
Chapter 1

Sid and his younger brother Jonah were on their way to another job for their dad. They were going to a place called Cooper's Restoration, which was still a few more hours away.

"So, what our plan? I honestly don't listen to that old man anymore." Jonah spoke after a while.

Sid smiled. "You really hate him, don't you?"

"I don't get why you don't."

Sid shrugged and answered the original question.

"The guy owes dad a lot of money, and they agreed the end of last month it was due back. The guy's been unreachable. Even his business line was cut off. "

"Do you think this guy has the money?"

"I'm sure we'll be bringing him back with us. So, I left room in the trunk."

Johah chuckled at Sids last remark and they were quiet again. The rest of the drive was uneventful. Small conversations to pass the time but for the most part, Jonah always liked to just take control of the music for long trips.

When they finally made it to the Restoration shop, they parked right at the front since the parking lot was empty.

Jonah looked around at the building with a frown. It looked like a delapitated old barn with broken side panels everywhere, a spot near the main entrance that clearly was still covered in remnants of a past fire. There was a tarp that looked like it was stapled to the roof to block the rain, the whole place should probably just be condemned. All kinds of parts, junk, and metal laying all over the property.

"What a shithole.."

Sid sighed before he open the door to get out of the car, and Jonah followed. Both of them looking around at the property a little more before walking in the front door.

"Mornin' boys, how can I help you?"

Inside, a woman stood behind a counter. Sid and Jonah were both in their early 30's, but could very well pass as her children.

Sid spoke. "Hi, we were hoping to speak to Mr. Cooper, is he here?"

The woman looked at them both curiously and her response was not what they were hoping for.

"That'd be my now late husband. I'm sorry, he passed away a few months ago."

Sid looked at Jonah, who excused himself outside, politely. He walked out the front door, pulled his phone out and called his dad, which only rang twice before he picked it up. It's rare for him to pick up at all when Jonah calls.

Jonah didn't give him a chance to speak before he snapped at his father through the phone.

"The guys dead, man. What do want us to do?"

Click. His dad hung out the phone.

"Fuckin asshole.." Jonah mumbled.

Meanwhile back inside, Sid was still talking to the widow.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. Cooper."

"You're a sweetheart. Thank you."

"Can I ask who takes care of the business since he passed?"

"My step daughter Ariana. She's been finishing any work he took on before he left us. I'm afraid we're closing this place in a few weeks, so we can't take on any new projects."

"That's okay, do you think I could still talk to her?"

"She's in the shop, I can go get her if you like?"

Just then, Jonah walked back in with a smile on his face as he apologized for disappearing.

"Could I bug you for a bathroom? It's been a long ride." Jonah smiled at the woman.

"Of course! This way!" she walked forward to show Jonah to the bathroom, and she pointed down a small hallway, leading to another door. "Ariana will be in there.... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your names."

"Sid. This is my brother Jonah. Thank you, Mrs. Cooper."

She smiled brightly as she lead Jonah to the other side of the main office, talking his ear off along the way.

Sid walked down the hall to the door and opened it without knocking. He heard loud noises coming from inside, no one would hear a knock. When he walked in, there was a small woman welding in the corner. Sid knew enough to avoid watching the light from the welding, but he couldn't peel his eyes off her.

Her welding helmet was covered in green 'HA HA HA' with a purple background. Sid smiled recognizing her like of a capped crusaders most hated villain.

He waited quietly by the door, leaning against a dusty old filing cabinet, watching. She had workboots on, and tight jeans. She wasn't wearing a heavy jacket, just a long sleeve black shirt and thin gloves. She finally saw him watching her, so she pulled off her helmet. Little red bits of hair falling down around her face, while the rest of her long red hair was tied up in a bun at the top of her head.

Sid couldn't help but stare. She was filthy from working, barely 5ft. tall, and she had huge, beautiful green eyes. She rubbed the sweat off her forehead with her wrist and it left a big line of dust. He tried hard not to smile, but was failing miserably.

Ari walked from the back area of the shop towards the stranger, taking notice to his odd staring. He spoke first, when she got closer.

"You must be Ariana. You're stepmom sent me back here. I'm Sid."

"Just Ari, please. What is it you want? I'm sure Sherry told you we're trying to close this place, so I'm not really taking on anything more projects."

"No.. I'm afraid I'm not here for that."

She sighed, realizing she knew what this was. Finally, after a long pause, she spoke.

"I begged him to give it back, but he wouldn't. He wouldn't even tell me how he got it."

Sid was surprised by her reaction. He never would have thought she knew anything, let alone admit it. He couldn't help but like her a little more for that.

"Is there any money, Ari?"

She was silent for a minute, resting the back of her hand on her head as if checking herself for a fever, but it was just what she did when she was stressed out.

"Some. More when we close up and sell. I've been trying to find a way to replace it before something like this happened."

"How long do you need for that?"

"Can I have at least until the end of the month? I won't have it all, I imagine. It seemed like a lot." she paused to look at Sid, who nodded confirming that it was 'a lot'.

"Here." Sid handed her a business card with his information on it. She took it, nodding.

"Thank you, Sid.. For understanding. The situation is a little beyond my capabilities."

"It's not me he owes. Circumstances have put the cards in your hand for now, but they aren't for long, Ms. Cooper... We'll be contacting you... And I am very sorry for your loss."

With that, he walked out. Ari couldn't help watch him curiously. Before the door closed all the way, Jonah and Ari caught a glimpse of each other too.

"Thank you, Sherry. It was a pleasure to meet you." Jonah winked at her before he walked out the front door with Sid.

Ari came in from the back shop after seeing a second guy, she had to make sure her stepmom was okay. Which, she definitely was fine. She was even smiling.

"What nice boys, did you found out what they wanted?"

"Customers of dads, apparently. He just needed me to recommend someone else." Ari didn't say anything else. She just went back to work when she saw them drive off.


Sid and Jonah drove away in silence. After over an hour into the ride home, they stopped at a gas station just off the interstate .

After Sid finished filling the car up with gas, Jonah came back with snacks and bottles drinks. He tossed Sids drink over the car, allowing his brother to easily catch it.

"What did he say when you called?" Sid asked Jonah when he caught his drink.He was asking about the conversation on the phone with their dad earlier.

"He didn't. Just hung up. I'm sure he's waiting to hear from you." Jonah responded with a chuckle.

As much as Sid thought he should defend his father, there was no denying that Jonah was right, it would be pointless to object. Daniel and Jonah just didnt get along.

"There was something about that girl..."

Jonah was shocked. He stared at his brother from across the car, waiting for something else to happen. Candy rain drops, or giant alien robots make more sense then Sid being protective or caring towards anyone.

They both got into the car.

"Something about that girl, huh?" Jonah chuckled.

"Shut up." Sid snapped and picked up the phone to call their dad. Jonah didn't say anything else on the subject.

When Sid called, he was told by his father to keep checking in with the Cooper daughter.


As the weeks passed and the end of the month came closer, Ari and Sid had stayed in contact through short text messages back and forth.

A few days before the end of the month, September, Sid and Jonah were sitting in their dad's office talking. Jonah was playing on his phone with his feet up on his dad's desk.

"Get your boots off my desk, boy. "

Jonah rolled his eyes and sat in his chair properly. His dad turned back to his eldest, Sid.

"What have you heard from the daughter?"

Sid replied. "She's got most of it... I honestly don't know how she pulled it off."

"The mother?"

Jonah answered, still not looking up.

"Step mom... And no, she's useless."

Their dad glanced at Jonah, but again, he looked back at Sid, who nodded at him. Confirming his brother was right, the woman did seem pretty useless.

"So what do you want us to do, we know she won't have all the money in time." Sid asked.

"Have her bring what she has here.."

Jonah looked up finally, not hiding the glare on his face towards his father.

"Why bring her here? What could you possibly want with her?" Jonah questioned.

"I want my money, Jonah."

"You have money, old man, leave the poor girl alone."

"Just get out." his father looked like he was getting bored with his youngest son.

"Fuck you." Jonah got up and stormed out, slamming the door as he left.

Sid shook his head at his brother's behavior, but wasn't going to be the one to apologize for it. The old man did bring it on himself with the way he always treated them like lackies, constantly making them feel like they will amount to nothing in life without him.

"Seriously, what do you want with her?"

His dad didn't speak right away, he was going too, but hesitated. It was strange to see his dad at a loss of words.

"I can't ignore this, Sid.. I can't let someone just walk away when any one of their family members: alive or dead, owes me. I wouldn't be here today if I did. Bring her here, and we will figure it out."

"Yeah, alright." Sid got up without another word and left his dad alone in his study. He needed to find his brother.

Sid went to his brothers room but found it empty. So he went to the basement, where the home gym was. Jonah always went to the basement to workout when he was angry, which happened a lot.

"What's with you, Jonah?"

Jonah scoffed, and didn't stop to talk.

Sid continued "She's going to be fine, he said he'll figure something out."

"Fuck that he will. You know exactly where she's going to end up. I'm not sending the only girl my brother has ever admit feeling for off to work at a place like that." He was still, glaring at his brother. He sighed out his frustration again.

"That's not the plan, and not at all what I said.." Sid glared at Jonah.

"It might as well have been. So than what the fuck is the plan, Sid?"

"Just be ready, and we'll both make sure she gets out of here in one piece. Deal?"

Jonah nodded and went back to his workout. Sid knew the conversation was over, so he left his brother alone.