
Living Under His Shadow

In the mysterious town of Shadow's Edge, Ann Monroe, a pragmatic college girl, has her life turned upside down when she is thrust into a supernatural world she never believed in, one dominated by vampires and other creatures of the night. Her skepticism is shattered when she meets the enigmatic vampire, Adrian Knight, and Theodore, a brooding werewolf with a dangerous past. As a forbidden attraction flares between Ann and Adrianne, her disbelief in the supernatural is replaced with a dangerous reality, where sinister forces and her own preconceived notions battle for her soul. Through a turbulent journey of passion, peril, and self-discovery, Ann must navigate the complexities of a love triangle, confront her fears, and decide if she's willing to step out of the shadows and embrace a world that has always been just beyond her reach. This exploration of forbidden love and the collision of two worlds culminates in a series of heart-stopping events that will either bond Ann with Adrianne and Theodore forever or tear them apart. With a blend of romance, suspense, and the paranormal, 'Living Under His Shadow' weaves a tale of love's transformative power and the shadows that exist within us all.

Zubair_Maimuna · 都市
1 Chs

Do You Believe

Annabella: (Solemnly) In a word full of sinful belief. I have mine, everyone has theirs. But what is really mine… Vampires don't exist. Do you believe they exist too, just as my friends do? I don't think so. But never did I ever imagined I'd be forced to believe what they do believe. (An upbeat music playing in the background).


Walking down the street with her friends through the woods, chatting and giggling over a joke stopped on their track due to the sudden movement of the trees.

"Did you hear that?" Tori asked her friends.

"What was that?" Ann inquired.

"Could it be…?" Michelle gasped, clasping her palms over her mouth in realization.

"No… It can't be, don't panic, and let's just get out of here." Ann said trying to make both girls feel at ease. With this, the trio quickened their step, but stopped again on their track on the repetition of the same sound. Her friends swallowed hard, snuggling behind Ann.

"Now I'm scared." Ann said upon hearing footsteps behind them.

"Who's behind us?" Tori asked afraid to look behind them.

"What got your legs girls?" a hoarse male voice asked just right behind them.

Slowly, the girls looked behind them praying slightly that all was a prank. They came in contact with the creature, can't say he's human though, but he is actually one, can't say he's white but pale just like the snow. They gulped hard down their throat taking few step back while the creature followed their lead."Girls…" muttered Michelle.

"Run!" Tori completed as they took to their heels. But unfortunately, the being was faster than they thought as he was already standing at their front which made the girls fidget. Without warning, he got hold of Tori slamming her on the snow covered tree behind them, making her groan in pain. With shaky legs, Michelle ran over to where her friend was lying helpless, while Ann stumbled backward as her leg gave up, and landing her on her back.

"Just a little bite, it won't hurt." The creature said as he lowered above her.

"Please don't hurt me." Ann pleaded upon feeling the creature cold breathe on her skin.

"I won't." he said raising his fang while Ann shut her eyes, expecting the worst.

"Enough Jasper." A voice called out harshly.

Jasper, as the name was called let out a curse beneath his breathe, loud enough for only Ann hearing, you won't get past me next time." He said rising on his feet."What if I don't." he said with a gaze full of glare.

"I will tell the council you're trying to create newborn armies… it's not a threat though, but you can take it as one." He threatened mockingly.

"Jasper!" A female voice called out as she came closer. "What did you got there." She asked.

"A human." Jasper replied admist clenched teeth.

"She's ours Adrainne." She said attempting to move closer, but halted with a stop sign from Adrainne.

"Let him be Nathalie. It's just for today." Jasper said, voice full of vengeance.

"Let's go." He added, leading her away as they sped off unnoticed.

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Well..." she started, but Tori and Michelle voice cut through. Well they were lost in their own world during the run."

I have to meet up with them." Ann said attempting to stand up.

"Without a Thank you or a token of appreciation?" He said with a voice full of mischief.

"Actually… I was about to… uhmmm…" She stuttered.

"I should get a reward." He said leaning in over her, a smirk on his face.

"Please don't hurt me." She said, but seems all her plea fell in deaf ears as he continued to lean over, cold breathe brushing over her neck, without warning, he dunged his fangs on her neck and…

* * *

She woke up with a scream, it all looked real. Quickly, she grabbed her inhaler sniffing in as much as she could. Dropping it on the side table, she turned on the lamp and went over to her dressing mirror, running her hand over her neck in search of any spotted mark. She let out a sigh of relief when she discovered all was just a nightmare.

* * *

At Harvard West Lake Middle school. Bells chimes, marking the beginning of the day's activities, students busy parading the hallway, getting prepared for the day's activities. Ann shut her locker closed as she face her friends.

"You guys don't believe me right?" She asked them as Tori and Mitch exchanged a confused glance.

"Cut it off Ann, I'm not believing that shit." Tori started.

"But it looked real." Ann insisted as they walked through the hallway out of the locker room.

"Dreams can't be real Ann." Mitch said.

"`We call it crap… it won't come to pass… obviously." Tori said as her friends halted turning their gaze all over her.

"What?… anything out of place?" she asked wide eyed.

"I suggest we stop talking about her weird dreams." Mitch suggested.

"What did you say Ann?" She asked Ann who seems to be deep in thought.

"Well…" She started

"Yes. No objection Ann." Tori chipped in.

"Good… come on, let's hurry to class." Ann said, avoiding any other discussion as she led the way. "Miss Claire would be so mad at us." Mitch thought as they walked towards the 11th grade classroom

* * *

As expected, she was in the middle of a lesson, and as usual, they snuck in as expected, quietly finding their seats.

"Miss Claire took note this time Ann." Tyler, her seat mate and also a friend cautioned.

"Shhhhh." Ann hushed trying to keep her low.

"Tori, Ann, Mitchell." How did you get in without saying a Hi?" She asked. They were shut of words, tension engulfing the room.

"Out of here." Miss Claire commanded.

"We're really sorry." Tori began.

"Really sorry for sneaking into the class?" Miss Claire noted.

"No…, actually, I was… I mean we actually don't want to interrupt your class with the rest of the students." She said stuttering.

"I can't even see to any of your meaningless excuses." Miss Claire said as her gaze fell on Annabelle. "I'm sure you must be the master mind of all this." She accused as the class let out soft giggle.

"Weirdo." Georgia whispered, loud enough to be heard across the class. As expected, they responded with a chuckle.

"Enough class." Miss Claire said. "Have your seats." She said turning to the board. Just then, there was a slight knock on the opened door. "The new student?" Miss Claire asked someone outside class. "Come in." she added with a cheerful smile on her face.

The new student did as he was told, his presence was a shock to Annabelle.

"It can be." She muttered quickly reaching out for her inhaler.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked

"I'm fine." She replied.

"So, if you don't mind, will you like to introduce yourself?" Miss Claire said.

"I won't mind." He said.

"He's the one." She muttered, breathing hard as her mind fluttered back to her dream. She wasn't paying attention to anything else he have to say.

"My name is Adriane." He completed with a smile on his face.

"That was the monster name too." She thought, bead of sweat gathering on her forehead.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." She replied feigning a smile.

"You're welcome to our noble school… take that seat over there." Miss Claire said, extending her hand towards the last empty seat at the end of the class.

"Thank you." He said walking towards the class.

"So class, have a nice day!" Miss Claire said exiting the class. Ann watched him as he went over to his seat, though avoiding eye contact with the student. With Miss Claire out of the picture, it's the class time to go savage. She felt a hand grab her shoulder in excitement which made her frightened.

"Shit, you scared the hell out of me." Ann said heaving a sigh. "Isn't he cute?" Tori asked almost in a whisper, but loud enough for Mitch and Ann hearing.

"He is… obviously." Mitch commended, looking over to his seat. "He melt my heart." Mitch said in reverie, making her friends giggle.

"Guys, he's the one in my dream." Ann released as her friends stared in confusion.

"What the…" Tori exclaimed.

"You can't be serious Ann!" Mitch said loudly in awe drawing the class attention, as they gaze at the three friends.

"What was that for?" Georgia said, walking up to them, accompanied by her friends.

"We didn't mean to." Tori began.

"Of course you guys meant it. If none of you mean it all, Ann meant it, all to gain his attention." Georgia said, making him look over.

"You…" Mitch started, clenching her fist as she attempt to charge towards her, but held back by Ann. As if timed, the school bell rang, signaling its lunch time.

"I'm very sorry everyone!" Ann apologized to the class as they scoffed, returning to whatever they were doing before then, while some moved out of the class to catch some fun. She scoffed, walking out of the class, followed by her group of friends.

"Don't you think we should put her in her right place some days?" Tori asked retiring her seat.

"Everywhere is her place." Ann said.

"You think so?" Mitch asked retiring her seat as well.

"Yeah." Ann said, extending her hand.

"Where are we off to?" Tori asked.

"Where do we usually have lunch?" Mitch replied with a question pulling Ann off her seat.

"You don't have to be like that Mitch." Tori replied. They giggled over her word as they exit the class to the cafeteria.

* * *

In the cafeteria, they found three empty chairs to seat on, and as usual, the cafeteria was as noisy as always. Ann caught a glimpse of Adriane sitting close by the window side, staring out, without any snack on his table.

"He will be the new cool kid in school now." Mitch said in reverie, sipping her drink.

"Ann." Tori called.

"Yes?" She replied.

"I think you should say a "hi" to him." She suggested.

"That's absurd." Ann said.

"I think she's right this time." Mitch agreed.

"You think so?" Ann asked, not really sure if to follow their suggestion this time.

"Mhmm." She replied

"I agree this time Tori." Mitch said.

"Won't he think it's awkward?" Ann said, unsure if to follow her friend advice this time around.

"He'll be glad." Mitch said, "He's sitting all alone." She added.

"Good luck girl." Tori said shoving her off the chair. She nodded as she took a deep breath walking towards his table, but unfortunately, Georgia appeared from nowhere taking a seat on the empty chair in front of him.

"Why is she always finding a way to disrupt others lucks?" Tori muttered clenching her fist.

"Now she's the one trying to get his attention." Mitch added rolling her eyes.Without a word, Annabelle returned to her friends with a sly smile playing on her lips.

"It wasn't my fault this time guys." She apologized taking a seat.

"Obviously..." Tori said, "She's really something else." She added gaze fixed on them.

"Hi." Georgia greeted as she took a seat on the empty chair at his front.

"Do I know you?" He replied furrowing his brow.

"That's a rude way to start a conversation." Georgia cautioned. "It's a question…" He stated with a chuckle. "Oh yeah I know it is." Georgia replied a little bit pissed off. "I'm your class mate." She added.

"Georgia?" He asked, uncertain.

"You got the name. How did you know that?" She asked overwhelmed. "You're my class mate." He replied with a smirk on his face. "I should get going to class now." He said retiring his seat.

"But lunch time is not yet up." She said cheerfully, gaze fixed on him. "I know. I don't have to wait for the next 5 minutes left." He replied walking out of her sight and past Ann and her friends without showing a sign of recognition.

"Phew… looks like she made a bad impression on the first meeting." Mitch mocked as Georgia walked pass them alongside her two friends. She halted on hearing Mitch statement.

"I wonder who that could be." She replied facing her.

"Did she really have to call a name?" Tori replied sipping her drink.

"Well, I think it's irrelevant spending my precious time with dumb asses like you guys." Georgia said.

"None of us is dumb." Ann corrected.

"At least not as dumb as she could be." Mitch replied, relaxing on her seat as they giggled.

"Watch it Mitch." Elena, the brunette girl said.

"Just let's leave them. Everyone knows how dumb they are." Cassandra said shoving her off followed by Elena, while Mitch and Tori waved them bye amidst giggle.

"Oh yes! We don't have to waste our quality time with you dumbass." Tori called out after them, making her two friends giggle.

"That should satisfy you much more than your drink." Ann commented, sighting the satisfaction on Tori face.

"Maybe, Yes." She replied gulping the last drop as the bell rung, signaling lunchtime over.

"We have one more hour to go." Ann reminded as they made their way to class. (TWO HOURS LATER)

The bell rang signaling the closing hour of the day. Students dismissed the class one after the other after putting things in other, but not Adriane. He remained glued to his seat, staring deeply at his book.

"We're already on our way." Mitch said grabbing her bag as Tori retired her seat.

"Is there no plan for today?" Ann asked a little bit surprised. There is always a plan for the three friends after school activities.

"We're so sorry Ann." Tori apologized.

"I have a really tight schedule, and I have to go clear it off." Mitch said.

"Why are you leaving with Tori then?" Ann asked getting suspiciousTori scoffed in surprise.

"Have you forgotten us always leaving together, because we're neighbors?"

"I actually forgot." Ann replied retiring her seat.

"And besides…" Tori started whispering into her ear, "He's still here." She added with a mischievous smile swooning all over her face as she left the class.

"And remember; don't go through the woods alone without us." Mitch added exiting the class, leaving her all alone by herself .

"That's so cruel." She muttered, tucking her note inside her bag. "How does one start a conversation?" She thought.

"What's your name?" Is that a better way?" "It's inappropriate." She thought retiring her seat and attempting to leave the class, she heard a voice beside her.

"You left this." Adriane said, extending her phone.

"Ooh" She exclaimed feeling careless as she took it from him. "Thank you." She added, while Adriane nodded exiting the class. She felt fluttered without knowing why. Maybe because he spoke to her, she just does not know. Should she follow him?" She thought. "No." She has a library to visit. She added in conclusion as she strode out of the classroom.

* * * She is close to ending the day activity as she shut close the book she was reading. It is almost 8pm and she has no plans of quitting the library at that time, she really plan on ending schools activity as at 9pm, but her younger sister who's always keen on having her around want her back home, maybe to tell her a bedtime story before going to bed. She sighed, remembering the Judas in the house. Her older brother, "he's so much a pain in the ass." She thought as she returned the book on the shelf.

"I'm sure you'll be here tomorrow." The Liberian asked. She has already known Ann to spending almost all her time in the library. "I'm not so sure, but I really will like to take this with me." She said dropping a book on her desk, titled: "Summer Secret."

"Let me see that." The Liberian said taking the novel from her, flipping from page to page… "You got great taste." She commended handing over the book. "I can gist you if you want. Friendship is the hint." She added.

"Thank you, actually, I prefer reading it myself."

"Okay then." She succumbs… "Date of return?" She asked flipping the agreement note.

"I don't know…" she shrugs… "I'll return it before the week end." She added still unsure of herself, placing her signature on the agreement book. Sure or not, she has to return it, agreement matters. She thought as she returned the book bidding her farewell. On her way home, she is already used to going through the woods with her friends, and today, they are not there to caution her. As she walked through the woods, the torchlight leading her all the way, with book clasped in her hand, she suddenly remembered Mitch warning. "Don't go through the woods without us." Her voice rang through her brain. "There is always a way out." Ann thought taking another route that might maybe bring her on the road track. Its peach dark already, though it was just 8:50pm, "She's sure Gwendolyn is already asleep." She thought, eyes fixed on the book. Suddenly there was a swoosh on her arm knocking her off on the floor. "Ouch." She exclaimed examining her arms when suddenly her eyes met with what caused the whoosh. She gasped as the wolf get ready on attacking while she move backward, still on the floor, managing to grasp her mobile but not the novel. "Please don't hurt me." She pleaded looking around in fear, hoping there could be a help from anywhere. The wolf growl as it sprang forward to attack, but fortunately, another, making them engage into an inseparable fight, overpowered it. Of course, this is the best opportunity to escape from been devoured by the two furious wolves that seems to be tearing themselves apart. Quickly and swiftly, she dived into the woods again with shaky legs as she ran for her dear life, without even looking back or where she was going. Suddenly, she stumbled over a fallen tree making her grunt in pain, she attempted to stand up but noticed her feet stacked on it. With the hope of survival, she struggled with the last breathe left in her to break free, but it seems pointless. Unfortunately, there were steps, that of animal steps approaching her. She quickly clasp her mouth with her palms, trying hard not to breathe loud, she watched as the wolf came to a halt, making her gasp without her knowing, obviously drew its attention.

"I'm doomed." She thought as she watched the wolf approached her, not savagely, but calmly. "Please don't hurt me." She pleaded, palm slowly fallen off her mouth, she was already sweating and in tears.

To her outmost surprise, the wolf only keep on staring at her deep in the eyes, she could not help but to stare back at it and notice the wolf shaped necklace hung around its neck. Of course, no living person will want to be dead. She thought as she watched the wolf approach her slowly, gently pushing the fallen tree that seems to get her leg stacked. Immediately her leg set free, with shaky legs she attempted to take to her heels, but could not stop the urge from looking back at the wolf who kept gazing at her. She felt something she has not before. Maybe fear, because this is her first encounter with wolves, one who is ready to devour her at all cost, and the other who is willing to save her from its kind.

* * *

As she got close to her house doorstep, she could not stop herself from wishing her parents as well as brother was asleep.

Closing the door gently, trying to tiptoe inside her room, she heard a voice she wishes she never heard.

"You're late." Maxwell, her elder brother pointed out gazing away from his mobile.

She halted, with a heavy sigh escaping her.

"It is high time you stop pestering my life." She warned harshly.

"You call this pestering?" Max asked retiring vacating his seat as he approaches her slowly.

"If not that… What else?" she asked taking a step backward.

"I'm only trying to be a brother." He said, touching the tip of her hair.

"I'm only being caring." He added, gazing at her intently while she looked away.

"You have others to care for!" She said hurrying up to her room.

She can feel his gaze all over her as she disappears from his sight.

She dropped her bag on the dressing table immediately she got to the comfort of her room. She found it difficult to shove off the fact that she nearly lost her life to some sort of wild beast, actually that's what wolves are usually classified as, wild and loyal in some case. She examined her phone that already got a crack due to her fall.

"Phew." She exclaimed lying her back on the bed, suddenly she remembered the book.

She gasped, sitting up quickly. In a haste to save her life, she forgot the book.

"Damn." She muttered, running her hand over her head in frustration. Without a second thought, she brought out her phone with the attempt of reaching out to Mitch and Tori for advice seeking on how she could avoid the Liberian, till she retrieve the library book, but unfortunately, none was picking her phone.

"Why should it be today…? I would not have borrowed that book. Who knows, maybe it's the cause of all that happens today after school." She shrugged on the thought lying back on her bed.

As her eyes fall shut, only one thought was in her mind. "She must not visit the library, till she miraculously find the book."

* * *

"Here you go again." Tori said after hearing the tale Ann has to tell them.

The three friends were on their way to class, hoping they will not be late.

"Wolves are vulnerable Ann… you don't just expect it to come to your rescue, while the other is trying to devour you." Mitchell concluded, finding it hard to believe her friend this time.

"Guys, you have to believe me… I lost the Library book in the process Tori."

Ann chipped in, trying to justify her claim.

"You can say that again." Tori said, rolling her eyes.

"Losing books happens in every occasion." Mitch said.

"You both don't believe me?" Ann asked slowing her steps, as if threatening to turn another way round if they say, "We don't."

Both friends halted, while Mitch heaved heavily, clasping her arm around her shoulder.

"We do believe you Ann, but…"

"I know Mitch." She started, shrugging her arm off her shoulder.

"All doesn't make sense." She added walking past them.

"Ann!" Mitch called.

"It's not what you think!" Tori added, as both chased after her.

* * *

On getting to the class, it was unusually noisy. They were lucky they did not meet a teacher who will tongue - lash them in class. Without anyone noticing them, they took their usual seat.

"What's going on?" Ann asked her Tyler, her seatmate.

"I'm not sure… But I think Miss Claire won't be coming today due to an incident that took place in her home." Tyler exclaimed.

"Okay, I guess I'll count myself lucky today." She said looking around the classroom, when her gaze met with Adrianne who seems unready to look away. This made her remembered he spoke to her yesterday, which made her a lot nervous. She should have given her friends an update concerning that, instead of one they would not live to believe for the rest of their life.

"How could she have even told them what she herself doesn't actually believe?" She thought chuckling lightly as her mind fluttered back to why she got angry without reasons.

There is nothing to worry about though; they will always come back to her even if it will take a whole year.

* * *

At the cafeteria, as usual but without her friends this time, she was occupying her usual sit, keeping an eye on Adrianne who seems to be busy with the outside world, although he has caught her several times staring at him. Of course, staring out of the window was his thing, with no food on his table.

As she stared at him, the thought of him saying a word to her yesterday made her smiled to herself, not noticing her friends coming over the table.

"Mind sharing your thought?" Tori asked, interrupting her reverie.

"Nope." She said without looking at them.

"We're genuinely sorry Ann." Mitchell said hoping it will mean a lot to her.

"She's right Ann, it so happened because we aren't used to tales like that." Tori added.

Ann heaved a sigh. Glad to have them back though, she thought trying hard not to let her happiness sink on her face.

"I have actually been waiting all along for you guys." She said looking over at Adrianne.

The trio burst into laughter, knowing exactly what she is driving at.

"Did you get a chance with him yesterday?" Mitchell asked, munching her snacks.

"Nope, he didn't give me a chance." She said.

"He won't mind if you decided to pop in now." Tori suggested looking over at his seat.

"Give it a shot." Mitch added with a wink. With a heavy sigh, Ann retired her seat hesitantly rather reluctant, walked over his seat heart beating fast against her chest wall.

Hoping she won't be embarrassed, sitting on a chair at his front, which made him looked up.

"Hi." She said almost immediately.

"Ann?" Adrianne asked acting unsure.

"Yes." She replied. "You are already getting used to your classmate names gradually. That's quite an impression..." She continued while Adrianne watched her as she talked away.

She went mute when her gaze met with his, as her head lowered already feeling embarrassed. "Sorry, I talk a lot." She apologized, head still lowered.

"You're the weirdo right?" Adrianne asked not acknowledging her plea.

"Excuse me?" She said looking up.

"Well, that aside…" He began but was interrupted by Ann.

"Did Georgia tell you anything?" Ann asked.

"No Ann, I just made that up."

"That's absurd." She said… "Well I just want to say thank you for yesterday, nothing more." She said vacating the seat while Adrianne watched her leave.

"Whoa, never expected her to fume up." Adrianne thought smiling to himself.

"Who the hell does her think he is?" Ann fumes as she walked over to her friends.

Almost immediately, Georgia and her group of friends walked past over to them, smile of victory all over her face. "Look who we got here." Sandra started .

"Isn't it obvious she made a bad impression, just by saying hi?"

Georgia stated mockingly. Mitch clenched her teeth as she glares gravely at her.

"It's hi time you get your poker face out of here Georgia."

"Besides she didn't make a bad impression, he did." Mitch added.

"She wasn't making reference to any of you." Charlotte said, hands over her chest.

"She doesn't have to mention any names, we already know what and who you're talking about, and as you can see, we don't have to waste time in discussing an irrelevant stuff." Ann said retiring her seat as her friends did same both exiting the cafeteria.

Adrianne looked away as gaze met with Georgia, pretended not to see them having a brawl.

"Come on guys." She said somewhat embraced as she took her leave alongside with her friend out of the cafeteria.

"Aren't you spending time in the library today?" Tori asked Ann who was silent all this while.

"I don't know, since I misplaced the Library book, then I have to wait till I find it." She said in a lowered tone.

"I can't still believe you lost it though." Mitch said as Tori immediately nudged her while Ann let out a long sigh.

"Well guys,…" She started, unknowing to her there was an upcoming bike coming on a high speed which nearly knock her off, though she still hit the floor.

Her friends gasped running over to her, while the Motorcyclist made his bike come to a halt abruptly, quickly pulling off his helmet, hurrying towards them.

"Are you okay?" Tori asked, while Mitch helped in picking up her bag.

"I'm good." She replied.

"Are you hurt?" The motorcyclist asked taking on her hand.

"No, I'm more than fine here." She replied as she withdrew her hand from his, when suddenly her eyes met with the wolf shaped necklace around his neck. This was the same as the wolf's neck. She thought transfixed.

"It can't be." She blurted unconscious of her words, she looked up just to meet with his gaze.