
Living Among Humans

Sammy, a young teenage girl living with her family in a town called Willow. Trying her best to keep her secret unknown to others but unfortunately Lily saw it and now she has to convince her to shut up about it. "Blending in with the humans is not that easy" -Sammy

_MangoSlash_ · 若者
3 Chs


"Why did you ask for me Lily?"

"I'll get straight to the point. Are you a werewolf or am I just being crazy?"

"Wha-what are you talking about?"

OMG! What am I gonna do?? How did she know? Did she see me? Where? I have so many questions!

"Well I saw, who I presume is you transforming into a human when the sun rose up."

Sweat dripping on my temple and my skin turning pale, the fear of me leaving my present life to a life hiding from humans and a life where the only thing you can see are trees surrounding all around you. My vision started to blur and my head started spinning, the last thing I could hear were Lily's voice calling out to me.


"Sam-Sammy... are you okay? Can you hear me?"

I hear Fred's voice cracking and see tears from the corner of his eyes. I grab hold of his hand and told him I only passed out and there's nothing for him to worry about.

"You turned pale and suddenly passed out... it must've been from shock, I assume..." Lily says and continued "I dragged you here and asked some random schoolmate where your class is and then proceeds to ask if there are any one who is close to you, so they can stay by your side. Fred willingly raised his hand and followed me here to the nurse's office."

So she dragged me here, she must be quite strong since I weigh 189 pounds. Unimportant. Fred cared for me... I thought I was just someone he can talk to, I guess we really are friends. That warmed my heart a little.

"WAIT! What shocked so much that you had to faint?" Fred squeezed my hand tightly whilst his hand was shaking. You could definitely tell he was worried sick.

"Don't worry I'm fine, it must've been because I was staying up late reading books." I lied and tried to keep a straight face. "Fred, can you give us both some time alone pls. We have some things to discuss."

He knew there was something going on but he didn't question about it since it was my problem not his. He stopped for awhile by the door to tell me "If you're wondering, the nurse is away cause she has to get some ice for the sprain in your ankle when you fell, Lily told me about it. And I'll tell her you're awake now."

A moment of silence was lingering in the room when finally Lily spoke up and asked if she could know my situation. Mostly because she was interested and curious but mostly because why it was such a big deal that I have to faint. I sat down and took a deep breath. I then began explaining to her my situation.

"Lily... I'm guessing you already knew, I'm a werewolf. My whole family are werewolves and I'm a pure-blood type. We are currently blending in with you humans and doing our best living normal lives. I fainted because it is a big disaster if the secret is out. For one, you will have to live in isolation for your punishments and the Clan Leaders of my species will take away your ability to turn into human again. And worst punishment of all is, letting you abstain from the moons light for 3 months, that is where we get our energy or life force from. If you let a werewolf abstain from it for that long, they will die and their bodies will blend in to nature."

I grasp her shoulders tightly and told her in a tone I would never use unless I'm very serious "I beg of you to keep your mouth shut. Please." Tears began falling from my eyes to my cheeks. Lily wipe it away and told me in the most sincere voice.

"I promise you I won't tell anyone. I was only plainly curious about your situation. I never thought it would be that dangerous someone knowing your secret since you were leisurely sleeping under the big willow tree everyone in town knew about."

I hugged her and said "Thank you so much." It was my mistake for getting find out. I should've known better than to let myself be out in the open when the full moon is out.

"I haven't really properly introduced myself to you, have I... My name is Sammy Owl" I reach my hand in for a handshake.

"Lily Crawford, as you knew." she reach in also. The nurse knock into the door and came in, she then gave me a first aid to treat my sprain. Lily help me walk through all the way to my class and said "Goodbye. See you later, Sammy" And for the rest of afternoon class, Fred helped me out. Class has already ended and some already left school campus.

"What happened to you?" Jake asked.

"Just sprained my ankles. It'll heal after a couple of days."

"Well good luck on that. I should get going now, Nate's waiting for me. We're planning on playing games till morning."

"Don't stay up too late or else you both will get nagged at Mr. Welter in the morning." We both waved and said goodbye.

"Hey Sammy, I should drop you off at your home. I don't think you'll make it on your own." Fred asks worryingly. I agreed but I told him we should invite Lily going home together. When we reach at the the entrance, we saw her waiting while reading another one of Frederick's books.

"Lily! Want to go home together, us three?" She said yes and on the way to my home we talked about how much we love Frederick's books and made plans on how they should go to my home and see my collection of books.

And that day is the day where I gained a friend I will have for my lifetime and how my life changed for the better and for worst. I will never forget the day the three of us became inseparable together.

If you are wondering, this is an alternate world different from Earth and in the 17th century of this world is already developed. Meaning there are already technology and cars invented.

_MangoSlash_creators' thoughts