
Little Witch of Wonders book #1: Curse of Burning Souls

Ophelia Wolf has always wanted to go to the famous Alexandria Faith School - a school of magic and witchcraft disguised as an all girls Christian school - and when her acceptance letter arrives she’s over the moon! But it’s way more than she was expecting.

Wren_Phoenixblood · ファンタジー
1 Chs


Rose Diablo glared up at the building before her. One day she would get her revenge. "One day," she muttered over her breath as she clenched her fists.

"ROSE!" Her mother, a powerful witch named Gloria Shelley (she had taken back her maiden name after divorcing her ex-husband, a hunter named Dylan Diablo), shouted.

"Coming!" Rose shouted over her shoulder before turning her head to face the school again. "You will pay for this Cora Wolf," she growled before turning back around and running towards her mother's car, her long dark purple hair trailing behind her as lightning flashed in the background. "You will pay."

No character profiles as the first chapter this time! I hope you enjoyed it!

Here's a brief description of Rose:

Rose has beautiful long flowing dark purple hair, dark purple eyes, and pale skin. She often wears black dresses and makeup (her mother doesn't approve).

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