
Death and rebirth

<p>"Ugh....who got the number of the truck that hit me" I groaned out feeling the consequence of the heavy drinking I did the night before.<br/><br/>Perking my ears up as I heard my roommate Johan puking his guts out in the bathroom I gave another groan barely holding myself back from doing the same. We graduated from university the day before and Gerald, Johan's idiot best friend, brought up the idea to have a party before we have to return to our home and we like dumbasses agreed leading to our present situation.<br/><br/>Hearing the toilet flushing and the running of water, I pushed myself up to go to see what I could find in the kitchen for us to eat and finally decided on coffee with avocado cheese on toast. Yawning I started up the machine while grabbing some milk, cheese and avocado from the fridge, I made a latte for myself while making an espresso for my friend. As I finished up I heard the water stop running and footsteps coming towards my location.<br/>"Good morning" I called as I covered my food and rushed up to take my bath, "Morning" he yawned "Itadakimasu" <br/><br/>"You are welcome" I answered as I jumped in the shower. I was soon looking for what to wear then I decided on jeans with a shirt that had Kushina hugging Minato on it then wore my sneakers. When I walked to the kitchen, I noticed that Johan had already packed my food for me, picking it up as I left the house. Locking the door, I walked to my tutoring job as I put on my headphones playing sleep song by secret garden and humming to it, that was probably to blame for my inattention when crossing the intersection.<br/><br/>As I was crossing the intersection I heard a scream and as I looked up I saw a truck barrelling towards me and I only had the chance to think"Oh, Shi...." before it hit me and I was knocked unconscious.<br/><br/>As I awoke I felt warm and comfortable before feeling a constricting feeling pushing me out to somewhere then feeling a smack on my buttt. As I tried to scream at the person, the only thing I heard was the cries of a baby, then I was passed to a warm embrace and soon fell asleep. <br/>When I woke I saw two people that looked eerily like Minato and Kushina, the Kushina look a like was speaking, "My two dear sons, Naruto and Nori, I am sorry to be leaving you like this, I am sorry that I will not be there to see you grow up." As her breath grew weaker she continued <br/>"Don't be picky.. Eat lots and grow strong..<br/>Make sure that you bathe every day and stay warm..<br/>Also.. Don't stay up late.. You need lots of sleep..<br/>And make friends.. You don't need a lot of friends..<br/>Just a few.. Ones you can really, really trust..<br/>I wasn't very good at it, but keep up with your studies and practice your ninjutsu hard..<br/>Remember that everyone has strengths and weaknesses..<br/>So don't get too depressed if you can't do something well..<br/>Respect your teachers and upperclassmen at the Academy..<br/>Oh, and this is important.. It's about the Three Prohibitions for a shinobi..<br/>Be extra careful about lending and borrowing money..<br/>Put your mission wages into your savings account..<br/>No alcohol until you're twenty.. Too much can ruin your health, so drink in moderation..<br/>Another Prohibition is women..<br/>I'm a woman, so I don't know too much about this but..<br/>All you need to remember is that this world is made up of men and women..<br/>So it's only natural to take an interest in girls..<br/>But just don't get hooked on bad women.. Find someone just like me..<br/>Speaking of the Three Prohibitions, be wary of Jiraiya Sensei, you know..<br/>Naruto,Nori, from now on, you're going to face lots of pain and hardship..<br/>Be true to yourself.. Have a dream and have the confidence to make that dream come true..<br/>There's so much.. Oh, so much more that I want to pass on to you.. I wish I could stay with you longer..<br/>I love you"<br/><br/>The man then said "Naruto,Nori, my words to you... well, I guess your talkative mom said it all, Nori you are the big brother.....take good care of your baby brother. We love you both".<br/> As he finished talking an elderly man appeared causing whom to my bewilderment I realized to be Kushina herself turning to him and saying, "Hiruzen, take good care of my sons" and the man solemnly replies "I will" as he picked us up. <br/>"Thank you" she breathed and she and my dad collapsed and stopped moving causing an inexplicable loss in me and as I started to wail, I heard another voice join mine as I thought to myself 'I was just reborn and I lost my parents again for the second time what kind of curse do I have'. I heard a voice say "Hokage-sama" "Take them to the orphanage and what happened here is an S-rank secret punishable by death" "Hai, Hokage-sama"<br/><br/>As they ran with us, they took care not to jolt us and my cries died off as I soon fell asleep, tired from the hectic day.</p>