walked a bit further ahead. He realized how much of a mystery that kid has been ever since he started to walk and talk.

It turned out that the physician is among all those people that celebrated Zed's birth.

At that time, every one of them vowed to help him in any way that they can in the future for bearing the name of the hero that saved them in the past.

"I wonder what this boy will offer us, I am excited." he thought to himself as he looks forward to the future up ahead of Zed.

After the tests that the physician had run on Zed's body. He visited the stable, where his friends are so glad to have seen him fully recovered from his injuries. Laurence and the others hugged him as if they have not seen each other in years.

Corn takes out his list in case Zed misbehaves, even when his injuries have fully healed.

"Zed, please follow my instructions. You may have healed, but who knows what might happen if you still overdo things. Not that you have that much work to do anyway, right?" he commands his friend, who has just arrived.

Zed looks at the list in confusion, but does not question any further about it. He follows Corn's orders with ease and does what he is told to reassure his friend as good as he can.

After lunch, Corn assigns one of them a task, which he will be responsible for making sure that everything is in order. The rest of the day is spent working in the tasks that Yshka left before going to the conference until Corn calls for them to return home.

"Those bastards! After what we have done for the royal prince, and that is how they repay us? We did not even bother to ask for a reward, and they even beat up Zed before leaving the town. What assholes." Laurence could not hold back his anger after not being able to let it out ever since Zed is recuperating at home.

"Calm down Laurence. You know that he recovered now. Maybe you should stop with your rant and help me us finish these snacks," Enzo said, trying to placate his angry friend

"You can't be serious! I need to vent about this right now! He just took a beating after saving a prince, and those bastards didn't even care!"

"Well, maybe you need to think more carefully than to go on like this. There might be some circumstances that we are not aware of, I agree that what happened is bad, but ranting out about it now will not change anything."

Laurence just growled in frustration. Enzo sighed.

He knows that Laurence needs his anger out right now so that they don't accidentally hurt him or someone else who doesn't deserve it. So he decided to make the situation lighter instead.

"Hey, maybe you are right. Why don't we play a game?" he suggested

"That sounds fun, do tell." Laurence replied, still fuming.

Enzo thought about it for a moment. They haven't played any other games lately. Well, except for their little game that they used to play after work all the time, but Laurence and the others are too lazy to play that, and it would take all of their energy away anyway.

He got quiet for a while. Zed listened to them and realized how mature they are for their age. "Is it because they started working that they also start to talk like adults? Other kids our age are still enjoying playing, but we on the other hand are already getting our salary. No matter how I look at it, they sound like old men." he thought to himself while eating the snacks they bought.

"Screw playing. I want to go home now. All those work earlier made my body hurt." Their friend spoke up and all of them immediately agreed. "Well, that was a really hard day for us, so I guess going home is the best decision everyone would make, right?" Enzo agreed and pointed out, and soon the rest of them agreed to go home.

Corn followed behind Zed as they walked home, making the latter a bit uncomfortable for his dedication. "Corn. I don't think you should be doing that to this extent." He says with a worried tone. "I'm just doing this until you get home. Who knows what you would have done if I did not tagged along with you." Corn said with a stern tone.

"This guy- his dedication is really on another level. He would be a really loyal soldier if he grows up to be a soldier of the country. The problem is that he would really die for when he is ordered." Zed felt worried and stops.

"Corn. I think you should head home as well. We are already in front of my house." Corn looks around and sees that they are indeed in front of his house, he then hides the lists and walks ahead of Zed, for he lives a few houses ahead of his.

"See you tomorrow. I just hope that you don't injure yourself." Corn said and went on his way. "Thanks." He heard Zed and just wave his hands.

"What a fascinating guy." Zed says to himself and went inside their house, only to find that his parents are still out, which means that it is safe for him to practice his magic.

"Hehehe~ you can only get a chance like this once in a while." He said to himself as he immediately went on with his training. Before that, Zed set up stings attached to a bell to alert him if anyone or his parents are coming back to make sure that him being able to use magic spells still remains a secret.

With all the preparations ready, Zed went on to practice the spells that he has not really mastered. "Let the grinding begin." He said with an enthusiastic smile.