
The Twins

Classes were over and I was starving. Since I Didn't have brunch, I made a beeline towards the Great hall Immediately. The only good thing that came out of Snape's class was that he didn't target me at all. He even gave me an A in the class for my potion and explained while Seamus caldron exploded I was too distracted that I added my porcupine quills a little late otherwise it was an excellent potion.

The sandwich was great as usual. I think I need to visit the kitchens and ask them to make a steak or brisket for me. Suddenly two arms grabbed me and pulled me up, I looked at the twins confused and didn't understand what was happening.

"Come with us Jack, we need to discuss business with you" they said in unison while dragging me away from my sumptuous meal.

"Please, let me finish my lunch first" I said while begging them to put me down.

"No can't do Jack or we will prank you for the rest of the school year"

"Every week"

"Every day"

"And at each meal" They replied while putting on their best threatening faces.

I looked over at my meal which was calling me like a heartbroken wife. I looked back at twins and made up my mind.

"Sayonara, my love, we will meet again"

"Do you have to be so dramatic?" one of the twins asked as the rest of the hall was looking at me with weird eyes while they dragged me out of the great hall.

Soon after going through a lot of corridors they dragged me into a broom cupboard and closed the gate while making sure no one spotted us.

"Welcome Jack"

"To the room of Prankster"

"Here we store all our supplies"

"And all illegal items"

I looked around and sure spotted various love potions, Fanged frisbee, dung bombs neatly piled in the racks.

"So Jack we just received an application form from someone interested in joining our little prank club"

I looked at them befuddled then cursed myself to have applied to this stupid club in the first place.

"Yes I applied but I was going to talk to you later in the evening"I replied.

"Yes, but you have to show us that you are really interested in pranking Jack"

"And you have to go through our initiation process"

"To make sure that you will never reveal our deepest darkest secrets"

"Okay, what will I have to do?" I asked at them confused.

"many have come here before"

"Many tried "

"But they failed"

"So we ask you"

"what other's have failed in spectacularly"

"To be the one who prank one of the faculty "

"And it has to be done by today"

"And make sure we are there to watch"

"Can't afford to miss their expression now "

Replied the twins with their strange talking method. I still don't get how they can complete each other sentences so smoothly.

"So I just have to prank a faculty?"I asked just to be sure.

"Yes but it can't be Filch or hagrid"

"Filch because he is not a wizard"

"And Hagrid because he supplies us with items"

"Items we desperately need"

Okay, that seems to narrow down my range to very few teachers. I can't prank McGonagall as she is our house head and can punish me severely. Snape's is out of the question too so there is only Quirrell, Dumbeldore, Sprouts, and although I can try and prank Flitwick but he knows my parents and it would be a little tricky to explain to them why I did it.

So how should I proceed. I thought while trying to squeeze my brain to its limit. I am sure my face is all scrunched up because I can see twins laughing from the corner of my eyes.

Suddenly a great idea popped into my head.

"Can I use some items from your collection?" I asked.


"But it will cost you"

"We can give you 20% discount"

"But no more than that" they replied.

"Okay see you guys at Dinner and I will pay after the prank" I said while going out of the cupboard.

"Sure, but who are you going to prank"

"And how will you prank them"

"It's a SUPRISE" I replied while going out and doing all the preparations.

Sorry, I couldn't upload yesterday because my best friend's father died of covid. I will try and release two chapters today.

shadowslakecreators' thoughts