
Living Life as a gamer.

Traveling the Multiverse

Aaron_Harvey_7275 · アニメ·コミックス
12 Chs


Using Master Roshi's memories, I was able to build myself a nice little home, then afterwards.

Afterwards I labled the title onto the house and it became the official Kami house of the Akame universe, a version where instead of it being on a beach it was in the forest.

That's where it was slightly different, because the setting was in a forest not a beach, so I made it so that it will fit into its location.

Why didn't I want to use Ki materialization for it?

Its quite simple actually.


I wanted to expiereince the art of building for my self.

Do not worry though, I was able to use it for furnature, and made the insides look like those homes rich celebrities fill.

Fit for a house of two.

Now...He needed food. Maybe hunting would suffice...but their are different beast in this world, he wondered how they would taste..

I opened the front door with and closed it with my new key, before locking it.

The lock was different, it required my DNA, my blood, and my energy. Only people I allow in my house I allow, I give them this voice command and I give them a sample of blood and DNA for them to live in this house.

But they cannot do so themselves without my permission.

Smart huh?

I want know burglars breaking into this house.

I am now extremely hungry...so I might as well.


I was walking and searching for food for about 5 minutes when I felt a small signatuee approaching.

I glanced to the left and saw a pair of yellow eyes gazing upon me with lazer focus.

I also sinced a nother signature approach.

As I fully take on the figure I see that it was some sort of tiger.

It beared its teeth at me and lunged at me.

I grabbed the beast by its jaws and ripped it in half.

Blood splattered everywhere... and I was covered in it.

I smiled in glee

My first fight as a Saiyan.

While normally I would mostlikely struggle and probably would die...I ripped it apart and killed it with ease...

Now with Chi-chi's memories, I can make some food with this, from the show what I have remembered she had only cooked fish raw, but with the memories that I have now, she cooked more than just fish raw, she cooked a whole bunch of animals, thats included tigers...

and she was a good cook too....

I was about to walk when I felt something else come at me and start to attack me.

"Chaos sheild..." I whisper a sheild made of dark purple energy formed around me as shards of ice slammed into it.

I look into who it was and I frowned, Esdeath...I wish I knew more about akame ga kill, all i know so far is the character herself, she seems to be a sadist of sorts and maybe a Yandere though I pity her, she seemed to have waste her love on the mc himself.

who didnt recooperate the same love as her.

To my knowledge, based on her death.

I gave her a look, up and down. That outfit certainly does not do her any good I think, just by looking at her the outfit would make people think she has a bit of a chubby side to her, but I know thst she is not due to seeing her in a bikini on Google.

Her looks, change that, I could tell you that meeting her in person, the anime does not do her justice.

She is by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She was staring straight at me with an angelic smile on her face.

This was Esdeath

*Ding! You have found your future destined one.

Esdeath, from the Akame ga Kill universe.

Now all you have to do is marry her...and then you may move on to the next worlds.



