

Sora stepped out of the portal to see a busy street in front of him.

"Where am I? And what timeline am I currently in?" Sora said as he looked at the surroundings.

'System Change my clothes to fit where I am after I see the surroundings'

[ Affirmative ]

Sora jumped on the buildings to check the street.

"Where the fuck is this place?" Sora surveyed the surroundings as the Anime wasn't the same in real life now.

[ The system suggests the host to look behind him ]

Sora followed the system's instructions and saw the The Hokage Rock.

Sora counted the heads


Sora then went down the buildings and changed his clothes as the system had already assessed the timeline they were in.

'Resume the time.'

[ Affirmative, would the host like for me to display possible quests? ]

'No, I just want to explore this timeline for now'

As soon as Sora said that time resumed and he fit in quite nicely as the system had changed his uniform into a civilian one.

As Sora was walking he felt that many people were watching him and decided to pause time again.

'Screw it' Sora lengthened his hair a little but remembered someone he wanted to copy.

"There" Sora lengthened his hair and copied the same style the same as a certain Devil Butler.

[ Host looks like a blonde Sebastian Michaels with a hint of Saber face ]

'Could be worse' Sora looked at the mirror of a shop as he resumed time to check his face and saw that he still looked part Saber but had Sebastian's hair and tried styling it.

"Hello? Would you like to buy flowers?" A voice called out to him.

"Sorry for the incon-" Sora stopped his sentence midway as he saw the woman who called out to him.

'No way?'

"I see if you're not here to buy then can you please move? unless you're not from here, are you?" The woman said as she watered the plants in front of Sora.

"How'd you know?" Sora knew who she was as her high ponytail and her hair covering her other eye was huge giveaway.

"I just know, I know the people who stare at me usually through the window"

"What's your name?"

"Why should I give mine to a total stranger even If you're a pretty handsome guy"

"I'm sorry for my manners, My name is Sora" Sora held out his hand and the girl shook it.

"Nice to meet you Sora, I'm Ino" Ino had a slightly red tint on her cheeks. "So what brings you here to my family shop? Unless you just want to look at me then be my guest"

"A friend told me that you had the best flowers here in Konoha."

"Friend huh? Who is it?" Ino was wondering if Sora was lying.

"His name was Naruto? Speaking off do you know where he is currently?"

"Naruto? Understandable, Naruto hasn't returned yet it or I haven't seen him since he last left with his Sensei."

"I see that's too bad" Sora acted like he was saddened not to meet Naruto.

"Come in, you can check out the rest of the flowers we sell or you can ogle at me all day" Ino went in the shop and Sora followed and started grinning.

Sora was looking at the flowers and observed each of them remembering what they mean if someone were to give them to the other person.

"So where are you from Sora?" Ino retuned to the counter as she observed Sora.

"I'm from the mountains" Sora replied confidently.

"I guess you're not used to seeing some flowers that can only grow here, be my guest then" Ino smiled as she kept watching Sora as he was an eye candy to her and she had a first seat access to it.

Shortly after Sora picked one flower and looked at Ino.

"What's this?" Sora went closer and place the flower on the counter.

"That is a red Camellia"

"Does this have a meaning? I know that there are meanings to flowers" Sora asked Ino.

"Camellia's have variations of colors but this particular Camellia, well" Ino was hesitating to answer.


"Red Camellia's are usually given to persons who signify that they are their significant other or rather someone you love dearly" Ino coughed as she finished explaining but couldn't hide some redness in her cheeks.

"Oh?" Sora took back the Camellia and started observing some more flowers.

'I swear he is doing this on purpose' Ino noted as she kept watching Sora.

Eventually Sora took another flower and brought it to her.

"That is a Violet as for what it means, Loyalty and Devotion if I'm not wrong?" Ino wondered if she was right.

"I'll take this then" Sora smiled as he just bought one and reached to his pocket.

'Damn' Sora forgot to make Ryo and just as he was about to pause time again to create some.

"Just take it, I can see you don't have any Ryo on you judging by your face, you can pay me by telling me who you're going to give it to"

"Come here and I'll tell you"

"Why Should I?" Ino was doubtful of Sora.

"Then I'm not telling" Sora smiled at Ino and eventually she relented.

"Fine now tell me"

"For you" Ino could hear the stalk being broken and the flower placed on her ear "There you look even more beautiful and it matches your clothes" Sora then left the flower shop as Ino was stunned at the sudden developments.

"Hey!" Ino finally processed the moment and ran to follow Sora eventually catching up with him.


"Why'd you suddenly leave and suddenly also did that?" Ino couldn't hide her redness anymore as she felt embarrassed.

"I thought it'd be cool? And you're a Shinobi aren't you?"

"I have to admit that was quite unexpected! And yes." Ino tried to calm herself but she soon noticed that she felt a tight grip on her hand.

"Well let's talk while you tour me around Konoha"

"Aren't you aggressive, well let's go back

to the shop for a while I still need to remove my apron" Ino tightened her hold and dragged Sora back to her shop.

'Well this brings back memories' Sora said as Ino dragged her.

Soon Ino came back to the shop and closed it since she knew her mom would also come by today.

"Are you sure leaving your shop like that?"

"I'm sure" Ino then locked the door and looked at Sora' whose hands were in his pockets.

"What?" Sora asked and noticed what Ino was looking at "Here" Sora gave his hand and Ino took it.

"So where are you taking me?" Sora asked Ino who looked happy.

"Well have you eaten yet?"


"Good! I know a place" Ino lead the way as Sora followed her.

"Say How long are you going to stay here in Konoha?" Ino asked Sora who was quiet and looked like he was contemplating something.

"I don't know? I'll be leaving again in a few days"

"Where are you staying here then?"

"It's only been an hour when we met and you already want to visit where I'm staying?" Sora teased Ino

"We're here!" Ino said as she dragged Sora into Ichiraku.

[ Ding! The system has bought a house here ]

'Good Job boy'

[ The system is not a dog ]

"Hello young sir!" Teuchi greeted Sora as he was behind Ino.

"Oh? Is this who I think it is Ino?" Ayame teased Ino

"Ayame-san this isn't what it looks like! I'm just guiding him since he's new to Konoha" Ino then sat down and Sora sat beside her.

"So what's your name boy?"

"It's Sora" Sora smiled as Ayame was taking Ino's orders.

"Where are you from?" Teuchi asked Sora

"I'm from the mountains Sir I just came here to trade my goods for my small village" Sora smiled.

"I see well your order's on the house I'll tell Ayame" Teuchi gave Sora his signature smile as he prepared the food for both Ino and Sora.

Ino sat closer to Sora as she had done ordering for both of them and Sora didn't mind.

"So who's paying for later?" Sora asked Ino.

"Of course it's going to be me, don't worry about it and don't try to use the money you earned from trading or will trade for!" Ino said bashfully "You can answer my questions in exchange for the food"

"Well Ask away" Sora smiled as he had already made tons of Ryo in his inventory.

"What's your full name?"

"Sora Murasaki, is this going to be an interview?"

"It is Sora-kun! Its a husband candidate interview from the Yamanaka Heiress!" Ayame shouted when she heard Sora.

"Ayame-san! I'm only training my investigation skills" Ino coughed "Next question, are you in a relationship" Ino held her breath after she asked the question.

"No" Ino heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"What are your dreams?"

Sora chuckled at Ino's question and shamelessly said "A Harem"

Ayame coughed and Teuchi laughed after hearing Sora's dreams "That's what a man should be!" Teuchi laughed as he kept cooking.

"Can you blame me?" Sora asked Ino who didn't know what to say as she believed he had the Aura to actually pull it off and wondered what she would say if he asked her.

"I can't"

"Okay it's my turn, why did you trust me so easily? We only met for a few hours and now we're acting like close friends" Sora smiled.

"I've been actually thinking that the whole time it's funny isn't it? That I trusted a stranger like you instantly? And like you said can you blame me?"

Sora grabbed Ino's hands that were on the table and squeezed it.

"And I actually feel comfortable" Ino smiled back at Sora.

"Ehem! Here's your order!" Ayame interrupted them.

Soon both ate their Ramens and left the store vowing to come back.

"So where are you staying here in the meantime?" Ino asked.

"Well" shortly after the system showed him the way and Sora followed

Both arrived shortly.

"We're here, now mind telling me why you want to know?" Ino looked at the house Sora showed her and knew that this one was the most expensive.

"You sure you're from mountains? I'm not one to judge but, well it doesn't matter now you're going to pay for us both tomorrow okay!" As both Sora and Ino were conversing
