
Lonely Necromancer

Embark on an adventure with a young man as he travels a new world looking to forget his dark days of loneliness and isolation and instead find one of adventure, companionship, and hope.

SlixkNixk · ファンタジー
3 Chs

New Beginnigs

In the early morning as the sun is slowly rising a loud cacophony of different animal noises can be heard. Slowly due to the combination of sounds and the warm rays of the sun hitting his face Dean slowly starts to awaken. As soon as his eyes fully open his mind suddenly becomes assaulted by faint memories of a mysterious glowing light and a piece of a conversation with a mysterious being. As Dean fully awakens his ears are assaulted by the noise of several animals while his nose is attacked by the scent of fresh dew as well as an earthy smell. Taking stock of the situation Dean starts to observe his surroundings seeing trees in every direction he turns. During this observation, he notices a bag, as well as a note placed against a tree near the place he had, awoken. Deciding to satiate his curiosity Dean takes the letter while setting the bag deciding to read the contents of it first.

"Dear young one although everything may seem odd and scary, I hope you fully embrace the new life given to you and that you find what you are missing in this new world. I will skip the formalities of giving my name and instead provide you with a little information about your current situation, but just a little wouldn't want to ruin the adventure for you now, would we? Currently, your life on earth has ended, and instead, your new life has just begun on Sacrelone as it is called by the locals even though in the ancient tongue it's called ?????????? but that isn't something for you to worry about at this time. Next to you, there should be a few items to help you in your new life in this world. Within the bag, you should find a map of the local region, a job awakening stone, a soul skill awakening stone, a beginner job equipment stone, five days' worth of rations, and fifteen silver. I know that these items must immediately cause some questions to pop into your mind so allow me to answer these now.

This world operates differently from your home Earth. In this world, mana flows freely through everything from the earth you walk on to the fellow inhabitants that you will surely meet along the way, due to this mana the inhabitants and monsters of this world have access to Records of The Soul. Through these records whenever inhabitants turn the age of sixteen, they undergo an awakening to unleash their soul skills and establish their first job in this world. These records you could compare to a system you would see in some novels or games from your home of Earth while the jobs would be comparable to classes found in these games. Every individual who awakens has the choice of five standard jobs these being Warrior, Rogue, Cleric, Mage, And Worker, along with these they may have options from different hidden or advanced classes based on their soul, aspirations, and previous life encounters. The next thing would be soul skills. Soul skills are often powerful skills that are unique to the individual, now while these skills are powerful, they also come with a price. There are three general categories for soul skill holders. There are Common soul skills often things such as weapon proficiency, mining proficiency, or farming proficiency. The occurrence of this is rare and generally only seen in individuals who neglected to aspire to anything. Then there are unique soul skill holders, most of the population fit into this category and are often referred to as the ascended. This soul skill will be something unique to the individual. The last is heirloom soul skill holders. These are often held by individuals of noble birth or the disciple of a powerful master who has used their power to pass their skill from one generation to another.

Now, this is a lot to take in so feel free to take a breath and re-read to gather all the information you can, in the end, information can be either one of your greatest strengths or greatest weakness. The next item you should find is a local area map. Currently, you are on the westernmost continent which is called Rubia and you are situated near the capital city of the kingdom Ileshire with the capital city itself being named Rucious after its founder. With this, you should have a general layout of where you are located. You should also notice a novice job equipment stone for you to fit into this new world as there are monsters located in the wild lands outside the different cities. The silver left for you should be enough for you to settle yourself in the city for a couple of days but from there you will need to earn everything else through methods left for you to decide. The last piece f advice I will leave to you is to use the magical stones I left for you now as they could be considered treasures to other ascended. With this, I again wish you the best in this new life of yours. Farewell young one."

As Dean read and re-read the note left behind him a copious number of emotions could be seen behind his eyes, sadness, anxiety, fear, but also hope. While reading this and processing his own emotions Dean took a look around him to find the bag left for him as well and started taking stock of the items left in the bag. As mentioned by the mysterious being Dean was able to locate three different stones as well rations, silver, and a map of the local region. While Dean was taking stock of the items suddenly a flash appeared in front of his face as his hand came in contact with one of the stones.

[Ding. Presence of unregistered Individual in contact with soul skill awakening stone]

[Would the individual like to active soul skill awakening stone?]

As these words passed his vision Dean's mind blanked for a second, at this moment all the words and the reality of the situation hit him. He was in a different world, a world of magic, monsters, and mystery. Still partially numb to everything going on Dean mentally affirmed his wish to activate the stone as mentioned on the screen appearing in his vision. As soon as he did this a mysterious energy seem to permit his entire being, followed by a massive amount of pain.

[Individual has activated soul skill awakening stone.]

[Individual is unregistered in Records of The Soul. Registering now]

[Registering process 10%]

[Registering process 50%]

[Registering process 90%]

[Ding registering process done. Individual Dean has been registered to Records of The Soul.]

[Ding individual Dean has awakened the unique soul skill 'bestow'.]

As these words flashed across his vision Dean's mind finally cleared and the immense amount of pain, he was filling subsided now only a lingering feeling of mysterious energy permeated his very being. With this being done before being able to access the situation another winded flooded his vision.

[Ding individual has come into contact with job class awakening stone.]

[Would the individual like to use the job awakening stone?]

With these words in his vision, Dean once again mentally affirmed that he would like to use the job class awakening stone. As Dean did this his vision once again filled with these words, but this time in his vision lay six different choices for him.

[Choose a job listed below.]







As these options scrolled past his vision Dean noticed that instead of the normal five options available to everyone that the note had mentioned there was an additional option, this immediately piqued his interest. Thinking he would like more information another screen appeared in his vision seemingly answering his curiosity

[Necromancer – A job with an attunement to death and the soul. This job focuses on being both a partner and observer of the dead and the soul. Through this job it allows for the ability to see the recently deceased souls as well as communicate and possibly contract with them through the means of using the deceased soul's body to bring them back to this plane under the necromancer's banner.]

Immediately after reading this something resonated in Dean's soul before he could even notice he could feel himself mentally affirming that this was the job he wanted. As soon as that thought passed all of a sudden, a flood of knowledge entered his mind while a dark black and blue energy penetrated his body.

[Ding. The individual has chosen the Necromancer job.]

[Congratulations! The individual is now a novice Necromancer.]

[Please consult your record for further information.]

After this information passed through him Dean finally took a look at his surroundings and noticed that it was becoming late and that the sun was starting to set. With this, he noticed just how careless he had been to continue with selecting a job and awakening his soul skill before even properly making sure he was in a suitable location. Although he cursed himself for his recklessness, he decided to postpone looking at his record and using the job equipment stone until he was able to find a suitable location to rest. While looking around he noticed what seemed to be an empty cave directly north of him. With a target set, Dean decided to cautiously head to the cave and secure a temporary base for himself to then devise a proper plan on how to begin his journey in this new world.

Hey hope everyone enjoys this chapter. This is my first time writing so please be aware there will be mistakes. Thank you!

SlixkNixkcreators' thoughts