

I was torn between saying something and staying silent. When Aneeqa continued, I was thinking the same thing.

"Emma, let me tell you my story. The story I haven't told you in these two years " After a brief pause, she added. I started paying attention.

"My father attended the University of Glasgow. I'm referring to my biological father... He and my mother were deeply in love by the end of his course. My Dad's elder sister, who later became my foster mother, simply approved my father's choice, and the two married happily... I'm not sure what happened next because I was only two years old when my parents divorced. My father was devastated by the separation.

He died of a brain hemorrhage after a long period of persistent depression and anxiety, probably a year. When I think about my parents' divorce and my father dying, I wonder why my mother never tried to visit me after he died. Or, more to the point, why didn't she bring me along in the first place?" She paused after telling a really tragic story, almost as if it was trivial for her to speak. After taking a moment to collect herself, she went on without even letting me offer my sympathies.

She never welcomed the pity of anyone. She simply wanted to talk today, so I gave her the space.

"But it's not my tragedy, Emm, because I was too young to comprehend the loss..."

"I've been given so many blessings, especially when Aunt Snober and Uncle Jay entered my life. At that time, I didn't know the magnitude of the tragedy of losing both my parents because I was only two years old. So the tragedy of that time wasn't something I would have noticed because I'd already been given so many new people. To love and cherish." She added.

"For me, the most tragic event was the accidental death of my foster mother. She had fulfilled the role of a mother for me when my mother abandoned me and never asked about me. Why did she do this? Why would any mother subject her own child to such an experience? My parents' divorce was a completely private matter. I was never told about it because it no longer mattered to me. I don't remember a single day when my foster father made me feel alone, helpless, or miserable... He is, indeed, a great man."

Obviously, she was fighting back the tears, but she spoke about her despair with such ease, as if she had already resigned herself to sharing the grief.

"And I miss my foster mother... my aunt to the rest of the world, but a mother to me... Someone who couldn't care about me enough to make me wealthy just didn't have the time for me. Still, they taught me about love, sacrifice, and determination no matter what happens." She paused, and before she could add anything else, she broke down and sobbed.

"Neekuuu..." I made an effort to comfort her.

"Don't say anything; I don't need to be consolidated; I just need you to listen, that's all." Aneeqa protested. I accepted.

"Is Seebu your stepbrother as well?" I was curious about it, so I attempted to change the subject. As I couldn't stand my best friend weeping like that.

"That's true, but he's still so much more to me than just a brother," she murmured.

"He is a strange person, but I hope he is..." we exchanged smiles "a good brother," I said as Aneeqa wiped her wet, adorable eyes. She had magnificent eyelashes and big eyes that melted hearts.

Aneeqa began speaking again, and I was amazed at what kind of person she was. I had been with her for two years, and she had never revealed anything about her past. She was incredibly kind and open-hearted. She used to listen to my woes as if they were the worst kind of tragedies.

"Seebuu and I were roughly the same age and cousins. After my parents divorced, his mother and my aunt Snober raised me. Her only brother died after a long illness, but she remained positive and strong. After my parents divorced, I became more than just her niece.

The fact that I excelled in my studies and career before Haseeb is painful because he was a brilliant student before mama's death. What brought him back to life is a mystery because he did not respond to psychological sessions after Aunt Snober died. Then suddenly, he took a turn and returned to life...

"He missed two years of school, but that loss doesn't matter anymore because he's getting good grades in school now, and that's all that matters. Mom used to prioritize me over her own son Haseeb..." Once she finished telling her tale, Aneeqa paused and looked at me; I was startled, having heard her tragic story. She would have seen the grief in my face as I listened to her recount her past.

I felt ashamed because I had been lamenting and sobbing in front of Aneeqa for the previous two years since my father had abandoned my mother and me. Aneeqa continued to sympathize with me as if she had never experienced any misery or tragedy.

She never revealed how broken she was on the inside when it came to family life. I was astounded by her strength and affection that day.

"Neekuuu, let me ask something now and excuse me for cutting in." After a long period of silence, I finally broke the ice.

Aneeqa gave a firm nod.

"First and foremost, why didn't you tell me this much about yourself earlier?

And second, tell me about your recent best seller..."

"No, not the best seller. You are the only one who has heard it. It's only been a week since I published it." Aneeqa corrected me by only answering the second question. I didn't press her to respond to the first question; I already knew the answer. In any case, she was wrong. Her book received a lot of attention, and it was a huge accomplishment for her. Still, she didn't appear to be overjoyed even though it had been her long-held ambition.

"I'm going to advertise it on my YouTube channel soon... wait a minute... let me take it out," I said as I opened the zip of my bag, which was sitting on the couch.

"This one… Is it inspired by your own experiences? Can you explain what the title 'A Tale of a LONER' means? The subheading, 'Love of a Nereid for Earthlings Brings Ravage,' appears under the main title, what is this?" I asked foolishly. She didn't say anything and then burst out laughing, looking at my face that hinted at foolishness.

"I haven't read it yet because I needed to question you first," I added.

Aneeqa kept smiling without answers and moved to her bed. As she relaxed on her bed, I queried yet again, "why are you smiling at that?"

"It's pointless," Aneeqa said, laughing for nothing.

"However, I apologize for not informing you. To be honest, I was kind of down in the dumps. You were also away so, I thought that I shall tell you about the success it made, and I am deeply sorry for that." She said sadly.

It's all right, just respond to me now. "Does it all revolve around you?" I had to ask a third time.

"No, it's not about me or my life... it seems funny to me because do you really think I'd sell my tragedies?" She replied

"Wait, what?" I said, astounded she took me out of context.

"Yeah, dear, I can't trade my tragedies... I can't do it... I don't want to gain admiration, earn any praise, money, and a reputation by telling about my tragedies." she justified her statement while checking her phone.

"Do you think great motivational speakers who share their stories to inspire others are cheap?" I objected to her snatching her phone from her.

"Emma, you need to realize that both aspiring to inspire the masses as an influencer or a motivational speaker and hoping to become an accomplished writer are very different goals," replied Aneeqa as she sat straight on her bed.

"It kind of makes sense. Let's go on a walk outside?" I suggested.

"Sure, that's a great idea" Aneeqa stood up to wear her coat. Sun was setting outside her window. We both started moving downstairs as we talked.

"Now, you elaborate the subtitle 'Love of a Nereid for Earthlings brings Ravage' because I don't understand it," I brought it up again, my curiosity piqued.

"All right! If you had read the book, you would have figured it out... but I know you're a lazy slug," Aneeqa said with a wry grin as we kept moving downstairs.

"Bitch," I chuckled.

"Let me explain," Aneeqa said.

"To be more specific, it's the full form of LONER."

"Have you ever heard of Nereid?" She paused before asking.

"This was something from Greek mythology, fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris, sister to Nereids, I remember. Like that?" I tried to recall.

"That's true," she smiled.

"Can you think of anything important that might happen if a Nereid falls in love with someone who lives outside the sea?" Aneeqa wondered.

"Nope, not enough memory..." I confessed.

"Nereids transform from human women into beautiful sea creatures. They are strong enough to pull the one they love into the ocean. They have the freedom they never had as humans. Nereids are attractive and pleasant by nature, but they won't back down from that relationship if they truly love someone. A human turned Nereid would seek out her lover. She would seduce the man and sink him into the depths of pleasure, so her love for a man on Earth causes ravages, but she doesn't care because she has to get what she wants no matter what." She took a deep breath as she finished explaining her reasoning.

We arrived at the nearby park and sat on a bench. Birds were returning to their homes, and children were playing in the park. It was peaceful there as Aneeqa continued to speak,

"You know, Emma, in my entire course of study, this was something that made me learn the most... My favorite character," Aneeqa said, adding, "Nereids are calm, beautiful, strong beings, and they have the great strength to get whatever and whoever they want."

"Come on, Neekuuu, writing a book that earns honor is something outstanding and a matter of passion for sure, but don't get sucked into the depths of this myth. It's a made-up story, not a fact... This isn't something to get people excited about. It's completely insane... Reality is a long way away... we are humans, not Nereids, and we are frequently powerless in our situations." I expressed in detail while she listened to me patiently.

"Agreeing or disagreeing with my ideas is your prerogative, but trust me when I say Nereids are incredible... Ah! But the reality is unavoidable, and I agree with you on this point," she spoke finally. While our never-ending talks continued, we rose from the bench and started moving back to Neeku's place.