
Second chance

I opened my eyes to a brightly lit room. I look at the ceiling and wonder what is happening. 'Am I still alive, but I don't want this life. I am not happy here. I am not independent to make decisions here. I don't want to be alive'

" Rossey...."

'ah... Wait.... Rossey....? Who is rossey?'

I turn my eyes to my left to see a beautiful women in early 30s with cat eyes, brown hair, eggshape face, round and wet eyes which is now red and swallon looking at me. Beside her a handsome man in late 30s who have a looks of every girls prince charming. His eyes are also swallon and looking at me.

'but who are they?, who is rossey?'

" hubby.... Hubby.. Look our baby is awake... Finally our baby is back...Call the doctor."

"ah... Yes... Yes..."

He turn around and pressed a switch near the bed.

"baby.. Are you OK... See dad and mom are here... OK.... Don't be afraid...."

With in 2 min the door was pushed open and set of 5 doctors with nurses all walked in.

'ah.? What's going on here? Why are there so many doctors'

The doctor checks me and gives me an injection and tells the couple few things hearing which they were relieved.

I close my eyes and start thinking what is happening when suddenly their are flashes of some memory which is not mine is rushed to my head. I receive all the details and understand that

' OK so now I am not lily who is 27 but rossey who is still a kid at 5. I was pushed down the stairs by my cousin Roy who is 12 in my uncles place. My father Robert is the second son of the chairman of kk group of companies which is one of the top ten companies in England. Robert was considered to be more eligible candidate as a successor instead of his elder brother James. Because of this James started hating and plotting against Robert. Once Robert married marry who is my mother he decided to start his own company and leave kk group to James. But still James and his family sees Robert and his family as threat. So Roy takes a privilege to bully rossey'

'OK so..... This is it.... I am in rossey' S body and got a second chance...


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Butzycreators' thoughts