

By evening 3 I was discharged. We were sitting in my dad's car. I was in between them and driver that uncle li was driving and my dad's assistant was in the passenger seat.

I was excited for 2 reasons. Firstly for getting discharged second for successfully taking my first step towards my plan.

I kept asking asking my dad about when will I start my lessons, who will be my trainer, what type of martial arts will I learn and so on.

Robert was planning on how to make Rossey to drop the plan but seeing her excitement he resigned.

After half an hour of ride we reached a huge gate. Seeing the car approaching the guards opened the gate. Only when the gates open and we were entering did I realise that there was one car in the front and one at the back. It was then I realised that they are our family bodyguards.

After entering the gate it took us 5 min to reach the huge mansion seeing which I was dazed.even when my got out of the car I did not try to go out that my parents worried.

"Rossey..... Baby....."

"princess... Are u feeling tired? Come let daddy carry you...."

Hearing this I came out of daze... Even though I am still 5 but I am already 27 for godness sake... How can I allow myself to be carried....

I jumped out the car with start.... Seeing my parents confused look I made an excuse of being excited about martial arts...

Mary took Rossey to her room to rest while Robert went to his study..

In study

"Hey Edwin, Robert here"

Edwin is Roberts childhood friend who is now chief in military. For the whole world these 2 were cold and ruthless but for family and friends they were warm and conciderate.

" Hey Rob, did sun rise in west... You... The very very busy business man calling me...."

Robert smirked " edwi, cut the crap... Its u who is always busy not the other way round... Anyway I have a favor to ask"

"is everything alright.. U make me worried"

" no... Nothing is wrong... Its actually like this..."

He informed Edwin everything about how rossey fell down the stairs, being hospitalised, wanting to learn martial arts.

" so you want me arrange someone to teach u daughter some self defence..seriously Rob just to teach ur daughter some self defense you want my help"

"no edwi.. She wants to learn actual martial arts not just self defense.."

"OK ill arrange and inform u..."

"thanx edwi...."

They spoke some random things before ending the call...

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Butzycreators' thoughts