
Living life in Naruto relaxed. (I am Egotistical though.)

First off this is no where near like its cannon. Apparently the fact that is fan fiction people ignore really. You will not see your characters with there same personality. It would not make any sense with all the different exposure people have happen. The mc had a part of himself around way before the start of the series. He was an adult when Kushina left the village of whirlpool. There are added characters that change the world and how you may have read. Some things still happen, because why wouldnt they. Events can still take place how they would before. It may be worst or better. The concept of the ripple effect or butterfly effect are just concepts. Think Final destination. death finds away or in this case the deities will find a way. The story picks when Naruto is two years old. The timeline does not fit at all because I have included parts of the movies and the like. Also there is the ability dimension travel. As well as there are deity at work. This will not fit with society norms. Big shocker there. The fact you would think it was is ridiculous since Naruto is about children going to war. Something that a lot of people ignore. The fact that they are kids killing people tends to get glossed over.. a lot. If you want to see your characters as they always are, just read the original. There is no point in you reading a fan-fic. "So first wish... Kryptonian Body. Second wish...Genius intellect to figure out techniques. Third Wish.. the ability to summon random people and things." "Eh, don't really care for anything else. Feel free to grant what you feel. I'm kinda just gonna do nothing unless trouble comes knocking." The God.. just stared. "Funny thing about that, I am a God of fertility.. so you have to breed and make kids. Like a lot. A lot a lot. You are hyper fertile. Like by x3 one for each wish." The God smirked. "I will also bestow on you the ability to move through dimensions and control of your body's cells and to that extent a little bit of others." The God said with a smile before sending Kai-La away. DeviantArt Broken Shield by hoangphamvfx enjoy his picture work.

FrozenTide · アニメ&漫画
97 Chs

Returning from the Grass Village. Finishing a meeting and small possibilities..

Reaching the gate Kai-La changed back into his regular suit combo. They walked into the village past the gate. Soon as they entered the village Kai-La remade the changing areas for the Genin.

"Change back into your original clothing. I will report to the Hokage the details of the mission. You all did well. You should be happy." Kai-La said to the group.

The children quickly changed. When they came out they parted with the clothing very reluctantly. "Head home now. You deserve a good rest." Kai-La said.

Kai-La started to head home but was stopped by a Jonin ninja.

"The Hokage needs to speak with you. There was an emergency session called while you were away." The first Jonin said.

"Right... cause I don't need to be home at this time. You all suck. I am too tired to fight so lead the way." Kai-La said beat.

After sitting for an hour in the meeting. The discussion turned to what Kai-La did earlier.

"In short Lord Uzu do not attack your fellow villagers." The Nara's head said.

"Ok, I will try to make peace with them. But they have to mind themselves. You know, stay out of my business." Kai-La said. The Hokage looked over to the Hyuga head waiting for his response.

"As long as we have your word." Hiashi started to state strongly, "not to trespass on our property or incite rebellion in our clan fine. Any Hyuga that wishes to leave the clan, must remove their eyes." The Hyuga elders behind him agreed.

The Hokage looked at Kai-La and started to speak with authority. "This sounds reasonable does it not. Any more and I will have to side with the Hyugas on this." The Hokage held his gaze on Kai-La.

"It feels like your forcing my hand," Kai-La said as he glared at the Hyugas. This, in turn, caused tension to rise in the room. "How utterly stupid of you all."

"This is for the good of the village Lord Senju," Danzo said. "Negotiations can start again in the future when the village is more secure. This... I think the council can agree on."

"Very well then. I Kai-La Senju Uzumaki, Warlord of Uzu hereby declare I will not trespass on the Hyugas land. But if any of them come after my family I will kill them without question." Kai-La said.

"Hmph what can one man do?" The Uchiha Lord said.

"Also I will kill every man, woman, animal, and child that gets in the way. Oh and insect. Must be clear about that." Kai-La said coldly eyeing the Uchiha clan head. "Bug should be squashed. Is this not what Madara Uchiha preached as well?"

"Hmph, very well then. The woman Hisa Hyu.. I mean Hisa Senju eyes have to be handed over as well." Hiashi said.

The other Heads watched waiting for a fight to start.

The Uchiha head activated his eyes. The elders triggered the Byakugan. The Aburame insects became restless.

"Not a problem," Kai-La said crossing his legs. "I will even pluck them out in front of you. It is the best way to make sure no incidents occur. Ya know, no tricks." Kai-La chakra started to become unsettled. The room temperature became cold. His body started to absorb the sunlight in the room helping to bolster himself.

"Very well then. Those terms are agreeable." Hiashi said. The color in his cheeks and neck slightly drained from him. 'I was trying to give you some time to change your mind. These blasted elders and their old rules will cause the collapse of the clan at this rate. He did not even argue. What's his plan?'

"Then it is agreed. Any objections to the following?" The Hokage asked.

All the Head's agreed, except the Inuzuka's.

Tsume snarled at Kai-La. "I vote no." 'How could I agree to this. I have fought with and along Hisa before. She is a splendid ninja. Even without her clan's bloodline, she was an excellent ninja. A little soft on the outside. But dependable in battle.' She had to make her view on it known. "I can't condone this."

The next to oppose was Danzo.

"I vote no as well. She is a great ninja. This might traumatize her. It would be a waste of a good war asset.." Danzo started plainly speaking. He had to try and balance the image in the eyes of the other, while still keeping the new views he had.

The Hokage looked around and concluded the vote.

"Thank you all for your attendance. Kai-La, Hiashi remain here. The rest of you, dismissed. I want this done in front of myself and the council. That way no problems can be declared later." The Hokage said.

"Not a problem," Kai-La said as he leaned back in the chair. His attitude showed he had not a care in the world.

Much to the dismay of some the clan heads.

Tsume stayed behind as well. She waited for a chance to confront Kai-La. Verbally of course. She wanted to save her friend Hisa this pain. But with her recently taking the position of clan head this was ill-advised.

After 20 minutes passed. A knock was at the door.

"Come in." The Hokage said.

In walked a medical Ninja with a little girl. The child had a single bun in the back of her head. She looked to be a little tomboyish. The child looked around the room boldly. Eyes had a fascination with everything in the room. Noticing a pair of weapons on the wall her eyes twinkled.

"Hello. I am the Hokage the leader of this village." The Hokage said kindly. Seeing the child return a formal greeting he relaxed a little. "Have you been told what has happened?"

"Umu yes. Someone wants to adopt me. They came a few days ago but had to leave for an emergency." The little girl said.

"Good. How do you feel about this little TenTen? You will not be forced into leaving your current home for another one." The Hokage said.

"Can I meet them first. My uncle said you can judge a person a lot by the first interaction. If I don't like them at first I shouldn't go." Tenten said. She kept eye contact with the Hokage the entire time.

"Very well. You heard that Lord Uzumaki." The Hokage said as he pointed at Kai-La.

Getting out of his seat, Kai-La walked over to her. Taking a knee he became eye level with her.

"Hello, I am Kai-La. I am the one who wished to adopt you." Kai-La said as he looked the child over. Using x-ray vision he noticed several broken bones that have healed. As well as some muscle tears and bruised tendons. A quick glance at her fingertips, he could see callus have already formed. 'She has already started training or is that from hard labor?'

"Your eyes are funny. They look like the sky." TenTen said in fascination. "Why do you have a mask on?" Her head tilted to the side trying to find any skin. "Your covered head to toe. Do you not have any skin?"

"The mask.. it is to remind me of my home," Kai-La said stroking the base of the mask. "Also to hide my face from my enemies."

"So am I an enemy?" TenTen asked.

"Yes, you are," Kai-La said. He watched as she stepped back a little.

"But if I am an enemy, why do you wish to adopt me?" TenTen asked confused.

"Quite simple. To give you a future. To make you strong. I don't want to see you waste your life pursuing something that's hollow." Kai-La said slowly. "Also because I am selfish and egotistical. Like most adults, I believe I know best."

He tried to convey to the child without revealing any future information.

"I don't think you will want me anymore then." TenTen said with a frown.

"Oh, why is that?" Kai-La asked. Even the others in the room wondered a little.

"Because I am weak. It's my fault my parents died in the Nine-Tails attack. I overheard uncle talking while he drank his funny smelly drink." TenTen said stifling a tear.

Tsume was visibly angry. Even Hiashi did not take what he heard well.

"Do continue little one. Take your time." Kai-La said softly.

"Sniff ok. Mama never recovered to well after my birth. So Daddy had to work harder. When the attack happened, he was too weak to fight. Mommy died trying to help him." TenTen said as a few tears fell down her cheek.

"I don't think you understand what happened. I can honestly say it wasn't your fault. It was the result of a weak-willed Uchiha." Kai-La said wiping away a tear from her face.

TenTen pushed his hand away. "Don't pity me! Hic. I will become strong. That way, I won't be left alone again." TenTen wiped away her tears with her hand. "Weak people get thrown way. That is what I heard around the village."

"TenTen, I do not pity you," Kai-La said reaching his hand out to her. "I promise not to throw you away." Kai-La said softly.

"Hic, How can I believe you?" TenTen asked as she reached her hand out grabbing his.

"You can't. You must judge for yourself in the end if I am someone you can trust in. If I could do something to gain your trust, I would. But I have offered you a home it's up to you what happens now." Kai-La said.

"Can I see your face? If I see your face that means we aren't enemies." TenTen said puffing out her chest. "Big girls confront their enemies."

Tsume chuckled at the girl's antics. The rest smiled. Even Danzo smirked.

"Very well then," Kai-La said leaning forward.

TenTen reached out touching the mask. When she pulled on it, the mask detracted into Kai-La's face faster than you could blink.

'What is that material made of? He looks like the second Hokage!' Danzo thought. 'Except for the skin tone, eye color, and hair color. He could be an exact copy.'

Little did he know the rest had somewhat the same idea.

"You have really weird eyes. Your hair is all silky." TenTen said as she pulled on it. "You have a lot of red mixed in. Your skin is darker than dirt. How is that?"

"Born that way. The skin anyway. The inhabitants that were born on the smaller islands of Uzu have darker skin. There are not that many of us like this. Or anyone else like me for that matter." Kai-La said somberly. "As for the hair, It's due to the Uzumaki bloodline. If you join my family your hair will turn darker than what it is with a small trace of red maybe." 'Can't really say it's due to redoing my cells.'

With a wrinkle on her face, Tenten asked something that stuck out to her. "What's Uzu?"

"It is short for the name of my former home. It is gone now." Kai-La said softly at the end.

"How did that happen?" TenTen asked.

'Only a child could ask something like this. I will need to increase history classes at the school and academy.' The Hokage thought.

"We were caught being weak. The world responded in kind. Trusting the wrong people and not strengthening our village, brought about our doom." Kai-La said with an edge but sadly. Visions of the battle inkling in to his thoughts.

"Don't be sad. You are gonna make me sad." TenTen said tearing up.

"You are right. I won't," Kai-La said standing up. He re-summoned his mask. "I wish you all the happiness little TenTen. Hopefully, your uncle takes care of you."

Kai-La sat back down. After a few minutes, the Hokage gestured for the nurse to take TenTen away.

As they walked to the door TenTen looked back.

"If I come with you. Do I get a mommy as well? Any brothers or sisters?" She asked in wonder.

"You will have several mommies. As well as several siblings in the future. But for now, you would be like the big sister to my little cousin Naruto." Kai-La said looking over.

With a bright smile, TenTen walked over to the Hokage.

"Mr.Hokage can I go with him? I promise to be good." TenTen asked.

"Of course. Nurse Koala please get the papers for Lord Uzumaki." The Hokage said.

"Yay!" TenTen said running to Kai-La. "You have to keep your promise." She said sticking out her pinky finger.

"It' a promise. I have some important work to do. So can you go to sleep for a little bit?" Kai-La asked the child as he did a pinky promise.

"I can but I am not really tired. Why do I need to sleep?" TenTen asked with her head tilted.

"You have worked hard. I need to heal your broken bones and damaged body. I rather you sleep through it instead of feeling pain." Kai-La said.

"Ok then. I will try to go to sleep." TenTen said as she sat on Kai-La closing her eyes.

Kai-La reached out touched her forehead. Activating the cells to trigger a small sleep state, he flushed her system with his Light chakra, as well as some of his own cells.

The cells job were to boost her bodies growth. All the breaks were set to mend and blood flow was increased due to the strong bone marrow. The symbol for the Senju clan appeared on TenTen's head before disappearing. Her hair darkened with a single streak of red on the left side. Her skin tone darkened a little bit.

As her body relaxed into its new state, Kai-La removed his hand. He laid her down next to him and place some dimensional holes around her in case anyone attacked. The cell seal on her head, also pulled in small traces of light chakra to help with repairs as well as provide the energy needed. Without energy, TenTen would die from chakra exhaustion in a few hours.

"Ah, I forgot to report on the grass mission.." Kai-La said absentmindedly.

"What happened in the Grass village? We forgot about it with the trouble of your fight." The Hokage stated."

TenTen is here yay. Naruto has a big sister now. Do I need to write a chapter showing the kids fighting on the way back or nah?

Anyway. the next few chapters like this will be lovey-dovey family stuff. About three chapters or so after that Ninja training.

As well as a little time skip to the Hyuga event with the cloud village.

As always read the tags.

Updated on 07/06/19

Updated again on 12/03/2020

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