

Have you ever wondered what is it like to work with dangerous creatures above human's comprehension ? How is it like to talk to a floating skull ? Drink a suspicious drink from an anomalous vending machine protected by two shrimps ? Attempt to beat an anti-god with swords, axes and guns ? Or maybe you always wanted to have three birds crammed into your head and then find yourself in the middle of nowhere ? All of those may never happen to you, but they sure as hell did happen to me. And now I have to deal with it. ... Fanfic itself is a crossover of Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina (Which may be relevant later on) and Chainsaw Man. The protagonist will be your normal nugget with [Justitia] gear and three birds. Keep in mind that the protagonist is quite strong by power standards, simply because killing abnormalities isn’t that easy as simply swinging a sword at them. Expect some references to the first game, mainly comparing Devils to Abnormalities. Reviews would be heavily appreciated, though do refrain from leaving a review with just some dots or something like that.

CheapShot · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

Big problem and a Bigger friend

"Crya !"

It was an average day. Sun was shining brightly and people were up to different stuff. Some committing cannibalism in the backstreets, Fixers probably going around taking care of stuff, while some rich people did 'rich people' things. Overall, it it was probably a nice day.

... Probably ...

"Crya !"

To be fair, I couldn't really tell if it was a day or not. While company does have some clocks present on the walls, we are not allowed to bring in our phones on the work. Both for security and practical reasons. Thanks to that, we could only relay on those to tell how much time has passed. Not like we could even use network here, simply because there is probably no connection.

"Crya ! Wake up already !"

For all I knew, they probably stopped those clocks when no one was looking, as sometimes day seemed to take barely an hour, while in other cases it felt like the day stretched out into an eternity filled with work, work and more work.

Honestly, they sh-

*Slap !*

Before I could continue further, a sound of a slap against the wall, bare millimeters besides my head threw me out of my thoughts.

Raising my head lazily, I spotted a man with short blue hair, dressed up into some kind of black suit which seemed to defy reality itself by bending away all the light coming towards it.

On his side was a white pistol with a red barrel.

Obviously, both of those things, the suit and the pistol were made from abnormalities that we are taking care off as a partof our job.

I didn't even hope to comprehend how those things were made, as it was really far above my pay grade.

Besides those two things, he also had a strange heart-shaped trinket in his hair, paired with a pair of round glasses. Both of which made him look funny, but no one was ever going to tell him that.

"What is it, chief ?"

I asked, sitting on a chair in what was known as 'Extraction department'. The corporation I was working for, known more commonly as L Corp, one of the 'Wings', was split into various departments, each one with a different 'Sephirath' commanding it.

Although it doesn't really matter, I thought it worth mentioning.

"You have been directed to the containment unit of O-02-40. You are to perform [Attachment] work and then return. Is everything clear ?"

Raising his brow at me, he asked.

Sighing out loudly, I got up and stretched, receiving a satisfying pop from my bones in response.

Patting down my cloak consisting of black feathers, white stripes and a red t-shirt underneath, looking back at the man, I rolled my numerous eyes that I received from working along the already mentioned abnormality.

"Sure, sure, tight-ass. See you soon."

Making my way down the black corridor of the extraction department, ignoring the shouts of complaints from the captain, I saw some bodies littering around. It seems that one of the abnormalities has escaped and caused some problems. Although no warning started, so it couldn't be all that dangerous. And while I could recognize a face or two from the bodies, I didn't really bother stopping by. Death was just an ordinary occurrence by now, be it in the backstreets or in here.

Passing numerous heavily reinforced doors, I finally stumbled onto my assigned subject; O-02-40, more commonly known as [Big Bird].

With nigh no hesitation, I opened the doors before stepping in and closing the doors behind me.

All around me, the only thing present was darkness, stretching all around the room, revealing only numerous yellow eyes situated at the other side of the containment unit, following my every movement as if looking through my soul.

Which was probably what it did. No one ever knows with those guys.

"Heya, buddy old pal ! How have you been ? I hope way better than I was, even if you really have nothing to do here."

With our numerous eyes meeting together, it seemed to ease up, bringing forth it's lantern, making it's whole body visible. And to say that the bird itself was 'just' a bit taller would be an understatement.

It towered over me, about twice my height and triple the width.

Although I stopped being intimidated after interacting with the fella few dozen times, it really was quite terrifying, although it is quite nice being around it. And there were way scarier abnormalities.

I still have nightmares of this pink lizard that broke out once.

Anyways, taking out my notebook, I scribbled down the bird's reaction at my greeting, before starting conversing with it, telling a story or two and generally performing what [Attachment] work entailed. And, of course, noting down every kind of reaction I received in response.

After few minutes worth of conversing, I heard a loud 'ting', signifying that the needed energy has been gathered.

Standing up from the floor, I started to exit the cell.

"It was nice to see you big fella ! Eat Derick if you ever break out, motherfucker likes to pull pranks on me and has something coming for him."

Saying nonchalantly, I in turn received an affirmative low-pitched chirp in response from the [Big Bird].

Giving him my kindest smirk in my arsenal, paired with a thumbs-up in his general direction, I closed the doors behind me before exiting the cell and going back to the dark corridor.

'Oh dear Derick, you are so fucked.'

Snickering to myself, I made my way back towards the main room wanting to set down and laze around, only to see my personal chair stolen by some random clerk.


Releasing a dissatisfied sound, I decided to just support the wall on the other side of the main room, very close to the elevator in case anything happens.

Closing my eyes, I decided to take a nap while standing up. One of quite a few skills a person can pick up in the backstreets, as it allows you to seem awake, diverting any attention away from you as more violent people generally targeted those who were sound asleep, simply because they made an easy kill.


To my surprise, once I awoke everything was still peaceful, a rare thing considering all the abnormalities contained in this facility.

Yawning quite loudly, I stretched once more, this time not receiving a pleasurable pop that usually came with it. A shame.

Running a hand through my long black hair, I spotted something eerie.

There was no one around me.

My surroundings were still most certainly those of Extraction Department.

No usual clerks, normal employees who deal mostly with paperwork and no other Agents.

Something was wrong.

Turning towards the elevator, I made my way up towards Disciplinary Department.

There, I managed to witness dead bodies, some of them having something resembling tree branches sticking out of their chests, other half eaten and some with weird cyan foam coming out of their mouth.

Amongst the corpses, most of them were clerks judging by the attire. However, I could also make out few agents with our unusual sets of attire.

Stopping by their corpses, I picked up a long pink rifle, as well as a white pistol with a red barrel, belonging to none other than a captain of the Extraction Team.

Adding those to my arsenal of weaponry, I now at least had some ranged weaponry.

Continuing on, I entered the lower-main room of disciplinary department, quickly spotting more corpses littering the room.

With the long, black sword dangling by my side and both rifle and the pistol, I already had enough weapons, therefore I simply chose to continue on.

*Bang !* *Bang !* *Bang !*

Hearing numerous shots up ahead, I sprinted towards the sound, arriving on a scene of carnage.

All around, dozens of bodies were cut in half, dirtying the yellow corridor of Central Commend Department with crimson liquid, leaking away from the dead bodies of various Agents and Clerks.

What was left of the Agent forces seemed to be fighting a red skinned creature, with numerous jaws, eyes and a scythe-like hand.

Gripping my sword, I strode forward. Other Agents seemed to notice me being there and eased up, some hope returning into their dull eyes upon seeing my equipment.

And it was no surprise.

I was one of the best agents present, on one of the deepest and most dangerous departments, carrying a title of a "Sly Arbitrator".

It was quite a strange and cringy title, but it earned me quite a prestige none the less.

Dashing towards the creature, it raised it's scythe-hand above it's head.


A layered voice came out of it's mouth, sounding both like a woman and man.

It's scythe traveled down towards an Agent unable to get away in time, seemingly cutting him in half-

*Cling !*

Blocking the scythe with my sword, I redirected the slash into the ground before slashing at the abnormality, making it move back.

"Move back and get yourself healed up."

Saying those words, I continued to purse the abnormality, not willing to let it cut any other Agent.

Slashing at it, it raised it's mace-like hand to intercept, successfully stopping the slash.

Pulling back, I avoided a sharp, bullet-like object flying at me.

Continuing my assault, every time I tried slashing away at either it's mouth or it's eyes, it instantly opted to abandon any form of attack and simply defend with all it's might.

'Hmmm ... change of plans.'

Faking a slash towards it's eye, it raised it's mace limb.

'Big mistake.'

Aiming for the thinner and softer part of the limb, my sword went through like butter, flying towards the ground, severing the limb-

Only for me to hear.

"₲ØØĐ฿ɎɆ !"

It's scythe came at me from the side, slashing towards my chest with an unimaginable speed, way higher than it's last slash.

I managed to pull back partially, abandoning the sword in the ground.

Still, I got send flying.

About 10 meters of flight later, I finally landed and looked at my wound.

My stomach was sliced, yes, however the wound wasn't nearly as fatal as I would imagine it to be.

'It will be fine.'

Taking off my pink rifle, I aimed it at the Abnormality, already moving towards me.

With it's one limb missing, it now had nothing good to defend against slashes to it's eyes-

Which is a shame since I lost my sword.

Tsking quietly, I aimed at the abnormalities eye with the rifle before taking a shot.

!*"Help ! HELP !"*!

In response, it realesed a high-pitched scream, making me cover my ears in response, not because it hurt but rather reflexively. These E.G.O suits were quite convenient like that.

Aiming another shot, I targeted the eye on top of it's head trying to blind it, only for it to start evading from side to side while skipping towards me.

Fortunately, I managed to land a shot on the eye, leaving only two of it's eyes, one on the arm and the other one on it's back.

Although fun time was over now.

It arrived before me, yelling.

"₲ØØĐ฿ɎɆ !"

Scythe descending on me, I raised my rifle to deflect it.

Releasing sparks paired with a sound of screeching metal, both of us brawled over who would redirect the other's weapon.

Grunting, I pushed on, not willing to have my weapon swatted aside. It probably had the same intention since it started pushing harder, forcing me to apply more force on my end.

My wound didn't help our stalemate, I could feel the wound worsening and my blood leaking out of it.

'I need some medical attention ...'

On one hand, I couldn't let it rid me of my weapon, as it would mean a certain death.

On the other hand, I won't be able to hold it indefinitely, simply because I will tire over time and bleed out.

Therefore, in either case, I would die.

Situation seemed hopeless. And it would require someone both crazy and a genius to find an answer to it.

'Fortunately, I am both !'

Lowering my right arm, I threw my rifle away, redirecting it's scythe-arm and throwing my rifle to the ground. Running at it, I reached towards my side-

*Bang !* *Bang !*

Taking out my pistol, I emptied the whole magazine into it's face and the arm with an eye on it, before throwing it away and continuing past it, running towards my blade, leaving it with only one eye on it's back.

Through it, it saw me picking up my blade, quickly turning around to face me-

Though with no eyes to see the front, it couldn't do anything.

Running at it, I slashed towards it's scythe-arm hanging by it's side, cutting through it and into it's leg.

Taking out the sword, I avoided it's kick before cutting through it's exposed leg, severing it away.

Losing it's balance, it fell on it's back, with me just behind.

Raising my blade over my head, I severed it's second leg, proceeding to what remained of it's arms, before stabbing my blade into where it's heart is supposed to be, watching the beast turn to dust.

Breathing roughly, I fell on my knees just besides it, coughing up blood.

"I need to ... get that treated ..."

Grunting, I felt someone approaching from behind.

"Can you please hel- ..."

I didn't bother ending the sentence. The person's eyes were fully yellow, as it continued on, not bothered by my sight.

Looking around me, my surroundings became darker, accompanied by a loud *Crunch !*.

Looking in the direction the person was heading to, I saw quite a sight.

All the agents and clerks I was trying to protect were there, bitten in half, all around a giant, black figure with numerous yellow eyes.

"... Heh."

Moving to the side, I laid myself against the wall, trying to hold the wound on my stomach close, as I watched the person get eaten.

The [Big Bird] continued it's walk towards me, stopping only few feet before me.

"Heya, bud. How have you been ?"

I asked, giving it my best smile I could manage.

In response, I received a happy chirp, accompanied by another chirp, sounding triumphant and proud.

"Have you eaten the guy I told ya about ?"

Asking, I received a proud nod paired with an affirmative chirp.

"Heh, thank you. He always annoyed me on my lunch brakes, had it coming if you ask me."

I received another affirmative chip, broadening my already wide smile.

After few moments of awkward silence, I heard another chirp, this one sounding concerned.

"You are asking if I am okay ?"

Another chirp.

"Heh, no, sadly I am not. Will probably die in an hour or half, a slow, painful death."

This time I received no chirp, eyes of the big bird just breaming with concern.

Smiling to it, I couldn't really believe it.

My parents were just a pair of street rats, they got caught by the sweepers when I was six. From then on, I begged for food, I killed for food and avoided dangerous people. That is all I have ever done.

Then, at the age of 23, I got hired by one of the 'Wings'.

A dream for many.

So, no surprise, I accepted with no hesitation, and from there I worked for what was months yet felt like years. Only to die here, now.

In this whole time, only two people showed me concern.

One, being a passing fixer that saved me from sweepers once, asking if I am okay before leaving.

And the other being a fucking bird.

Sighing loudly, I looked towards my Big Bird ... friend.

"Say ... can you eat me ?"

Asking it, I received a confused chirp.

"You see, if I simply stay here, I will die slowly and painfully. But, if you just go ahead and eat me, it will be both way faster and you will get some ... well, I dunno if you need to eat things, but you will certainly get some calories out of it."

Shrugging my shoulders, I let out a pain-filled wince, making me remember that I am quite injured.

In the backstreets, cannibalism was quite common. And the least a friend could do would be becoming a sustenance for another friend.

After another moment of awkward silence, my bird friend approached me, opening it's large beak-

*Chomp !*

Instead of any pain however, I felt myself getting lifted up by the hood and dragged through the corridor.

Looking up at the bird, half of it's eyes were focused on me while the other half looked ahead as it held me in it's beak.

'Guess we are ... going somewhere ?'

As such, we went on, before entering the lower-middle-main-room of the Central Command Department.


You could treat it as a 'trial' chapter, a chapter to see if it is actually good enough to actually entertain some people.

Please comment your thoughts, I would be very thankful for that.