
Living In A Different Earth

Aerous Kagekou, a quite talented boy who died and got reincarnated in another world. or is it really another world? Follow Aerous on his journey on another earth where some people have powers.

Aerous_Zalrune · 現実
5 Chs

Chapter 1 New life.

Do you believe in heaven or hell?

To be honest, I believed in both but I may just be wrong because, I just died.

I somehow died.

I don't know why I died but once I opened my eyes I saw that I was in a void.

The whole place was made out of white while the only things that could be seen were were ghosts? or souls? are those even different things?

I don't understand why but it looks like we're in a line, I don't even know what emotions I'm feeling right now, or am I even feeling anything?

I looked around to see if anyone else looked human but found noone.

Everyone looked like a ghost while I'm the only one who looks human, although they are most probably human, they just look like a pure floating white blanket.

I looked at where I was lined and saw that everyone in the front was slowly disappearing.

I don't know why but it feels natural being in this line. It felt like it was meant for me.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, I heard a girls voice. "#1117 Going to heaven or hell?"

I heard another voice which sounded more mature, "Huh? There's nothing written on it?"

I looked up to see two girls, one looked like she was in her early twenties while the other one holding a notepad looked like she was in her mid thirties.

"Umm... Can I know what happening?" I asked as they looked at me, dumbfounded.

Huh? Did I do something wrong!?

"He looks humanoid!" The younger girl shouted.

"Wait, it doesn't say anything about him going to heaven nor hell, maybe I was given the wrong info?" The older girl asked, looking at the notepad in her hand.

"Umm.. Can I know what's happening?" I repeated.

She said something about heaven and hell, does that mean I'm going to one of them? I wonder where I'd go.

I wasn't really a bad guy but I also wasn't that much of a good guy..

"J-Just stay there!" The younger girl panickedly said.

"Sure.. By the way, can I know your names?" I asked, making her more panicked.

Why does she look so panicked? Am scary or something?

"I-I'm Kaiyu.. She's Luisa.." She answered pointing at the girl named Luisa who looked like she was talking to someone?

"I received info." Luisa suddenly talked.

"So... What should we do?"

"Apparently, He isn't fit for heaven, nor hell. The gods just told me to reincarnate him." Luisa answered.

"Reincarnated me?" I said, tilting my head.

"You should be happy, this is good news for you. Little boy, You'll get another chance in life." Luisa said, as Kaiyu surprisingly nodded.

"Will I retain my memories?" I asked.

"Because of your peculiar case, the gods told me to let you retain everything you currently have, before you died that is." She answered.

"Anyways, I don't want to talk about all the complicated stuff, considering your talent, you'll figure everything out once you get reincarnated." She followed up, as a portal suddenly appeared.

Letting me figure everything out doesn't really help though...

"Go in. We can't waste any more time." Luisa said, looking at the ghosts behind me.

I nodded as I slowly, but surely went in the portal.

As I went in the portal, my body felt like it was just washed out of the ocean.

Opening my eyes, I looked around and saw that I was laying down in a clear field of grass.

I looked at my belongings and found my Sniper, Katana and two bags.

I looked looked inside the first bag and saw a dagger and a pistol that has a suppressor.

I also saw a ID and notebook.

I first looked at the ID and saw my face, name, birthday and school?.

I looked at my face and it still has its handsome look with black hair and blue eyes,


Name: Aerous Kagekou.

Birthday: 11/17/08

School: Shikei Middle School.


Wait, I'm really enrolled in a school!?

"Wait, there must be something written in this book." I said to myself, looking at the book.

I opened the book and saw what looked like instructions.

This is what's written:


Hello Aerous, this is written by me, Kaiyu.

I will just tell you the basic things that you should know so sorry if this feels incomplete.

First of all, you're a commoner and an orphan who is enrolled in Shikei Middle school, the school starts next week.

You can get everything you need for school in the other bag.

Second of all, this isn't Earth but a planet very similar to it.

One out of a thousand people get abilities, mainly depending on bloodline.

You have a ability that can control darkness however, it is not public unless you decide to make it public.

In what way you use your powers is up to you.

This is just a follow-up but families have ranks, for example: Baron Count Duke etc etc.


After I finished reading the so-called basic instructions, I let out a sigh.

"So this is the start of my new life." I said while looking at the sun.