
Chapter 89 - Packing Up

Wren was packing everything up for the travel. It was then he felt a presence nearby the door. He glanced up.

Mu Zheng stood there with an unknown look on his face.


"You're really master's mate?" he skeptically glanced at him.

"I am, so what?"

"You're not strong. Why are you my master's mate?"

Wren stood packing and gave him his full attention. "I'm just hundred. I have room to grow and age to grow strong. As for you, I bet you are a thousand year old beast stuck in the same core building stage for years,"

Mu Zheng bit his lips with a raging look. "You're mean. I'll go tell master that you're mean."

"Childish." Wren scoffed and continued shoving clothes in the bag. "You, I won't forgive you. You hurt my best friend."

"It was partially my mistake. But you can't blame me for that. My master was hurt badly because of that roc and that man was on top of him. I was not able to control my overwhelming anger,"