
Reason (Look this chapter title is cool right)

"Bakuretsu~ Bakuretsu~ lalala~"

[Killing Lv 5 Zombie Obtaining 250 Exp]

"Bakuretsu~ Bakuretsu~ lalala~"

[Killing Lv 6 Hound Obtaining 300 EXP]

Its been a few days after i start my journey to the west... wait, is that east? right now i was killing monster inside of the dungeon trying to increase my skill level and my own level.

as for living in the wilderness, it was a new experience for me. maybe that is what they mean about 'Sleeping with earth as the floor, sky as ceiling'. many problem arise and solved, for the food i can buy it from the system and the leftover will be cleaned after i finish eating similar with clothing, as for bathing i just need to choose river bank-type dungeon. but please don't ask me about how i deal with nature-calling.

while evading the zombie scratch and kicking the hound. i start to think about my next course of action. can't go without planning you know. even if the plan is not the best plan.

"Hm... What should i do, there is still an unknown amount of time before the great war i happening. i don't even know why and how the great war is started"


"What is it? show me."

[Main Mission]

Quest = Become the perpetrator of the great war

Reward = [Active Skill = 3D Maneuver Dash], 1M EXP

Time = -

Penalty = -

This ****** system. why everything that i say, you make it as a mission? can you at least give me some lee way? how? how can i do that? can you at least give some clue how to do it?

"System, why everything i say become a main quest?"

[Because the it was the main mission of this world]

Now i am confused, what is the main mission or maybe the final mission of this world before i can go away from here. wait... killing the big-shot, creating the great war, making serafall mahou shoujo hardcore fans. no matter how you think about it, it was a big things and have a really big effect in the future of this worlds. if what i think is right... Holy Sh*t.

"System, tell me the main goal of my arrival here is creating the timeline of DxD world?" instantly i ask the system.

[Yes, Host. that is the main goal for this world.]


(A/N = if you know whose chatchphrase it was. then you are cultured person.)


[Congratulation for finding out the main goal. Gaining [Title : Detective], [20 Free Point], [Passive Skill = Presences Concealment], [Active Skill = Stealth]]

"Nice and Nice. but why the reward for finding the main goal is so many while doing main mission is not that much of reward?"

[it was because usually other people doesn't even know the real reason why they got reincarnated or transported. even if it was because a random being being careless (A/N = is this pun?), there is still another reason other than compensated for the mistake. simply speaking there is nothing free in the world so wish or at least chance that given to other people there must be a reason for it. the matter about the being who give them power also giving them the real reason is up to the luck of the person who received the power. as for they who did not received the main mission and able to know it with their own effort they will get a pretty good reward.]

I see, so my main goal is creating the plot of DxD or at least the world background. well, not a big problem for me. but the real problem is what system said about other people, i mean the system clearly stating other people with a random being. its mean there are more than just me in this multiverse the question is 'How big the chances for me meeting other reincarnated or transported person other than they who already known in the original novel'.

"Still, system even if you say that my main goal for this world is creating the background so the canon can start. i still can do some changes right? and also what you explain doesn't really answer why i am getting transported and become your host" i said asking some stuff and stating my point to the system.

[Yes and No. host can change some things in this world but the system need to evaluate the value is it positive or negative. if the value is negative then the system will give a punishment to the host and vice versa. as for the real reason host getting transported is simply because the system is in need for a host that can help the system to fix the multiverse that become chaotic due to so many reincarnated people. and the host doesn't need to be pressured. as long as the mission is fulfilled the time doesn't really matter. thought there is some special case that need to be pay some attention. to make it short the host is getting a vacation across multiverse with doing some dangerous job as the payment and bonus]

"Pretty much we are another version of alaya and counter guardian shirou" i said while slashing a head of zombie who pop up out of nowhere. don't you think i forget that i am still inside of forest. i am also training to get paralel though skill.

[Yes and No. while it was right that host getting a hard job from the system. the system also giving a suitable reward for the host. and please dont compare the system with that alaya and gaia brats.]

Holly hell, my system is so mighty. i mean, someone or something who dares to calls alaya and gaia brats isn't something that can be taken lightly. but if we think about it, it was correct because sometimes maybe in the future i need to do some genocide and world destruction to finish the mission from the system, and i guess the system will help me with that problem. well, with a great power comes a great responsibility coming with great insanity. let us make a list about some world with genocide background and world destroyer and maybe some list about mad scientist or extreme villain who knows that maybe i also need to train them.

"By the way system. i know that i will travel the multiverse but where is my main unviverse. or, did i get separated space? and also even if i... well... you can say that doing my job while you know, enjoying the world. can i at least visiting a world where i can relax and not doing job. something like vacation"

[Yes, host will get separated space and also after doing some mission host will get a few years worth of free vacation.]

With that my goal is set. finishing the job and travel the multiverse. meeting my waifu and maybe NTR some harem anime protagonist. this will be fun. then while pointing my sword to the sky i declare to the world.

"I will be the king of pira- Bugh"

i forgot, i still inside of the dungeon. and some zombie succed on giving me a 'friendly' headslap. what a nice guy helping me to not become to optimistic. Yosh, because you are so kind. i will pay you back by exterminating all your kinds.