
LONELY (Lissa)

One thing that Melissa was certain of was that she was not the victim, no, she refused to be the victim. She believed that she was anything but the victim. While growing up, she knew that many believed that she had it all _she had whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted but only she knew that it was all false or maybe some parts were true. All she ever wanted was to live a simple live style, her mother's love, family members caring for her, and good friends who love her unconditionally, but no, none of those ever came through, no matter what she did, she ever fitted in. She was either expected much from her or pushed aside when they thought that she had no value. With a delightful smile, she was always able to mask her hurt whereas deep within she was slowly breaking apart. And each time the world reminded her of her reality she could not help but cry herself to bed, not because she was weak but because she felt overwhelmed. She believed that she would one day look back at these days with a smile on her face however her life turned out to be, and even if that day never came she hoped that someday she would be just fine. "HOW UNFORTUNATE THAT THE SEED SHE PLANTED GREW THIS DEEP " * "TELL ME, ISN'T IT A WASTE OF TIME AND EMOTION THAT PEOPLE ENGAGE IN AND BELIEVE IN SUCH A BOND?" She asked as she continued staring at the group of friends... "NO, IT ISN'T, THE JOY OF HAVING THAT ONE PERSON AROUND IS ALWAYS WORTH IT." He smiled as he looked toward the direction her eyes were focused on... "I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED." She said as memories...

Peace_Eto · 若者
9 Chs


As Lissa sat there, she wondered if she was being hard on him, after all, it was now in the past. However, though now in the past, the fact remained that he betrayed her and because of that she had gone through a lot.

Lifting her face to the sky, Lissa noticed that the moon was half and there were a few stars around it, with the gloomy colour of the sky combined, Lissa thought that it was a beautiful sight to behold. She continued to stare at the sky and a faint smile appeared on her face as she felt somewhat at peace. Just then, she heard footsteps approaching her room. Glancing at the clock which was hanging on the adjacent wall, she noticed that it was 20 minutes to 9:00 pm. She knew that her dad would soon stop by to see if she was asleep. Not wanting to let her dad know that she was still up, she quickly got up and walked to her bedside and switched off the lamp and just when she had settled on the bed, her dad opened the door.

"Mellisa, are you asleep yet?" Mr Joel asked as he switch on the light. He was worried for his daughter, David had told him about what happened. He thought that the matter had ended last week but no it still lingers. Walking closer to her, he placed the back of his palm on her forehead to check if she was having a high temperature and was relieved when he realised that she was okay. He finally left after making sure that the window and the curtains were closed.

Lissa heave a sigh of relief when she saw that he had left. Saying a prayer in her heart, she fell asleep hoping that by the next day, things would improve.


Lissa woke up late the next day. Her family members were about to eat breakfast when she came out of her room.

"Good morning Dad, mom, "Lissa said still feeling a bit tire

"The princess has finally woken up " Irene, Lissa's sister said sarcastically. She was two years younger than Lissa. The relationship between Lissa and Irene was like that of a cat and a dog. Irene had always disliked Lissa for she thought that Lissa was selfish to have their paternal love and their paternal relatives' love for herself alone, they were always willing to help if it had something to do with Lissa.

"That is how to say good morning to your elder sister?" Lissa asked her with a smile on her face and then made her way to sit beside Ethan, her younger brother.

"Mel good morning." He said to her and went back to eating breakfast. He was a foodie and would never joke with his food. He was 10 years old and the suppose last born of the family.

"Good morning to you too," Lissa said as she too began eating and just then someone walked in.

"Good morning Dad and Mom." Lissa heard David's voice say. He then sat beside her. Of course, he was a welcome member of her family and was treated more fairly than she was ever treated by her parents particularly her mom, probably because he came from a well-to-do family. They practically grew up together. She met him when she was five while he was seven years old. It was during the time her mom sent her away to live with her paternal grandparents. Anytime she thought of the first five years she lived with her mom she would get saddened as she was reminded that she was worthless as her mom would always tell her. During those times, she had often wondered if she was her mum's biological daughter, and if so why she hated her so much. She remembered asking her dad if his wife was her biological mother and his answers were always positive. She remembered the psychological trauma she went through, the thought of being ill luck as she was called by her mom was very devastating whereas other children of age talked about the love and adoration they received from their mom. And because she feared that she would bring ill luck to people around her, she gradually withdrew from people around her.


On the day she met David, her grandad had won a business deal and so was organising a small party to celebrate with close relatives and acquaintances and among other guests her parents were invited. She was happy to see her parents come and even though life with her grandparents was a luxury, she still preferred to be with her parents and cute little sister who was three years old at that time. She saw her mom standing with two other women and was ready to run toward her but stopped when she heard her reply to one of the women's questions.

"Your daughter is so cute, where is the eldest, I have not seen her around." Just then her mom's eyes caught sight of her and said to the woman:

"She felt ill one month ago and died," she answered as though she was in pains

"Oh my god, such a cute child. I'm so sorry, please take heart."

"It is okay I have Irene to replace her."

Mellisa did not wait to listen to the rest of their conversation, she had run from there. She knew that her mom was indirectly telling her that she was dead to her. She ran to her room and lock her door behind her. She sat on the floor by the door. She was crying as she remembered the hateful words her mom used to say to her while she was with her.

" You have brought nothing but ill luck to me.....Ever since you came into our life, we have had nothing but loss.....I would be better if you were dead...." Just then an idea came to her mind. She quickly made her way to her grandfather's workshop. Though her grandparents were well-to-do, they were humble. Her grandfather does use the tools from the workshop to work around to exercise as he would put it. She felt lucky when she felt the door knot and realised that it was not locked. She sneak in and rush to the cupboard she saw her grandfather put the rope. She smiled gracefully when she saw the rope and quickly made her way to her room. Just as she saw someone in the movie she watch, with the help of her reading table and two more stool, she was able to tie the rope to the ceiling fan.

Finally, she was going to grant her mother's wish. With a smile on her face, she quickly jotted down an apology letter in her messy writing. Standing on the table, she was ready to put the rope on her neck when the door opened. She slightly panicked, she had forgotten to lock the door and just then a young boy around her age walk in. Though a bit relaxed she was still worried that he would tell on her.

"Go on, what are you waiting for?" He said showing indifference. He was looking for a bathroom and did not know whom to ask for help as everyone was busy. He didn't want to bother his dad who seemed to be having a business discussion with those men and since his mom was out of town for business, she wasn't here as well. He decided to find out himself and found himself here only to see a girl of his age or slightly younger wanting to kill herself for reasons unknown to him.

Looking one more time at the rope in her hands, Lissa climbed down from the table. She then walked toward him and with a distressed tone, she pleaded with him not to tell her grandparents. She knew that they would be disappointed in her if they were to find out, her grandfather always told her to be strong and never give up on things because they seems difficult. She was beginning to feel bad as she wondered if her grandparents would hate her as well.

Not sparing her one more glance, he walked out of the room...

And soon the door was harshly opened to reveal her...

Hi, I love you 😜❤❤❤