
Chapter 190 - The ice spirit

Wen Ro finally was able to climb up a huge tree and was able to deploy the ship. They watched as the small ship grew in size. They both hopped on and head off.

The travel this time was not that hard. They had to travel for about fifteen days. It was monotonous and boring. Bai Wren played around with Wen braiding his long hair.

The smooth shiny black hair looked so good in braids. Bai gently caressed it.

"You like my hair?"

"hmm it looks good." He mumbled, patting his head. "you hungry?"

"yeah….." Wen Ro weirdly sounded very dejected.

Bai patted his head softly. "What is it? What's going on in that small mind of yours,"

"I miss my mom….." Wen mumbled, hugging himself. "I have never been away from them for this long…. It… its not a good feeling," he whispered, playing around with the small white pendant on his neck. The two pendants he wore occasionally clashed with each other creating a small tinging sound.