
Living Simulations

In the year 2525, Humans unlocked a way to evolve to ever greater heights. Scientist unlocked powerful genes in only a small portion of the population, they were dubbed the Evolved or Awakened. As humans evolved and reached further and further into the depths of the universe, they uncovered new terrifying beings and horrific disasters waiting to end the race. Many years later in the year 4025, after many wars and disasters that brought the race to its knees, A crippled population recovered. Every human was an Evolved with powerful abilities able to lead humankind farther and farther into the universe.

AfterImAsh · SF
10 Chs

Chapter 6: You seem to be equally shocking?

Edwin sighed. he was still a bit flabbergasted at the current situation. Thinking back Edwin realized he had missed all the signs alluding to James' identity.

It was abundantly clear that James never revealed anything to Edwin because he didn't want his identity to affect any potential relationship they may have.

"James, you still look the same to me. Seems like the only thing that changed is the expectations you have of how I'll treat you now."

James looked at Edwin and felt a sense of relief. Luckily, he didn't think different of him because of who he was.

Just as Edwin was going to continue speaking with James, the Examiner called his name.

Edwin felt a strong sense of excitement as he began to rush toward the stage. Reaching the stage and sensing the scrutiny of the crowd Edwin began to grow nervous. Looking back, he realized James was watching him giving him a gentle smile.

Edwin finally took a few steps forward and reached the machine on stage, when he stopped in front of it a gentle whirring could be heard. He could feel an energy in the air around him similar to the awakening ceremony.

Edwin closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of comfort the energy gave him, but the energy disappeared as fast as it came. Opening his eyes, the first thing Edwin did was turn his head to find the screen and see what it said.


No Ability Detected (Ungraded)

Strength: 1 (Average)

Agility: 1.2 (Slightly above average)

Comprehensive ability: 1 (Average)

Overall rating: Barely more than an unawaken human.

Edwin's face contorted into a look of horror. The Examiner was equally baffled.

"Wait here, don't move."

The Examiner quickly hopped off the stage leaving Edwin alone. He could feel the many sharp gazes of the graduates on his back. Turning around to look at them he could see some smirking, some appeared confused, while some definitely gloated in his misfortune.

'Calm down Edwin, maybe the machine is broken, take a few deep breaths who knows what will happen.'

Soon the examiner approached with someone else, the towering old man arrived in front of Edwin.

The first thing the old man did was approach the machine and began fiddling with it. After a short while he took a step back as the gentle whirring started again. Edwin felt the gentle energy wrap around him.

It felt as if it was giving him a gentle hug and soothing his rampant emotions.

After a brief moment the energy disappeared again, quickly looked to the screen anticipating a change.

As the information filled the screen Edwin couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. There was no change, he really appeared to be quite useless.

The old man grabbed Edwin's shoulder and began to pull him away.

"Come with me."

As he was pulled off and away from the stage Edwin gave James a fleeting glance. To his surprise James had an unphased expression as he glanced back at Edwin, when he realized Edwin was looking back at him a disgusted expression flashed across his face followed by a gloating expression.

'Edwin, you scum, you seem just as shocking as I was, but who asked you to be so useless. I could already bear talking to you cause you're a dirty orphan. I guess my instincts betrayed me, I could've sworn I felt something special in you. I guess I'll have to find a new pawn to help me shake my family clan up.'

Edwin frowned he could tell that James didn't care about him anymore. Clearly, they hadn't been friends like he thought they were from the beginning. James was just using him and sticking close based on the assumptions Edwin could fulfill his interests.

After being dragged along for a while by the old man, Edwin arrived in front of one of the few buildings in the surrounding area.

Walking through the door Edwin could see various people rushing about in and out of rooms, it was a strange sight to see so many people rushing about, but the surroundings were silent.

The old man pulls Edwin through a few halls and doorways before finally arriving in a small lab.

"This boy didn't awaken his ability. I want to know why."

Many of the researchers stood up and quickly walked over to Edwin.

"Yes, commander we'll begin running tests immediately."

The researchers began to run about the lab grabbing various things and their notes shooting back and forth through the area. Edwin turned around to look at the old man only to realize he was gone already.

Eventually the researchers grabbed Edwin and dragged him around through the building and into various rooms. Occasionally they connected him to machines or tested him, asking him all kinds of questions about what he experienced after the awakening ceremony.

Edwin told him how nothing in particular stood out except for his reoccurring dreams, which the researchers quickly chalked up to nothing.

The rest of the days continued as such without even a moments rest for Edwin. One of the researchers finally suggested that maybe Edwin needed more exposure to the awakening energy.

A few disagreed as prolonged exposures could cause Edwin to explode. Deciding they had nothing better to do they all eventually agreed to test the theory.

They pulled Edwin into a room and left him alone. Eventually Edwin could feel a slight breeze in the room as his body warmed up causing him to moan in satisfaction. Edwin quickly glanced at the time. It was 7pm.

As he looked back up from his watch, he felt himself getting lightheaded before passing out.

Looking around he was once again surrounded by the abyss. In the distance he could see the fog, it appeared to be moving, gradually getting closer and closer. Edwin began to get nervous as it was moving towards him. Finally, he began counting the time, hoping to calm his nerves while waiting for the fog.

Edwin was shaken awake by a researcher, who proceeded to berate him with questions about what happened and how he felt right now.

'6 hours. I was in the abyss for 6 hours this time.'

Edwin took a glance at his watch and realized only an hour had passed in the real world. The researchers pulled Edwin out of the room after determining he hadn't experienced any significant changes.

The researchers finally put Edwin in a new room with a bed, a dresser and a connected restroom. They'd leave him here and observe the changes he underwent over the next few days to see if he'd awaken an ability.

Edwin sighed to think that the first thing he'd be after arguably the most important day of his life is a guinea pig. He felt a little fearful that he'd find himself on a dissection table in the end especially because this new body of his was an orphan and there was no one he could rely on to protect him.

He sat himself on his bed and mulled over his thoughts before gently drifting off into sleep only to find himself back with his only friend, the abyss and the fog.