
Living With a Vampire

The Art on the Cover is NOT made by me! The story follows the journey of a young boy named Sky, who ran away from home and got lost. He stumbles upon a vast mansion cursed with a time spell in his search for shelter. It broke the period when he broke into the mansion gate, and the mansion's owner, Vincent, appeared. Vincent, fascinated by Sky's innocent nature, takes him in but with one condition in exchange for his blood. The two boys, Sky and Vincent, started living together, playing together and growing up together. As time passes, they build a strong bond, and Sky starts to see Vincent as his only friend and protector. After many years, Sky starts to develop feelings for Vincent. However, he fears that expressing them will ruin their friendship. Now, he stands confused and lost, not knowing what will happen once he confesses.

Midnight240 · LGBT+
30 Chs

Our New Life

Vincent and I have gotten married 2 months ago. It wasn't the biggest wedding since it only had us two, Aaron, Carlton, and Layla but it was more than I could ever ask for. Also, Carlton and Aaron have dated as well. I'm not that surprised, they had a great connection when we all lived together. Layla is already 14, she grew up so fast. She herself has already been talking about liking someone at school but told me not to tell Aaron. She probably shouldn't have told me either since I kinda feel like her overprotective big brother. Anyway, that's all I have left to write. This is the last page of my book but I'll continue to write until the day I die! For now, goodbye."

Sky finished typing out his entire life story on his computer. He had no intention of letting anyone see what he wrote but he was afraid to forget what has happened to him in the past. He wants to always go back and remember why he is where he is today. Vincent moved around, yawning, as he sat up. He looked at the alarm clock next to their bed before turning over to Sky and pulling him into a hug "Baby, It's one in the morning. Did you get any sleep at all?" he asked.

Sky shook his head before kissing Vincent's forehead "Don't worry, I'm finally done writing our story down. I won't stay up so late anymore." he said trying to reassure his husband.

"Good, but I still don't understand why you want to write about our life if you don't want people to read it," Vincent replied and cuddled his partner.

Sky closed his laptop before replying to Vincent "Maybe one day I will post it, although people might take it more like fiction than an autobiography. Not only that, I'm a terrible writer. I just want to put down our memories in case I become too old and forget.."

Vincent kissed Sky on the cheek "Don't worry about the future or past, let's live in the present, alright?" Vincent asked.

Sky nodded in agreement "alright"

The two turned off the lights and cuddled under the blanket together, falling asleep.

The next morning Sky got up early to take a shower and get dressed. He wanted to cook Vincent a birthday breakfast. Lately, they haven't been doing much for birthdays since they were both busy with work but since they are both managers of their own business; they get to take off whenever they want. He put on his cooking apron and quickly went to work making chocolate strawberries, chocolate pancakes, and dark peanut butter chocolate milkshakes. Sky hated giving Vincent so many sweets since too much sugar isn't good for anyone but it was his lover's birthday and he wanted him to enjoy something other than blood.

It didn't take long for the childish adult vampire to rush to the kitchen. Although, it was so fast it looked more like teleporting. Sky jumped as he felt arms wrap around him. He smacks Vincent's arm, making the other pull away with a whimper "I told you to stop doing that. It scares me" he whined. Vincent rubbed his arm "I'm sorry, I smelled chocolate" he gave a small smile.

Sky sighed softly with a chuckle "You're such a child. Here" he said putting some chocolate on his finger. Vincent grabbed Sky's wrist and pulled him closer as he licked the chocolate off. His eyes stared into Sky's and it took the other a few seconds to realize the situation. No matter how long they've been together, Vincent could still make Sky extremely flustered, and that's how Vincent liked to tease him. Sky pull's his arm away trying to hide the fact his face was red. Chuckles came from Vincent as he sat down at the dining table. Once Sky finished the decorations on the cake, he started placing everything on the table. Vincent's eyes flew at all the tasty-looking sweets in front of him "It looks so delicious!" Vincent replied happily.

Right as Vincent's hands grabbed a piece, the sky smacks his hand away. Vincent pulled his hand to him and whimpered again "Why are you so abusive to me on my birthday?" he asked, pouting. Sky continued setting up the table while responding to his husband "You have to wait for everyone"

Before Vincent could even ask his question, their front door busted open and Aaron, Carlton, and Layla walked in. Sky sighed in annoyance "That's the second time you broke the door, Aaron"

Aaron chuckles awkwardly "No worries, I'll pay for it,"

Layla ran over and hugged Sky tightly before giving Vincent a tight hug as well "happy birthday, Vincent!" singed with her hands as she smiled. Vincent smiled at the warmth of her hug and smile and nodded in return before signing back to her "Thank you, Layla," he nuzzled her head and then looked over at Sky with pleading eyes. Sky knew that look all too well, they had many talks about it despite that, Vincent still gives that look. The look saying how much he wanted a child but Sky was afraid to raise one. The challenges of being a parent gave Sky paranoia. What if he ends up just like his father? This is the thought that always came to his mind when thinking about having children.

"Hello Vincent and Sky" a proper voice approached. Carlton smiled at the two and gave them each a rub on the head.

"Hello, Carlton. Please take a seat. Everyone take a seat" Sky said, ignoring Vincent's look and making the birthday boy pout again. Sky started lighting the candles and turning off the lights.

"Luckily you didn't his age into candles. This entire house would go into flames," Aaron muttered, causing the others to laugh. Everyone sang happy birthday together while Layla signed the song and Vincent got to blow out his candles.

"Remember not to tell anyone what you wish for, or it might not come true," the sweet little Layla said with her hands.

Everyone celebrated into the night, playing board games, charades, and drinking, besides Carlton. Once the party ended, everyone said their goodbyes, and Carlton drove the drunk Aaron and sleepy Layla home. Sky was also extremely drunk and Vincent became sober much faster than others. Vincent didn't normally drink, but he didn't want to feel left out since Sky was drinking. Vincent looked over at Sky who was passed out drunk on the couch. He stroked his head before standing and picking Sky up into his arms.

Sky opened his eyes a little to see Vincent in front of him "Vincent?" he said sounding partly tired and woozy. Vincent smiled down at him "Yes, my love?" he asked. Sky chuckles, his face red from the alcohol "I loooves youuu" he said with another smile. Vincent placed Sky on the bed and moved on top of him "I love you too" Vincent said, leaning in and kissing Sky on the lips softly. Sky held onto Vincent's face, making sure the other doesn't pull away as he deepens the kiss. It took a moment before the two pulled away, panting from not being able to breathe in the kiss.

"Did.. did you have... have a wonderful birthday?" Sky asked, still panting.

Vincent nods with a bright smile "I had a great birthday. Thank you for you're hard work" he mumbled and kissed Sky's forehead.

Sky's eyes suddenly sadden which made Vincent's heartache "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry" Sky mutters, gripping tightly onto Vincent's shirt tightly.

Vincent, confused, tilted his head "Why? You did nothing wrong."

"I can't... I can't give you what you really want..." Sky's eyes start watering.

"Shhh.. calm down.. all I want is you Sky. Just having you with me makes me feel like the happiest person alive," Vincent smiled, rubbing the tears from under Sky's eyes.

"B-but.. you said you wanted a child..." Sky sniffles, trying to gather his tears.

Vincent let out a small breath before smiling again "Of course I want kids but I won't force that onto you. If you don't want any, I understand"

"T-that's not fair to you Vincent..." Sky's tears started streaming down his face. "I'm just scared.."

"Of what?" Vincent asked.

"I don't want to be like 'him' at all" Sky whimpered.

Vincent already knew who Sky was referring to "You are nothing like him and you never will be!"

Sky lets out even more tears that Vincent soon whipped away "I don't want to be a terrible father... I'm scared..."

Vincent kissed Sky on the lips softly, calming him down. Vincent pulled away to smile at his beautiful lover "I am scared too but it will be worth it. We can raise them together. We can make a life for the child, our parents could never do for us. We will protect them and watch them grow into amazing people."

Sky rubbed his eyes and sniffs some more before giving a small smile "okay.."

Vincent's eyes light up with joy "Wait, really?"

Sky nodded with a small smile "yeah, let's become parents, together,"

After that night the two worked endlessly trying to get approved to adopt. They went through many stages and found mothers who will give their child to them after birth but the mother becomes attached and changed their minds. It got to where they both were thinking about giving up on having children altogether. The two had a break and went on a vacation together. They went into nowhere. A place that was covered in nature from head to toe with no city in sight. The only building there was their rental stay. It was a great place for the two to relax and get their mind off of things for a while.

"Hey Vincent, let's go hiking today. I saw on the map that there is a waterfall nearby and its cloudy out so it's perfect." Vincent called out to the other as he started putting on his shoes. The place they stayed in was very nice and modern. It had a level where their bed was that overlooked the main floor. It was big and open and everything was made of wood. Vincent walked down the stairs from the top level and smiled "Alright" he agreed and put his shoes on as well. They grabbed each other's hand and took off into the beautiful forest.

They looked at many things on their walk, and Sky took plenty of pictures. The couple held hands while walking down the slightly visible path. Sky looked over at Vincent "Oh, I never got to ask how your work was coming along"

"It's going good, actually. My designs have become really popular and everyone seems to enjoy wearing my clothing. I have a runway planned next month." Vincent said with a smile on his face. He loved his job and what he did. He glanced over at Sky "What about you?"

"I am thinking about inventing some new tech the world has never seen before!" he shouted in joy.

"Oh? like what?" Vincent asked curiously.

"Uh.. like..." Sky took a moment to think and then replied "I'll tell you once I figure that out"

Vincent laughed and pulled Sky closer to him, hugging him tightly as they walked. It didn't take long for the two to reach the huge waterfall that was louder than the animals in nature. Sky grabbed Vincent's hand and hurried to the waterfall.

"Look! Isn't it beautiful?" Sky asked, turning to Vincent.

Vincent couldn't help but smile at the excitement on his partner's face, it been a while since he saw a look like that. To Vincent, that look in Sky's eyes made this entire trip worth it. Sky noticed Vincent dazing off and tackled him down.

"I said, do you see it?!" Sky asked, now on top of Vincent on the dirty ground. The two looked at each other and laughed cuddling one another closely. Sky pulled out his camera "Let's take a picture by the waterfall"

They both started taking many pictures around the water and one of them together. While taking one picture, Vincent accidentally falls into the water.

"Vincent!" Sky yelled and dropped his camera as he ran over to the edge of the water. He was trying to look for Vincent but the water was too dirty. Sky did not know if Vincent could even swim, which made him panic. There was no sign of Vincent coming back up and Sky had no choice but to take off some of his clothing to dive into the water and try searching for him. Luckily the water wasn't enormous width-wise, but it was pretty deep. Sky couldn't hold his breath any longer and swam back up to the surface, panicking "Vincent?!?"

Sky screamed out of fear when something touched his arm and he was about to punch it when he saw the beautiful ruby red eyes. Vincent had a bright smile on his face while Sky looked like a parent who almost died of a stroke from losing their child. Sky smacked Vincent's arm "Don't do that! You scared me to death!"

Vincent kept laughing as he pulled Sky closer "I'm sorry" he muttered, giving kisses to Sky's face.

Sky accepted the kisses and then splashed Vincent in the face "I'm still mad at you"

Vincent chuckles "Oh, come on, I said I was sorry" he splashed Sky back.

The two had their splash war until their arms became tired and gave up. Sky wrapped his arms around Vincent's neck and cuddled him from behind "I really love you"

Vincent's cheeks became red before responding "I love you just as much"

Sky glanced over at the waterfall again "Let's go underneath it" he suggested.

Doing Sky's suggestion, the two swim over together and on the count of 3 went underneath it and through it. That was when they spotted a cave. Vincent frowns a little as a bad feeling came across his body "Let's go back."

Sky climbed up onto the rocks, about to enter the cave "Come on Vincent, let's explore it"

Vincent climbed out with him but grabbed his arm "I don't know about this.."

Sky placed his hand onto Vincents "It's okay. We are together. Nothing bad will happen," Sky smiled.

It was way too hard for Vincent to decline such a sweet smile from his lover so, with small breaths, he continued onward. The cave was dark and deep but Sky always came prepared and had his water-proof flashlight around his neck for emergencies. The two went deeper before Vincent stopped them "okay that's enough. We explored, let's go-" before he could finish, they heard crying. The crying startled the two at first but made Sky continue onward and of course, Vincent followed.

That's when the two ended up in a big opened area that was full of crystals that lit the room, and the ceiling of the cave had a hole that allowed sunlight to enter. Luckily the cave had darkness around the edges for Vincent to hide in but it was cloudy so there was no need to worry. In one of the dark edges, they could see four glowing eyes. Not just any glowing eyes, red ones. Sky has only ever seen Vincent with red eyes but now he was seeing four of them.

"B-Back away!" a small timid child's voice was heard as he came out from the shadows. There was still crying, but it came from behind the boy and it sounded like a baby. Sky and Vincent look at one another before Vincent steps up.

"Hey... it's okay. We won't hurt you" Vincent said, slowly making his way closer to the boy, but the boy backed away quickly. Vincent could tell he was scared, so he got down onto one knee and lifted his arms "See, I won't hurt you.."

"That's what they all say!" The boy yelled, clearly shivering from fear but then his eyes widen as he realized something. The boy came a little closer to Vincent, staring at his eyes "Y-your eyes... they're... like mine.." the boy said before they heard, again, yelling.

"Be careful!" another boy came out from the shadows and it looked just like the boy in front of Vincent. Sky figured the two must be twins but if both of them were seen, why was there still crying? That's when Sky noticed the second boy was holding a small baby.

The first boy looked over at the second "Look at his eyes..."

The second boy walked up next to the first one and was stunned "How..?"

Sky walked up to Vincent which made the boys step back.

"It's okay, he won't hurt you. He is my husband" Vincent said, trying to calm them.

"Husband?" they both said in sync.

Vincent nodded "Yes, now what are you two doing here? It's not safe... You both look hungry and tired and those eyes..."

The boys said nothing but kept their guard up.

Vincent reached out and touched one of the boy's hands and instantly got a connection. Vincent frowns and looks over at Sky "They're just like me"

Sky, confused, looked at the boys and back to Vincent "But, how?"

Vincent shrugged "I have no clue." he looked at the twins "What are you're names?"

The boys looked at each other as if they were wondering if they should even trust him but they both looked back at Vincent, speaking.

"I am 3041," One of them said.

"And I am 3042," the other said.

3042 looked down at the baby in his hands "She doesn't have a name"

Sky frowns even more "Those aren't names. Those are numbers... Why would your parents name you that?"

3041 gave a saddened look "Parents? W-we don't have parents..."

Vincent frowns "You have no one looking over you?"

The boys shook their heads in response to Vincent's questions. Vincent's eyes narrowed at the sight of the abandoned boys. He was angry about why someone would leave 3 children on their own and that's when he realized it was probably because of their eyes. Vincent took 3041's hand gently and pulled him into a hug, he could tell the child needed one "You're not alone anymore. I'll protect you both"

The look on the twin's faces went from fear to almost relief and started crying. All their pain was pouring out of their eyes and Sky couldn't help but hug 3042 as well. These kids had no one to say such things to them and they really needed to hear those words. The children normally wouldn't let anyone near them but Sky and Vincent gave off a unique feeling. The feeling of comfort and protection.

Vincent smiled "We will take care of you like actual parents. Would like that?" he asked.

The boy's face was covered in tears as they both fell into Vincent's arms from their weak state. They nodded at Vincent's question as they cried and cried. The way the children acted and quickly agreed with Vincent, showed Sky that these kids have always wanted parents and someone to be there for them.

That night, Vincent put the children to bed after cleaning them up. Sky and Vincent looked at each other in worry. They both went downstairs to the kitchen to let the kids sleep as they talked.

"Those kids were so scared and lonely... no telling how long they've been out there on their own..." Vincent mumbled.

Sky rubbed Vincent's back softly "How are we going to take care of them and feed them? They are like you so how will they get blood? I mean I could always-"

"No, you can't give them your blood. It will be too much for you to handle. Also... The baby girl... She isn't a vampire. She didn't have red eyes and when I held her small hand, I felt no inner connection like I did with the twins." Vincent spoke.

Sky sighed softly "At least that's a good thing. I can feed her normal baby formula but we will need to leave soon. We have no baby food for her here."

Vincent nodded, agreeing with Sky, and the very next day, they took the kids and went back home. The children were scared, riding in a car for the first time. Although it was kinda funny to Sky because it reminded him of Vincent's first reaction to technology. Once they made it home, they helped the kids out of the car and into the house..

"Wooaahhh" 3042 said as he looked around while clasping his twin brother's hand. In fact, the entire car ride here, the twins were holding hands. Sky figured it was a comfort thing to them.

"Ah, yes, I almost forgot something," Vincent said as he kneeled down on his knees looking at the twins. He pointed to 3041 "You will be named Xavier and you-" he spoke looking over at 3042 "will be named Xander"

The Twin's eyes light up in joy and look at one another. They clasped each other's hands in excitement.

"Hello, Xavier," Xander said in a cheerful tone.

"Hello Xander" Xavier replied and chuckled.

Sky looked down at the baby girl in his arms "And you will be named Keomi"

Vincent walked over to Sky and kissed him on the lips "I think we found our new family" Vincent smiled. Sky blushes at the kiss and nodded "yeah"

The twins watched Vincent and Sky and then looked at each other. They were about to kiss each other on the lips until Vincent stepped in "Woah Woah, what are you doing?"

"We are doing what you are doing" Xander spoke.

Sky laughs a little under his breath and Vincent looks over at him in annoyance before looking back at the twins "You only do that to people you love"

Xander tilted his head "What does love mean?"

Vincent was a little stunned at how the twins never knew what love meant "Well.. umm... love is when you feel like your heart is going to explode or when it's hard to sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams... It's a feeling that connects people in many ways and shows a whole new side of them that no one has ever seen." Vincent tries to explain.

Sky went up to the twins, still holding Keomi "Love doesn't always have to be romantic either. There is family love when you cherish the ones you live with and grew up with. That type of love is what you both have while the other version of love is what I and Vincent have," he explained.

The twins look at each other again with a small smile "I love you" they said in sync as if they knew what the other was going to say.

Vincent and Sky both chuckle at the boy's adorable comment to one another.

Xavier looks over at Vincent and Sky "W-we love you too... thank you for being our parents.."

Vincent and Sky's eyes shine and almost water from how adorable the words Xavier said were. The five of them all gather in a group hug and tightly embrace each other. Even though they just accepted the children into their lives, Vincent and Sky felt as if they had them for years. They were happy the boys gave their trust in them and accepted them as their parents. Love is a very special thing, that Vincent and Sky will always hold on to.