
Live My Next Life to The Fullest

With little opportunity to experience life to the fullest, Layla was born into a poor household and spent her entire life working in order to care for her basic needs. She eventually overworked herself to death. When she opened her eyes, she imagined being greeted by an angel who would accompany her to paradise and expecting to see nothing but white clouds around. Instead, she woke up in a luxurious bedroom that was ten times larger than her studio apartment. That wasn't all, either! In the mirror, she noticed a reflection that wasn't hers. She possessed a different body and eventually accept her faith. The persona she was inhabiting was Ophelia Lockhart, a socially awkward beauty who spent the most of her life in a massive mansion. An unmentioned character in a book entitled "In the Power of Love", that Layla adored. As soon as Layla entered her favorite book, she learned information that was left out of the text and that would alter the way she perceived the novel. What did she uncover, exactly? (Warning: the cover photo is not mine. Got it from pintrest.)

cute_lady_Jean · ファンタジー
267 Chs

Chapter 15: The Dream She Can't Fulfill in Her Previous Life

Ophelia watched the young boy in front of her, looking naive and adorable, while eating a dessert.

She can't believe she is now a mother. She has to take care of someone else's life other than hers. Just the thought of having a child was surreal for her.

The young boy beamed at her when their eyes met. He seemed to be so delighted to be sharing the same table with her.

Unknown emotions washed over her as she smiled at the child. She couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and fulfillment in that moment.

In her previous life, Ophelia didn't get a chance to have her own child, and just the mere dream of having one seems out of her reach. She just doesn't want to bring a new life into the world, knowing she can't give them the best life. But in that moment, as she smiled at the child, all of those past disappointments faded away.

Arc Lockhart was Ophelia's adoptive son and her biological nephew.

In fact, Arc was the son of Ophelia's older brother, who had passed away tragically. Her brother was supposed to be the next head of the household but died in a shipwreck before he could assume the role along with their parents.

It was a tragic accident that shocked the whole kingdom. That trip was meant to visit another kingdom across the ocean, but instead it ended in disaster. The ship they were on sinks to the bottom of the sea before it can even dock at the kingdom they are supposed to be visiting.

That trip was supposed to be attended by the whole family, but Ophelia was left behind along with her sister-in-law, who was pregnant at the time, because of sea sickness, which was worsening because of her pregnancy.

The news of the shipwreck has affected many things in the household. Ophelia suddenly became the head of the household and had to take on all the responsibilities and make important decisions as the head died in the shipwreck.

Both of them might have been affected by the accident, but her sister-in-law has been through a lot since she was pregnant and was in a delicate condition.

Her sister-in-law eventually passed away from childbirth complications, leaving Ophelia to take care of her newborn child.

Ophelia once again found herself in a position of immense responsibility. It was only her and the newborn left in the family, and she wanted to give everything to the newborn, so she adopted him.

Somehow, in the end, Ophelia didn't cope well with the responsibilities and ended up running away, leaving the newborn in the head butler's care.

She stayed at the hero's house, and they ended up marrying months later.

Now that she has found out more information about the story through the original Ophelia's memory, she can't help but feel like the story is much more complicated than she thought. There are multiple parts of the novel she still hasn't uncovered.

The child in front of her grew up without parents around him. He might have grown up well because of the care around him, but the love of his parents is still irreplaceable.

She can't help but judge Ophelia for her decision to adopt him when she can't even be true to her word, but on second thought, Ophelia also suffered a lot without someone to lean on.

Maybe the hero was the reason she survived so far until now, when he is no longer around because he has the heroine now.

"Eat slowly," she advised the child in front of her.

The child gulped down the food in his mouth before speaking. "Okay!"

The child replied with a mischievous smile.

Ophelia sighed and smiled at the beaming child.

Seeing this child in front of her made her curious about whether the original Ophelia was as adorable and warm when she was alive. She can't help but wonder. Since she can't see for herself in Ophelia's memory since it was her point of view.

She was curious about how they view the original Ophelia in their eyes.

Ophelia must've been a warm person for everyone to feel such fondness for her.

"If you'll excuse us, your grace, I will put young master in his bed," the nanny said as she picked up Arc, who was already dozing off in her arms.

The child must have been tired because he stalked her for almost a day. It's no wonder he fell asleep so easily.

"M-mommy?" the child woke up and called her.

"Yes," she replied, using her softest tone.

"Can I still see you tomorrow?" the child asked, battling to keep his eyes from drooping back to sleep.

"Of course," she replied softly, then gently patted the child's head, which he seems to love from the way he nudges his head against her touch like a cat.

The child drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and loved.

The nanny walked away with the child in her arms, leaving Ophelia alone in the quiet room.

Ophelia's smile faded away as she gazed at the hand, she used to pat Arc's soft hair. She realized how much that child yearned for parental love.

"Dante," Ophelia called out, her voice echoing through the quiet room.

"Yes, your grace," a voice said out of nowhere.

Ophelia turned around and saw Dante standing a few steps behind her with a stoic look on his face. "Since when have you been here?" she asked.

"I have been here since you entered the room, your grace," Dante replied with a slight bow.

Ophelia shivered at the head butler's bold answer.

She didn't expect the head butler to be blunt.

Her instinct didn't disappoint her since she felt the chill whenever Dante looked at her since she entered the room. She couldn't believe her guess was right.

His bold answer confirmed her suspicions.

"Why didn't you inform me about Arc?" " she asked, feeling the sense of being wronged.

The head butler smiled. "I apologized. I thought the master was still tired from her long journey. I was planning to inform you once you settled down."

Ophelia gave the head butler a scrutinizing look.

He seems to be telling the truth.

Ophelia decided to shake off the feeling. "How's Arc been doing while I was gone?"

"He's been doing well, your grace. We gave our outmost care to raising the young master as if he were our own," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

Ophelia felt a wave of relief wash over her as she realized that Arc had been in good hands during her absence. She couldn't help but feel grateful for the dedication and love the servants had shown towards her son.

"Good," she said, a smile forming on her lips. "I am glad to hear that. I trust that you have all taken excellent care of him." Ophelia's heart swelled with gratitude for the servants' unwavering commitment to her family.

"Dante, please continue to look after him while I am away." Ophelia's voice was filled with genuine appreciation as she spoke to Dante, one of the most trusted servants.

She knew that she could rely on him to provide the same level of care and attention that her son deserved.

"Are you going away, your grace?"

"Yes, I'm planning to travel around the kingdom," she replied, her eyes shining with excitement.

"If that's your decision, then I will gladly support you, your grace. Should I start preparing for your departure?" Dante asked, his voice filled with loyalty and dedication.

Ophelia nodded gratefully, knowing that she could count on him to handle all the necessary arrangements. "Yes, please make all the necessary preparations for my departure. I trust your judgment and expertise in ensuring a smooth journey," she replied, her confidence in Dante unwavering.

"And inform me as soon as possible if the divorce has been finalized by the church. I'll come back immediately," she added, her determination to end her marriage evident in her words.

Dante nodded understandingly, his commitment to Ophelia's well-being unwavering. "I will keep you updated on the status of the divorce proceedings," he assured her, his voice filled with reassurance. "You can rely on me to handle everything while you're away, your grace."

"Please do. I know you'll take care of it," she replied, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders.

I'm ashamed to say that! Especially since I'm not Ophelia. She shouted inwardly. I'm just pretending to be her.

"When are you leaving grace?"

"A week from now will be good. I'll stay here to spend time with Arc."

"I understand, your grace," the head butler replied with a bow, then left the room.

Ophelia promised that she would be happy on behalf of the original Ophelia, and one of them was to take care of the important things in her life, such as the household and her nephew.

And of course, she has to fulfill her wishes too to be happy for both of them.

And she was determined to make it happen. By doing the thing she always wanted to do in her previous life. Traveling to different places. She was especially excited about her travels in a world where magical places and creatures exist. She knew her travels would be filled with wonder and enchantment at every turn.
