
First step to become strong

It's been 2days since I was admitted to the hospital. According to the doctors I had a serious concussion and it is a miracle that I woke up. Yes it's indeed a miracle afterall lily became rossey.

Today by evening I will be discharged. This life I will not waste even I single day. I died at 27 in my past life who knows what's happens and when we breath our last breath. So I don't want to have any regrate when that time comes.

Since I am still 5 now I can't say I want to be independent. So now my first concern is to become physically and mentally strong. So strong that no one can underestimate me or my family.

Last life I became back drop for my families happiness but now I will be the main lead for myself and my family.

To be strong physically I should have a proper physical activities and I hope I can convene my dad to allow me to learn martial arts.

Today mom said that dad will join ous for lunch after which I will be discharged.

At 12 the door was opened and dad entered the ward with a charming smile. He was very happy to take me home. Since I was staying in the VIP ward we had a mini kitchen in here. Even though we could hire maid to cook, mom prefers to cook. According to her she was to make sure that she can make as delicious food as possible for here 2 most favourite people in her life.

Today even though the food was very blond it was still delicious. During lunch

"dad I will be going home today right.?"

"yes my princess, we will go home today"

"dad can I ask you something" I pouted my lips

"baby girl, you are daddy's princess, ask anything you want"

"dad, can I learn martial arts."



Dad lifts me and places me on his lap and strokes my head worried and ask

"baby girl why do you want to learn martial arts, it will be very tough, don't worry dad will protect you."

"dad, I know you are best and strongest dad. You will definitely protect me. But I also want to protect you. I also want to be strong like daddy. Please daddy.. Please"

He sighs and agrees

"OK but promise me that you will tell me if you don't want to learn anymore ok....

"yaaaaa I love you dad.. I love you so so so much."

"love you too baby girl"

Mary sighs and makes a sad faces and says

"no one loves me"

I jump down from my dad's lap go to mom and hugs her neck, kiss her cheeks and say "I love you mom"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Butzycreators' thoughts