
Little fairy

Next day rossey woke up at 5 and went for a walk around the garden. She is very determined to be strong but also clear about her age. Since she is only a kid now she has many opportunities. While taking a stroll she sees the gardener sweeping the garden but was cough badly. She went to him with a frown and tough his pant with her little hand.

Garden stopped his work feeling a tough and turned to see young miss with cute adorable face with a frown. He put the Broom down and bowed 90degree a greeted her. For which her frown deepened. She made the hand gesture to come near for which he complied.

Placing the tiny hand on his forehead she was shocked to discover he had high fever. She became angry and pulled his hand and lead him to the mansion.

The Gardner was confused but still complied as he was a mere servant.




When rossey was walking in garden her mother went to her room to check on her.she was shocked and worried when she could not find her inside her room nor in the bathroom. Worried she went to living room to find her husband sitting on the couch And reading newspaper. Seeing his anxious wife he stood up and rushed to her side to ask what happened but by then the couple saw their cute little angry girl coming towards living room by pulling the gardener along.

Rossey ignored her parents and pulled the gardener towards the couch and made him sit on it. Gardener became scared and rejected immediately. For which girl became angry and said with her cute little voice.

"grandpa gardener don't you dare get up. Before I become more angry simply lie down on this couch"

All of them were shocked and curious.

The gardener turned towards his master. Robert wanted to know what this cute baby doll wanted to do so he signalled the gardener to compile.

Once the gardener was lieing down, rossey turned to one of the servant to bring ginger tea and the servant to bring a bowl of water and towel. At last she turned to her father

"dad please call doctor"

"princess what happened are you not feeling well"

For which the girl glared at her dad. Robert signed and compiled and called the doctor to come home.

The 2 servants returned with tea and water bowl. Rossey gave tea to the Gardner which he took in daze. Everyone where still wondering what is happening. Once the tea was empty she made him lie down again and started putting wet towel on his forehead.

Only then everyone noticed that he was coughing, his face was red but lips were pale.

By then doctor came in at was about ask what was the matter before which rossey ran towards him and held his hand and dragged him towards the couch.

"doctor please check on him"

All servants were shocked and admired there little fairy whereas the parents of the adorable fairy had a proud look.

Hi readers,

Sorry if my story is not reaching your expectations. I just keep typing what ever comes to my mind. This is my first every story. Please give your reviews, suggestions, remark etc. I am still the learner..

Thank you for reading

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